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Mr Beef

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Everything posted by Mr Beef

  1. If thats the purple one then yes it is
  2. Its a granada estate I got it down as granie thats what the origanal skin was called
  3. Hm that worked sort of. My paint scheme didnt come out right it had tailgate colour on the roof and the underside was on the tailgate lol Back to the drawing board Thanks for everyones help
  4. Done that STILL RED
  5. "BHCM" ???
  6. yes its a granie
  7. Thanks I have checked those and they are ok. Still red car
  8. Hi I have just painted a billy basic banger skin to try get the hang of it, heres what I did. I used photoshop 7, changed the panel colours and added some text to the sides. Saved the skin as a .tga file then converted to .tex using the program I found on here. Put car into game and edited the driver list. My name appeared in the offline game list so I selected it. Went to race and my skin was all RED and no text on the sides. What have I done wrong? Steve
  9. Mr Beef


    Mine did that a few years back. Got a message first, then shut down. It was a worm virus. Imanaged to get on the net and get a fix otherwise I would have had to reformat.
  10. Apologies Just been impatient as I want to get going. Andy hasn't read my pm yet so I will wait for a reply. Steve
  11. Hi He did but i have sent him a pm asking for the .tex file and he hasn't sent it.
  12. Hi Could someone do me a F2 skin please. Have had a go but over my head
  13. Sent Andy a pm asking for file will let you know how I get on when he sends me the file. Thanks for your help. Steve
  14. Andy who made skin just posted the image not a file so I saved image as car286.tex copied this into f2 folder and edited the driver file as you instructed Heres a copy of file -------------- ; drivers.txt ; use caution when editing this file!!! ; -------------- table Driver number 999 name TaylorMade Novice Skin chassis taylormade rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 998 name Speak Novice Skin chassis speak rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 997 name RCE Novice Skin chassis rce rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 996 name Rankin Novice Skin chassis rankin rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 994 name Randall Novice Skin chassis randall rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 995 name Randall 06 Novice Skin chassis randall06 rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 993 name King Novice Skin chassis king rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 992 name Higman Novice Skin chassis higman rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 991 name Fto Novice Skin chassis fto rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 990 name Elite Novice Skin chassis elitell rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 989 name Elite Evo Novice Skin chassis elitee rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 988 name Efftwo Novice Skin chassis efftwo rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 987 name Bbatten Novice Skin chassis bbatten rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 986 name Batten Novice Skin chassis batten rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 985 name Bandit Novice Skin chassis bandit rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 983 name Scotland chassis fto rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 984 name Rest of the World chassis fto rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end table Driver number 286 name Steve Gibson chassis taylormade rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar ui_image driver286.img end end My name shows up in the game but when I select the car it comes up red instead of the colours painted. Sorry to be a pain but I am new to this. Thanks Steve
  15. Hi I have done as you have said ran game car shows up but it is all red not the colours it should be. What have done wrong. Thanks for your help Steve
  16. Samson Did as you said with files but my car does'nt show up in game, all others do. I have tried editing the driver list with my details but game won't load then. Please help. Steve
  17. Thanks a lot. Could you tell me how to get it into the game as well. Thanks Steve
  18. Hi Andy thats great thanks very much. How do I get it into the game.
  19. Hi Can anyone do me skins for F2 and SSC. Have tried but too hard for me Thanks Steve
  20. Hi I have followed this guide on converting tga file to tex but when I edit driver list the game locks up on start up. What have I done wrong? I have somehow managed to get all tex file icons to look like notepad icons. How do I get them back.
  21. Thanks Andy I have pm'd you, think I did it right could you let me know if you got my message Cheers
  22. Hi New to all this and I would like to race in F2 league to see if I can get away with it. Could someone please do me a F2 skin with either white top or novice so I can get started. Havn't a clue how to do it myself. I would also need someone to explain how to get my skin on the server. Is it possible to put your own skin into the offline game? Thanks Steve
  23. Thanks a lot Pazza. get some praccy now may join league in a few weeks if I can make a car. Steve
  24. Hi All After many years dreaming of a brisca stock car game I have come across yours and it looks brill. Please forgive me because I will be asking for lots of help in the future. I have had a go at the standard game and I love the brisca legends mainly because theres plenty of cars to race against. I have had a go in expert mode with AL cars on pro and I find it rather difficult, proably my age lol. I have got the F2 game and would like to know if it is possible to add more cars because theres only 4 and I find it easier than the F1's. I would love to practice for a few weeks and then maybe join the league and play online if I,m any good. If you can add more cars to the F2 game can someone please post a guide on how to do it (will have to be an idiots guide cos I,m not that computer literate). If someone could also post a guide on making my own car for the league that would be great (find guide on here goes over my head ). I'm sure I will be asking more questions in the near future. Thanks in anticipation. Steve
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