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Everything posted by Simon31

  1. Craig Feckin Wake Up!
  2. Got my mug today, 1st class, very smart! Cheers Pants!
  3. Simon31


  4. Dont listion 2 anyone of the ftooz fourm etc just look on briscaf2.com as you will get the truth there.
  5. 642 for gold!
  6. Back to travs for light refreshments afterwords then?
  7. Simon31


    Calm down leech i agree with martin, why say your skins are great when there not? dont get me wrong there good just no great, i can tell every skin youve done without seeing leech signs on it, hes only trying to help, dont throw your toys out of the pram!
  8. Just over a week away whos making the trip? ill be there
  9. Hey Kruiz, im selling my trailer which carries up to granada, but its in cornwall maybe a bit far for you, only problem is it has no brakes, all yours for £300
  10. I am selling my westworld stockcar, as you can see it looks like a f2 but has standard tyres, locked diff, and standard enigne, it has 4 good tyres, 2 new shocks (gaz) got a few spares with it, could convert it back to f2, Ex 460 Adam Pearce car (red top car when it was a f2), in the 2006 season it won Points Championship, Cornish Championship, Champions of Champions, £1500 no offers No Test Pilots or Tyre kickers please
  11. Hi Adyboy, i think you just want to race against more cars offline? download this http://www.briscaheat.co.uk should sort you out Regards Si
  12. Happy Birthday Johno!
  13. Simon31


    Having not done a skin in a while heres my latest, my cousins car who will be starting next year! Comments Welcome.
  14. very nice, how do they manage to get these new cars every year is beyond me!
  15. looks well built rodder well done
  16. Good luck with them Pusher, Very Cheap Cars just woundrd what is the racing at grimley like? as if our track shuts down, we would need to race somewere? they are outlaws yea? what numbers do you get per meeting? Regards Si
  17. Happy Birthday Mate, Milkman done his run again? Congrats mate
  18. See you went to the nice part biffo
  19. Got told about this one at work, have a look made me wet my pants lol! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=1iMd8Pm-2EE Contains some swear words
  20. Simon31


    Why give him a hard time, imo he got his arse in gear got a car and built a car, got his nerves together and raced which at 11 isnt easy as im sure alot of you will no on your 1st meeting as i certinly do, takes alot, Braderz isnt one of my mates on here, just makes me sick when you see people like Saloon 600, havong ago at him, since he joined teh form just made an arse out of himself, which him as racer should no what its like, lay off the lad and some of you need to rember you arnt quite "boxer jack" yet Si P.S and yes i do race and have some sucess
  21. Nice work there, if i do any hardcore skins not many, i just use brush tool on a silver body, if you look at jamesys skins he uses mainly dark coulers and greens to show mould etc, in my view he is the best at em, (as much as it hurts me to say ) rember it dont take 10 mins lool, and weasel yours are epic! Si
  22. In all fairness Mr Moodie is Mr F2 at the moment, you cant take it away from him, ausome driver, yea when i see him race i would like to see him in the wall or tangled up, is this because i hate the man? no, just maybe would like to see a diffrent winner lol theres alot of Farrel fans if he started winning all the races and majours would he turn in to a hated man because hes simply doing what he wants to achieve? Mr Moodie The Man We Love To Hate! Si
  23. Have a good 1 mate
  24. Muns how the hell did u get hold of it lol not rodders dad are you? Si
  25. Evenin all im thinking about buying a laptop to race online with as my pc is quite often in use with other members of the family, how would i race online with no warp as i herd wireless can be a problem, i just have standard 8 meg Bt Broadband which we can have wireless as my sister uses it for collage Regards Simon
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