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Everything posted by HGR#777

  1. HGR#777


    I can do them but I have a few other cars to do on the waiting list
  2. Just so everybody knows and so they don't start creating one for him, I am doing the skins for him.
  3. What do you guys think is the most important for the drivers? Gold or Silver roof? I think that the Wizard Championship of the world (world final) has more to it and is a better feeling when you win but the National Points Championship is more important because it shows who is best! I would like to see what your opinions are so comment below!☺
  4. Okay. Thanks for the update Grasser
  5. Is their going to be any World Final Videos or Twitch live streams for the world finals as their hasn't been an upload for a while and I enjoy watching them. P.S. I have been looking into UK Dirt for a while now and have decided that if you are doing the free winter series again this year I am going to have a go it as I see this is the BEST stock car league around by miles
  6. Tomorrow is the 13th Oh ye. Sorry was looking at the month number not the day
  7. The first semi-final isn't tomorrow its next week on Thursday the 13th
  8. Just been reading other threads in the skin painting forum and I have found out where to save. I got my first car into the game. Thank you guys and that makes me another step closer to joining your league maybe next year!
  9. Hi! I have been practicing painting my own F1 stock car shale skins but where do I save the skin so I can view it in-game. I don't want to put it in the UK Dirt folders as i am still testing things out. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thx
  10. Okay PeeWee
  11. Okay PeeWee
  12. Just to let you know it is to race here in the future.
  13. Please can somebody make me a BriSCA F1 stock car skin not for use in leagues at the moment but may do in future years if the race number isn't taken. Main car colour: red Race number: #55 Writing on roof: Harry Graham Racing Writing on bonnet and side of car: YouTube ~ Harry Graham Gaming All writing colour in: Light Silver Blue Flames on side of car where space Thankyou to anybody who can do this for me because i cant work out how to paint my own skin as it is too confusing. If anybody can do this for me please PM me. Thankyou in advance
  14. Can someone give me some clear skin making instructions please. Can you send me a link with the software download also
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