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Everything posted by Leeroy186

  1. loooooool! quality aus! All u need is joker in a post and its sorted lol! I'll put em on the site!
  2. Happy birthday ya old scrote! Have a good day m8 or should i say a 'pants' day!!
  3. Ace, for hotrods use the ukdirt hotrods mod and all the skinpacks from uk dirt site. For the US legends go here www.outlawseries.cjb.net and click on downloads, u will find all the links for the legends downloads there m8. Cheers
  4. Can't race 2moro lads, so one of u lot will have to host. Have a good un and don't let joker win or aus come any other place than last loooooooooooool!
  5. Have a look here http://forum.rscnet.org/showthread.php?t=1...&highlight=mini and also do a search on the old ukdirt forum on there for anything else
  6. I had a similar prob with sod years ago and it kept freezing. Can't remember what the problem was but i swear i installed this glidewrapper and it all worked fine. Give it a go http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?download=503 Cheers!
  7. Points, results and news pages updated. The site is sorted now and looks alot smarter now! Cheers
  8. lol, enjoyed that alot too. Last few meets have me top quality, roll on next week!
  9. Lee186 booking in and i've gotta question... Will u be able to avoid the posts 2moro joker?!! loooooooool!!
  10. these look good lads! Gotta say the top pic of jays hot rod in the snow looks quality aus
  11. Enjoyed today alot. Was some good, close racing! Cheers lads
  12. News, points and results updated. Also sorted it all out so u can see what i'm seeing lol! Cheers lads
  13. Use the link for the track that wrighty has posted above as the outlaws site needs changing due to me being a amateur at making web sites looool! I thought u were all seeing nice jazzy fonts, nicely laid out etc but i didn't realise that if you haven't got the fonts installed on your pc that i've been using for the website, then you can't see them at all, doh! So none of you have been seeing what u should of been seeing and tbh what u are seeing (times new roman font and random capital letters!!) looks crap in my opinion so it needs changing! This is what it should look like loool!
  14. News, points and results updated lads
  15. For those of u that have never met me, this is what i look like, so keep an eye out for me at banger tracks! It was taken at a party last night and u may of seen me on tv, lol! P.S It is Saddam Hussein sat next to me!
  16. Yep enjoyed it alot 2day plenty of close racing but i think the hot rod final was a little tooooo close! Well Done to Counter and Joker for winning the legends and rods finals and to everyone who raceed! P.S well done aus for 3rd in rods final, good to see u past the first corner looooool!
  17. I've updated the site. results, points etc
  18. Just found this on my pc, it's been around for ages but still makes me laugh! Frank Butcher V Eminem remix! http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?download=357
  19. Yep got em mate, i'll update the site 2mora cos i finish work early. Only results i haven't got is the brno roadcourse heats. I've got the rods and legends brno finals results so if anyone has the heats results, could u pm them to me or thru msn! Ta
  20. Cheers wrighty. All the fonts and text are buggered here (i'm on the work pc tho i should be building engines lol!). Probs just this pc as its old but if u could put a screeny up of it or send it to me thru msn that would be top m8. Cheers
  21. Please book in here for Outlaws Series at Snowke this Saturday. We've had a rest for a few weeks due to easter etc but it's back this week. For all the info, downloads etc about the league go to www.outlawseries.cjb.net Cheers! Lee186 booking in
  22. Haven't seen joker in a while so i'll put up a booking thread in a mo for this saturday. Could any of you do me a favour and put a screenshot up of the outlaws website home page on here for me please? or through msn if u can't. I'm on a different pc and the site looks messed up here?! just wondering what it looks like to everyone else? Cheers!
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