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Everything posted by Leeroy186

  1. Congrats mate! Major session for wetting the babys head then!
  2. The King loool! Chris Kiwomya, Jason Dozzell..... lol!
  3. Aus, u must be the first ever person from Ipswich in an England team loooool!
  4. Cheers for that Leek and I always thought there was no such thing as a free gift! lol!
  5. Just noticed that today my internet connection has gone from 576Kbps to 2.2Mbps I think i've been with them about a a year now and i'm guessing its a free upgrade from BT or is there a catch?! Cheers
  6. Enjoyed the wreck sesh with muns and courty! Thought the damage was very good and with our expert modellers i'm sure it could be modded banger style! Also liked the way the small car crabbed after it had a few hits! Top gameÂÂÂ
  7. I can only dream of Ledley King holding the european cup aloft! Tho we can't even get in the Uefa Cup loool!
  8. I typed 'UK DIRT' in google hoping to find some good videos loool! Only joking! I was looking for Freddys SOD game when i found the Uk Dirt site. Started racing bangers and still only racing them now!
  9. Happy Birthday m8! Your have to wait another 33 years to see Liverpool win the league lol!
  10. Yeah thats the one courty, i got it on me pc so i'll give it to marc to put in the pack. Cheers
  11. Only problem with using the civil war skins is that their all older chassis's (old mk2's for example) so alot of the new cars won't be able to be used. Correct me if i'm wrong tho!
  12. I'd be interested in racin for the English but all depends on when it is. LAKELY (aaza's spelling!) for captain! loool!
  13. This is the list of under 2 litres ive coillected over the years.... EDITED - These ones will be included as already painted, not sure who done some of em but take credit 4 it if u painted any of them! 19 Joe Mullarkey - Bluey 27 Steve McMillan - Bluey 64 Lars Gehnen - Tina 67 Mark Whittaker - Tina 130 Jason Harrison - Tina 130 Markus Haverkamp - Lada 136 Clyde Williams - Laurel 137 Paul Tagg - Mk3 Tina 148 Ian Redden - Tina 160 John Harding - Tina 172 Simon Byrne - Capri 208 Jimmy Randall - Mk3 Tina 239 Steve Carter - Capri 252 McWibbs - Bluey 260 Keith Reynolds - Marina 295 Graham Heywood - Bluey 307 JonJoe Cunningham - Capri 372 Martin Scully - Tina 528 Alan Hunt - Tina 768 Calvyn Girling - Bluey
  14. I maybe about, all depends on a bloody barbeque my missus has decided we're going too..... lol!
  15. Oh well lads u can always look forward to Crewe and Hartlepool away next season!! looool! It is a shame tho as Ipswich always miss out and i was hoping they would go up.
  16. I agree with Grasser, if Liverpool are the champions of europe then they should be allowed in as holders. But as most of u say it is the CHAMPIONS league and in my opinion only the champions of each european league should be playing in it. If that was the case then Liverpool wouldn't even be in the final and there wouldn't be the problem of them being allowed in when not finishing in the top 4! Another thing that gets on my tits is why they can't use some sort of video playback or sensor like in rugby league or cricket which would determine if the ball has crossed the line or not. Being a big Spurs fan, the goal against United which was disallowed cost us 2 points which may of got us into Europe and its costing other teams valuable points and money. With all these millions they blow on building Wembley and shafting secretaries u would of thought they could spare a few quid putting some sort of camera in the goal posts to tell if the ball had crossed the line or not! Anyway back to dreaming of Europe loooool!
  17. Sorry to hear bout ure split joker, hope everything works out for u. Catch me on msn to talk if u ever need 2 m8 I haven't been about for the past few weeks either due to football, other things going on. Hopefully the main peeps involved, myself, joker, wrigthy, aussie and counter can get together and discuss plans to go forward and hopefully the outlaw series will continue to grow and be as enjoyable as it has been and continue with the top racingÂÂÂ
  18. Sorry lads, cant race again but send me all the results and i'll update the site as normal.
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