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About Murf

  • Birthday 28/10/1977

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    Anything with an engine on.

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  1. Spot on job MoR..... The posts definately work and the track looks the mutts nutts.... Wisbech was post and rope too .. Who dont like a good posting llf....
  2. Atlast...... People are seeing there is a difference between Heat and Rfactor.... Heat is an arcade game modded to look like stockcar racing, where as Rfactor is a simulator that has been modded to look, feel and act like real life racing... As with most things in life people only remember the good points of their past even if it doesnt suit today... Ukdirt and heat was the first place you could take your weekend hobby home with you and meet up with the people you meet at the tracks, and thats where you got your community feel... Heat was a keyboard and if you splashed out, a joypad game, that you could play on any hand me down pc, but like everything else times and things change, and usually to the dislike of the 'oldschool'.. To enjoy Rfactor to its full, you need a good pc and a good wheel, FACT... Ive given out my setups on numerous occasions to those who I see trying, but never to a fool who hasnt got a clue... 1. No community.... Have to disagree, its just moved away from typing and now its teamspeak for me... 2. No practice.... Again I disagree, you want to practice with a clear track so you get used to the car then do it offline. If you know the times you are aiming for then theres the answer... When I moved to Rfactor all I did was offline practice.... 3. Now heres the key point for me and it wont go down well... DONT USE KEYS/PADS AND SWINGMAN!!! I went round a mates the other day and done a couple of laps with a pad, that was it, 2 laps and bored... The lack of feel, control and involvement was shocking... I take the racing quite seriously and others dont, its not the grade that matters its the ability to drive round an oval without reversing/pulling out without looking and thinking to yourself, 'Id better not fk someone elses race up' and become a complete nuisance which is automatically given to an old boy or numpty who thinks hes playing his playstation... To sum it up, if you promote the league as 'open to anyone with a keyboard' then you are going to lose those who like to race properly, standards fall and numbers will decrease and end up with good drivers thinking 'I ent gonna bother'.... Love from Murf....
  3. Murf

    arena results

    Cheers Kev....
  4. Murf

    arena results

    Technically Mav jnr is doin nothing wrong, just a little eager to do well.... Just because you have a bumper dont mean you have to hit every car in range.... Seems to have the ability, but racecraft takes time to get the hang of... Sometimes its best to took in behind faster cars, rather than making lunges to maintain your place, unless its the last lap... Everybody has their own driving style, and it is a contact formula.... But if there is somebody who I pass who I think is gonna nail me next corner then Im gonna have to dispose of them before they get the oppotunity.... Keep at it Jnr, and tell ya old man to stop moanin and race too...lol And wheres these replays?? llf
  5. Murf

    arena results

    Coff coff..... My points? llf.... Can you stick the replays up for the meet please Kev ...
  6. Other cars? If youre racing against AI (offline), dont bother m8.... Its best to use your offline time on the track on your own... The default setups are very good in the F1s.... Learn to drive the car without changing setups.... Do a million laps and youll get the hang of it.... Thats what we all did.....
  7. Keep the default setup (whatever track).... Get a wheel (personal preference).... Drive at your own pace, start steady and get faster.... Be as smooth as possible, drive how you would if you were driving for real.... Its a sim
  8. Soz for no show... Was changing battery and alternator on the car .... Pissed that I missed a Lynn meet...
  9. murf 561 booking
  10. super late bookin.... 561
  11. Late 1 for me 561
  12. 561 booking
  13. murf561
  14. Im not just a glorified spectator, Ive raced for years, thats why I voice my opinions on the standards of online racing... Dave, you dont agree with leagues that tell you what you can and cant do? Theyre rules mate and all leagues have them... I see by your signature that you are a heat man too, so you come from the swingman view club, thats why you dont agree, change is not good and that.... All being said its about the quality of racing and like I say again Rfactor is a simulator, that means it represnents to the best of its ability to replicate real life... Like the flight simulator that pilots use, they dont point it to the floor and say well it dont matter.... Qulaity of racing is the whole point of this league, because if you have a bunch of halfwits racing the F1s as bangers there would be no league.... This all came from a driver saying that he raced with keys, and I thought that was not suited to racing online with Rfactor... Following somebody and seeing the wheels flick about like both the track rod ends have come off is off putting and puts the time that the modders have put in a waste... imo....
  15. I repeat.... Rfactor is a SIMULATOR ..... Heat is a game..... Its only the old school or those who are not prepared to move on that think rfactor is an arcade game and keys are ok to use in online races.... By all means if you have never played rfactor and are trying it for the first time then use keys to see what it looks like... As far as racing online, if you are using keys/joypad and even swingman view then your not getting the entire rfactor experience... Its likely that your standards of racing are lower and with that you have the wrong attitude to racing....You're trying to turn a simulator into a game, which is like owning skyHD and choosing to watch the crappy anologue picture instead... Pointless... Use keys for typing and pacman, but use a wheel to drive a simulator... Kendo ... Just make a list of all the leagues that use Rfactor and let you use keys...
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