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Everything posted by Simon31

  1. i dont think its regonising the router, but it used to work fine with vista when i got it from pc world, i have wiped it and stuck xp straght on. im pretty dumb with pcs so any help you can give me would be great! Regards Si
  2. afternoon all, just had my pc wiped from vista (pooo!) and it wont connect to the net when i install my internet disc! my freind reakons the motherbord doesnt regonise this! its XP Pro, maybe i need service pack 2? Sorry for the spelling! Si
  3. Hello all starting a new thread for this, instead of the uploading in the Rebuild one i made! would like to say thanks to all whats helped me get this ready, they no who they are! i must say i am very proud of this as ive never done anything like this before! ill stop babbling on now and heres the shots of her ready to do battle, would like to say thanks samways signs for a fantastic job on the car! sorry pics are a bit blurry ill upload better ones when i have them. Before
  4. Got the panels back, finally lol so stuck them on tonight, pics dont do it that much justice up close in person looks real nice imho
  5. ill be there, hope to see a few faces Mon The South!
  6. Evenin all, does anybody no if Rfactor will run on a mac pc, as ive just boght 1? Si
  7. im gonna clean it up Lee, will it do it this week while the panels are being sprayed, the hard work is done now just a few hours tidying it up, and hopeing to get some minilites for the back.
  8. cant argee more hutch, its on the cards, just another £250 lol but im hopeing to get 1 before it goes to be signed as i reakon it ruins the look of the car
  9. 2nd pic
  10. Time For paint. im happy with result so far, may look a bit tacky as fin is a bit messy and panels look scratched! lets hope with some paint she will be looking good, the off to the sign righter!
  11. lol Spud, After tonight the bonnet is nerly done should be finished by tommrow night, got the bottom panels done, so just left to now is finish the bonnet, make the back panel and a small panel at the front then paint, so if all goes to plan should be done and ready for paint by Sunday night!
  12. Bit of an update car is almost paneld now going up later to hopefully get it finished, heres some pics, the bonnett looks out of place as not finished yet bit comming on nice!
  13. Spikey, yea gonna race in south west, St Day and Taunton mainly but am gonna venture to Brum and Arena Essex. Maybe a few more in 2010. Heres what shes like after a blast tonight, got the axle in and dash in ( a few things need touching up with paint as is hard to put stuff back in without scratching it lol) all we gotta do now is spray front suspension and put it on then it will be time for us to make new panels!
  14. Now it was time for the Engine to to put in, bulk head, steering arm.
  15. So once we done that we started putting it back together once the paint hardend up! started with gearbox, brake pipes, firewall, pedals.
  16. As some of you may or may not no but i am upgrading to F2 next season,i was lucky enough to get a HCD car which was an ex 676 Neil Hooper car which he sold to 891 Darren Wade and i now me , so ive took some pics of what were doing to it, just to freshen it up for the 2009 season, heres were we are at the moment still a fair bit to do yet! Car when i boght it Car all striped and chassis painited, we had to higher the roof as i was to tall for it, looks a bit odd there but is fine with the fin on.
  17. Simon31


    have you renamed it in the Tex folder, make sure its saved as car951.tga if its not just simply type .tga at end
  18. Afternoon all, if any of you have facebook is there anychance you could join this group, as its being mentioned in our local paper, to help sve to the track from being shut down thanks in advance Si http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.ph...9984&ref=mf
  19. Is sick! All drivers should protest, if/ when he turns up at a meeting to race they should all load up! that will get brisca to sort themselfs out!
  20. Simon31


    i based it on that 1 mate as ive had format since then, alterd a few things tho, you have a good memory lol, raced the similar one in bws i think
  21. Simon31


    My latest Thanks To Sibbs for renders!
  22. Simon31


    Best skin yet leech, well done! Colley, who are you? you just seem to post negative comments on here, pay your jolt fee, post some of your skins, and maybe we will respect your comments Si
  23. Simon31


    I dont like it leech, getting better like people say. to me its got way to many signs on. Si
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