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Everything posted by LittleLeech774

  1. Please post here if you would like a late booking or if u want to cancel. Ta Leech
  2. mine and garys 774_LeechSkins.zip 131_GarySkins.zip
  3. Cheers for meeting gary, enjoyed it, a few ott hits but its Barford what do you expect lol... Cya all at the semis
  4. Yup cheers
  5. links dead mate?
  6. can i have a very late booking please?
  7. Whoops thats why i found it different to last time lol, downloaded server 32bit instead of client :L
  8. How does team speak work lol... just downloaded it and dont know what to do? any help please?, did have it working at one point for sim-stox ages ago
  9. Cheers for the meeting dave and hooty for stewarding... wasnt my night but had a couple of good results so was happy, i thought the racing was good overall, the walls are just stupid now though tbh, well done drumb on the scottish championship and also mike for top point scoring ... Cya all next week. Craig
  10. Book my bro in please... Gary#131 Blue
  11. I didn't look back that far on the thread so didn't know what colours he had... But Dave is correct I copied coopers shale car, and like he said pedz race sim-stox I race ukdirt so your not going see same colours racing around.... Nice car Dave well done
  12. Catch me on MSN Monday night mate
  13. Id be intrested in a ukdirt league again mate
  14. Cancel me please, don't know if u got my PM
  15. Lol am feeling it today at work thats for sure :L
  16. After many of hours work, here are my new f2s for the rest of the season... many thanks to Kyle for the Wash&Dash logo on tarmac car and also TomD for the shale colours ! Coming to a track near you soon.... click for bigger image....
  17. me lmao
  18. Forgot to say, yours looks well with european wing tosh
  19. My new one ... click photo for full size... Comments always welcome good or bad
  20. Great Meeting overall, wow heat 4 was just fantasic, Drumb said if he gets time he will upload it for people to race, just an example of what ukdirt f2s have, well done to tosh on the euro title. cya all next week Craig
  21. can you use my skins from last year please?
  22. oh u can also use a ps3 pad if u have the charger wire thingy pluged into control and pc also with a special program
  23. Good meeting all round i thought, had a few good races with people, sorry about my bad re-join in one of the heats as i know it messed a few peoples races. Wd to danskin for the british drove a cracking race, cya next week
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