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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. WD sybe on top scoring and Matthew on taking what was an action packed final.



    Heat 1: 286 11 136 290 259 291 112 233 248 380 39 8 525 3

    Heat 2: 315 39 74 291 3 288 331 413 8 202 248 136 380

    Heat 3: 74 315 300 331 112 11 259 233 290 288 525 202 286 413


    A-Final: 413 136 112 315 290 233 331 74 259 286 291 288 11 8 3 525 202 248 380 *


    GN 1: 74 315 291 290 136 331 11 8 3 259 286 233 202 112 413 288 248 525 380


    41 pts 315 Sybe Racing

    34 pts 74 razza

    33 pts 136 Kruiz

    26 pts 413 matthewb

    28 pts 290 Dazza

    24 pts 112 Tom D

    23 pts 331 HUTCH

    17 pts 291 Marten

    15 pts 11 chevy

    14 pts 233 Grasser

    14 pts 259 jimmymuk

    12 pts 286 Mr Beef

    7 pts 3 Johno

    7 pts 39 LeeK

    6 pts 300 Mattyaspin

    5 pts 8 tosh874

    4 pts 288 Ironmac

    1 pts 248 Tinman

    1 pts 380 davey boy

    1 pts 202 Vegas

    0 pts 525 Maverick


    * 300 taken out of the final result due to warp.

  2. Evening, heres the heats and final grid for tonights meeting at Hednesford, Final and GN will be all in.


    Heat 1: 11, 248, 380, 525, 3, 39, 112, 286, 8, 233, 259, 291, 136, 290 (Server 91)

    Heat 2: 248, 74, 300, 380, 3, 39, 202, 315, 8, 288, 291, 413, 136, 331 (Server 91)

    Heat 3: 11, 74, 300, 525, 112, 202, 286, 315, 233, 259, 288, 413, 290, 331 (Server 91)


    Final Grid:



    11 - 248



    380 - 74

    525 - 300



    39 - 315

    286 - 3

    112 - 202



    233 - 288

    8 - 291

    259 - 413



    290 - 136



    Please be in chat by 7:25

  3. Thanks all for racing tonight, WD Hutch on winning the Final and top scoring, thus meaning he wins the WF Ticket to ipswich kindly donated by chevy.



    Heat 1: 291, 202, 331, 236, 136, 3, 300, 413, 18, 74, 8, 11, 259

    Heat 2: 331, 291, 233, 290, 18, 39, 74, 8, 112, 380, 515, 11

    Heat 3: 236, 136, 413, 259, 290, 39, 112, 233, 300, 202, 380


    A-Final: 331, 136, 233, 290, 291, 413, 300, 3, 112, 202, 259, 236, 74, 18, 8, 11, 380, 39

    GN: 202, 3, 39, 290, 233, 331*, 291, 136, 259, 236, 300, 74, 413, 8, 18, 380, 11, 112



    51 pts 331 HUTCH

    35 pts 136 Kruiz

    34 pts 291 Marten

    33 pts 290 Dazza

    32 pts 233 Grasser

    24 pts 202 Vegas

    21 pts 3 Johno

    19 pts 413 matthewb

    15 pts 39 LeeK

    15 pts 236 DanSkin

    13 pts 300 Mattyaspin

    9 pts 112 Tom D

    8 pts 259 jimmymuk

    5 pts 18 marky

    3 pts 74 razza

    1 pts 380 davey boy

    1 pts 8 tosh874

    0 pts 11 chevy

    0 pts 515 Big Al

    492 Earache NO SHOW

  4. Evening Lads, Tonight is the consolation Semi at Bradford shale where the top 4 make it onto the WF grid. Also tonights final winner wins a ticket to this years WF at ipswich kindly donated by Chevy, more info here >>> http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopi...mp;#entry165486 <<<

    You will all need the latest skinpack from >>> http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=29788 <<<


    The grid for the consolation semi is as follows: -

    492 - 300

    236 - 8




    515 - 315

    413 -136



    Onto the main meeting: -


    Heat 1: 11, 74, 492, 599, 3, 202, 300, 18, 236, 259, 291, 8, 413, 136, 331, ,

    Heat 2: 11, 74, 515, 3, 380, 18, 39, 112, 291, 315, 8, 233, 290, 331, ,

    Heat 3: 492, 515, 599, 202, 300, 380, 39, 112, 236, 259, 315, 233, 413, 136, 290, ,


    492 - 11

    515 - 599



    380 - 202

    3 - 300


    112 - 236

    259 - 18

    291 - 315



    233 - 8



    290 - 331


    Please make sure I have you down for 2 heats.


    Heats and final are clutch start. For The Grand Final: Drivers line up 2-a-breast in their normal grade. The grades will then be asked to move directly behind the grade in front of them.


    All races in server ending .91

  5. Well done Hutch on winning euro. Well done mav and walker on a good meeting and wd walker on your first win, yours isn't fair off mav!. Sorry to all if I was hitting to hard, I will try to tone it down from next week onwards. Really enjoyed the 2 meetings weds + thurs for obvious reasons! cya all next week :042:

  6. Firstly, Thanks to everyone who raced tonight, I thought the racing was excellent and look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

    Onto tonight, and Well Done to all the winners, I managed to win the final and thus made me top points scorer on the night. Also thanks to Jarry for running the hot rod meeting, I thought the two mods ran well together.

    Well Done to the drivers that qualified for the european aswell.

    On a personal note I enjoyed my first time as RM and I hope everything went smooth(ish) lol



    Heat 1: 259 74 3 290 331 41 496 236 531 291 221 525 300 164

    Heat 2: 291 288 41 331 300 112 391 525 236 8 286 221 11 515 52 164

    Heat 3: 288 74 259 112 8 290 3 286 123 531 391 11 39 515 52 41

    Heat 4: 8 291 3 288 123 290 259 531 391 525 74 11 221 236 52

    Heat 5: 39 3 41 331 112 8 300 233 11 391 286 525 288 515

    Heat 6: 291 259 331 41 290 74 233 123 236 112 286 300 496 39 515


    A-Final: 259 291 41 288 300 39 525 3 8 112 331 233 123 496 286 391 11 515 74 236



    61 pts 259 jimmymuk

    56 pts 291 Marten

    50 pts 41 Drumbstick (Qualified for the European)

    46 pts 288 Ironmac

    41 pts 3 Johno (Qualified for the European)

    33 pts 8 Tosh (Qualified for the European)

    32 pts 331 HUTCH

    27 pts 112 Tom D

    27 pts 290 Dazza

    26 pts 74 razza (Qualified for the European)

    26 pts 300 Mattyaspin (Qualified for the European)

    24 pts 39 LeeK

    16 pts 525 Maverick (Qualified for the European)

    14 pts 123 dubstar

    10 pts 391 Corny

    10 pts 236 DanSkin

    9 pts 233 Grasser

    9 pts 531 magicman

    5 pts 496 wrighty

    4 pts 286 Mr Beef

    3 pts 11 chevy

    0 pts 221 Spike

    0 pts 515 Big Al

    0 pts 52 Kevin152

    0 pts 164 Jarry


    * qualified subject to official confirmation from Kev.


    * Heat were scored using grand national points, with the final points being normal, to give a maximum of 73 points for the night, due to the normal format giving a maximum 65 points. Makes sure that the natinal points chart is fair, as if we scored it normally, there would only be 49 points to play for tonight.

  7. Evening lads, Tonight we are racing at the superb New track NIR, everyone needs to get the latest version of the track from >>>> http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=29568 <<<<

    Also you will all need the latest skinpack for tonights meetings >>>> http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=29573 <<<<


    Tonights format is as follows: -


    F1 HEAT 1

    F1 HEAT 2


    F1 HEAT 3

    F1 HEAT 4


    F1 HEAT 5

    F1 HEAT 6


    F1 FINAL



    Heat 1: 74, 221, 496, 525 // 3, 164, 259, 300 // 39, 236, 291, 531 // 41, 123 // 290 331 CARS: 16

    Heat 2: 11, 221, 515, 525 // 52, 164, 300, 391 // 112, 236, 288, 291 // 8, 41, 286 // 331 CARS: 16

    Heat 3: 11, 74, 496, 515 // 3, 52, 259, 391 // 39, 112, 288, 531 // 8, 123, 286 // 290 CARS: 16

    Heat 4: 11, 74, 221, 525 // 3, 52, 259, 300, 391 // 236, 288, 291, 531 // 8, 123 // 290 CARS: 16

    Heat 5: 11, 496, 515, 525 // 3, 164, 300, 391 // 39, 112, 288, 531 // 8, 41, 286 // 331 CARS: 16

    Heat 6: 74, 221, 496, 515 // 52, 164, 259 // 39, 112, 236, 291 // 41, 123, 286 // 290, 331 CARS: 16







    11 - 496

    515 - 74

    525 - 221



    52 - 391

    3 - 300

    164 - 259



    531 - 39

    291 - 236

    288 - 112



    41 - 123

    286 - 8



    290 - 331

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