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About Chewyjr102

  • Birthday 25/03/2002

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    Glenrothes, Scotland

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  1. Shale & Tarmac. No veh's. 102 2021 F1s.zip
  2. Chewy Junior 102 Blue
  3. Does anyone have the real feel plugin or know where I can get it please?
  4. 102 blue
  5. What are the grades done on? Points position, average or just where you think everyone should be?
  6. 102___263_Tarmac_and_Shale_Skins.zip
  7. Dean McGill's skins. ** Received ** Dean_McGill_Saloon_Shale___Tar.zip
  8. If my memory serves me rite no novice skins allowed. However as there will be no pack before then. If you send them me so I have them as proof you intend to have skins before then I can't see why you can't race Cheers mate, will send them tonight.
  9. Cheers for the meeting admins, well done Wardieee and DanSkin! What are the rules for racing a championship with no skin or will there be an update this week?
  10. That was awesome! Cheers admins and Well done to Dan on top points and the Final.
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