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Everything posted by Seneschall

  1. Hi guys, Just wondering, since you don't delete the old packs, can I still use my old skins? And also, is there anyone who would be willing to do me 2 new formula 2 skins?
  2. hi guys, so how does a new season start? do you have to delete all the old skins and files and download again? new released ones I mean? any information on a new season would be great, only joined half wy through lat year
  3. problem solved
  4. Bristol not loading, what should I do???
  5. great meeting tonight
  6. don't know if that's a good or bad start from yellow, not a bad meeting, taken out a lot but that's racing, roll on next monday
  7. Great meeting, happy to have been 4th top scorer and pulled 48 points, good results all night and happy with a win
  8. Not my night, people spinning me from all over, one of those nights for me im afraid, see what next week brings
  9. Good meeting overall, felt good that a white grade like me can use the bumper as much as anyone on anyone and nobody gets annoyed with it just because of my roof colour
  10. Does anyone know why Ringwood wont work? ive extracted it into a normal folder and its on rfactor but doesn't load?
  11. Great nights racing, felt hard done by in the final to get taken out by someone who either spun me on purpose or just came in to hard and drove through me. Well done to Danskin for the wos win, well done to danw on the final win, I think if anyone made me struggle tonight it was probably you, you was so quick on the shale tonight, also enjoyed a few laps with ricky, see you all next week......
  12. Booking out Seneschall 376 White
  13. Great meeting, feel as though ive done quite well in my first proper meeting where ive had a skin and some pace, to come away with 35 points is great, and my second win this week following my f2 win on Monday, came second in a great race with DanSkin, See everyone at crimond
  14. wow thanks, didn't expect to be noticed for my consi win tbf
  15. Haha I hope so, I tried to keep out your way as it was obvious to me you was a little quicker and didn't want to ruin either of our races, means a lot thanks mate
  16. great meeting, glad to have got a win, loved the grand national tonight
  17. when will the skinpack be released?
  18. im a novice, and I understand what you mean, however I don't think I was to bad at all so hopefully the minority of novices wont make us all look bad Not had any issue with you mate, just one particular one following me in and rejoining right infront of me, both in the same race. I know you all have to start somewhere, but some have made the rest look stupid tonight I'm afraid. Think I might know who you are talking about mate, Glad to here you didn't have an issue with me, Shame some people can't understand the clean racing side of stockcar racing, nudge and pass not follow in, happened a few times to me tonight mate, See you at belle vue
  19. happy to have taken a few points tonight hopefully ill be able to use my skins soon
  20. im a novice, and I understand what you mean, however I don't think I was to bad at all so hopefully the minority of novices wont make us all look bad
  21. I already have, I know its mildenhall buddy
  22. whats wrong with the ssc mildenhall server? I join and it loads foxhall and says server does not recognise vehice, which is a novice skin
  23. agree 100%
  24. great meeting, happy to have taken points, great racing
  25. as im a novice im a bit confused, once iv'e finished heat one would I then stay in the server for heat 3 to start?
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