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Everything posted by COURTY 334

  1. Edit button ran away, found these.... i took these btw
  2. My bro took these but i thought they were of good standard tbh lol
  3. Somebody made a primera a while ago didnt they? i have one in the game i just cant remember who made it lol
  4. Bradderz cant u tell your 11...you talk absolute poop and think that jag on bluey follow in is clever. I understand your young but come on "Northerners Rule and Southerners Drule" dont you think thats stupid even for an 11yr old? Wrecking is part of bangers but not constantly wreck which is what u seem to emphasise. its madness. Like when u say "follow him in, dont go past for him to spin you" thats balls, u can just go past u know, say if the car infront is dead slow, u try spinnin them and it jus holds u up.
  5. How about one of these? Dad raced one once it was rapid lol
  6. great pics but people keep modelling cars which nobody races, it's good to have a bit of variety in the cars and the more the merrier but different yanks which few people have raced dont really seem like cars that need to be in the game.
  7. I was told a while ago that national saloon stocks use mk2 granada radiators? is this true? if so can you please reply as we have quite afew which need to go.
  8. COURTY 334


    Erik try having a silver car with not as much mould on it, good idea with the green tho
  9. Just curious if the steve hemmings fin plate interupts how the car rolls over? because i think it'll look a bit silly if the car is sitting perched on the axe lol..Looks good tho
  10. Happy Birthday M8 ps. i thought your 40th was afew years back
  11. make a steering wheel with a disc on it no chance of catching online thumbs then
  12. COURTY 334


    Ever so sorry to be picky rodder, but to me it looks as if the shelves filing cabinet thingy majig is kind of off balance if you get what i mean, it doesnt follow the vanishing points so it looks falling over instead of 3D, and i think the toolbox is floating..but lush yard scene
  13. Completely agree with Nick.. Immigration is acceptable, and for once i agree with Erik too the pendulum has swung too far the wrong way. Alot of people say the classic 'they come over here and take our jobs' but a large proportion of this country is unemployed anyway, and fair play to the foreigners, (sorry for generalising 'them' an 'they') they come over earn so much then go home occasionaly and have much more when its converted back into zloty, lats or rubles or whatever they use. And no matter what political party you choose its not going to change the vote, i doubt the number of people voting for BNP will out number Labour, Liberals or Conservatives. And its not as if (sorry for generalising again) the foreigners will vote BNP is it. Cheers, Courty
  14. lmao bradderz if your goin to be like that why dint you point out that if its a bears car why is it bent haha... epic model rodder
  15. Edits dissappeard, i mean matt smalls 300c, not granny lol
  16. Someone said on the other page to have a wrap around cage to protect the driver. IMO i think this will do more harm, if the car snaps and bends well it could put the cage on the driver. I saw at northampton afew years ago one of them little midget things hit the fence, because all they are is metal tubing and an engine the tube was wrapped around the guys head and he nearly died. Also usually in a follow-in you see them trapped in there cars maybe but they usually get out wave to the crowd and escape with cuts and bruises. However if you see somebody flat out t-boned they're out cold with the passenger door on their lap. And armouring is dangerous, if anyone went to the icebreaker earlier this year you would've seen matt smalls mk2 granny, that was a dangerous car. But i spose its a big circle, more people get hurt so more people armour, the people that armour then maybe hurt other people..and so on. Just thought i'd add my two penny worth
  17. Dad had number 36 when he used to race bangers so i used that but made it into a 3-digit number for ministox as 336, my bro then chose 334 for his ministox after 34 from my mum so i stole it for my banger lol
  18. COURTY 334


    I havent read this thread for a while and i seen dazzas van and someone said post a pic of marcs, well here it is, i hope he doesnt mind me posting it up
  19. Ive always thought Horndean was quite a popular track? wouldnt of thought you wouldnt know about it? lol
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