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Mr Beef

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Everything posted by Mr Beef

  1. I have tried racing online with my laptop which has ATI x1250 256mb graphics card and only got 16-20 FPS. Totally unplayable. Not too bad offline but as soon as you go online with other cars, waste of time.
  2. Johno are these grades in effect from now
  3. Johno you need to empty your pm inbox
  4. Nice one Johno. A big thanks to chevy for the very kind gesture. Only problem is I'm away all next week, gutted or what . Oh just one thing rfactor world final on Thursday 18th and BRISCA final Saturday 20th and its 2008 not 2009. Sorry thats 3 things
  5. Thanks and well done admin for running meeting I think it was a success WD Jimmy for Final and top score and all other race winners. I had a nightmare for some reason, just could not get to grips with it. Maybe its using lappy and a different place and seating position etc, I dont know, but I was well off the pace all night. Hopefully have a better night tonight.
  6. Working ok here. Thanks Mor awsome track.
  7. WOW Awesome read a big well done and thanks to all concerned. See you at NIR
  8. Mr Beef 286 booking in please
  9. Its been made using shader 3 I think and some ATI cards like mine in laptop only support shader 2
  10. Lol Dont despair Mor will sort it and it is only 1 track at the minute
  11. Tried that Paul just crashes on start up gives me blue screen have to reboot in safe mode to uninstall tried it twice
  12. Thanks for trying to help Paul but it doesn't work with my card. No option to get to the 3D menu.
  13. Tried all different settings. Got latest drivers. Doing my head in now. Works on desktop but not lappy and working away from tomorrow morning for two weeks so will miss both Euro's unless Mor or some other knowledgeable person finds a fix
  14. Yup that seems to be the problem earache. Does not work with cards that don't support shader 3
  15. Mine is x1250 in laptop and its shader 2
  16. Think the problem must be down to graphix card. Desktop nvidia working ok Laptop ati with latest drivers not working People got it working with xp, vista, full install and lite install. Has anyone got it working with ATI card.
  17. Splinter I have had a try with 3DAnalize but it just hangs and won't open. Unless I'm doing somthing wrong.
  18. Hi I am having same problem. Works ok on desktop with xp sp2. Will not load on laptop with vista, I have tried different settings and different dx's. I have used clean d/load on lappy and the d/load from desktop neither work. Only difference is desktop full install and lappy rfactor lite. Hope you can help as I am working away next week so will be using lappy for euro's
  19. http://www.rfactorcentral.com/
  20. Ever thought of spending £25 and getting it legaly so the developers can continue and make somthing even better in the future.
  21. Nice write up Johno. Good luck to all.
  22. Remember I smashed the ambulance headlight at wedgeway and maybe set off the airbags, and they might not have fixed it yet so they have to dial 999.
  23. Thanks admin for running meet Wd Danskin on becoming Dutch champion. Wd dazza for top score and 3 heat wins from SS (Do you give private lessons) Cya next week
  24. "GN was a surprise - I lost a few places in the early laps but managed to keep tight one bend and pass the cars back and stayed in 5th fending off those who challenged me (Sorry Mr.Beef!!!) but delighted to have finished in top 10." No need to apologise Mav if your talking about the incident where I came on the inside of you and spun, that was just a racing accident and probably my own fault for hitting you with my outside front wheel. Didnt have any complaints last night all hits on me were fair enough and for position. I would like to thank Spike for moving out of the way in one of the heats you didnt have to. (First time that has happened to me)
  25. Thanks admin for running meeting. Wd Matthew for final and top score. Wd all other race winners. Did ok in heats with a 4th and a 3rd but had a mare of a final and GN finishing 10th and 12th. Hopefully be around next week.
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