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Everything posted by BrianB

  1. What a difficult track whas this for me.. pff.. not have the speed today… aya sowhat. WD Tjalle! youre pase whas fantastic. thanks admins for the meeting see u next week
  2. whooee Blue!! cmon boy
  3. i fixed it..
  4. if got rfactor on steam.. so i put it there in the location folder in gamedata.. where all the tracks are
  5. hello lads.. today i install the balle vue track for the common f2 meeting... now i want to go to the track on the server i get this error: Error opening MAS file BELLEVUE.MAS what is this and can someone help me? greets Brian
  6. Name: BrianB Number: 10 Grade: white booking out
  7. Stoke.. Always a hell strack! but had fun today! see u next week cheers to the admins!
  8. Shale
  9. The new version of my shale car.. hope can use it F1 Shale Car 2019.rar
  10. Hello! i updated my F1 Tarmac Skin. F1 Tarmac 2019.rar
  11. Hello, Can someone explain this with photo's for me please ?
  12. Here Are My F1 skins for 2019! Have Fun all!! Maybe i will change it through the season Really have fun with skin making this season. cheers!! F1 Shale Car 2019.rar F1 Tarmac Car 2019.rar
  13. If change mij number to 10.. so i wil uploade new skins
  14. Ore you Just do somthing for yourself
  15. i would like to use my old skin off 2017.
  16. last year
  17. Hello Guys, Long time no see, I build myself now an new game pc.. so i am back for the action.. BUT!. I am livestreaming mij events also! SO!, Evrey event i wil compeet in. i wil livestream it. that is: * F1's * F2's * Mini's *Banger's!! So. I work alot.. but i post my livestream link in the live post if im can make it to the meating. have fun al this season. see you al at the track! i am on holliday from 19th of februari till 9th of martch... and than i go racing. AND. livestream for u guys! hope for a good season! have fun!
  18. GL all!!
  19. BrianB H540 Booking out..
  20. BrianB booking out
  21. You know about me
  22. Really Nice skins mate
  23. Can you say Please?
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