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Posts posted by Simon31

  1. Heat 1: 43 262 691 236 41 616 84 244 31 338 237 46 291 141

    Heat 2: 87 249 305 246 65 380 101 589 330 489 21

    Heat 3: 87 65 691 305 31 221 616 589 489 21 237 46 141 84

    Heat 4: 43 262 236 291 41 338 246 244 380 249 101 330



    Consi 1: 84 46 116 237 21 101 141



    A-Final: 262 291 87 305 84 236 46 41 691 380 116 43 616 246 65 31 237 249 244 338 589 221



    GN 1: 291 87 338 244 41 691 380 616 237 246 262 221

    GN 2: 43 305 236 46 116 31 84 249 21 589 65




    45 pts 87 Robin H25

    38 pts 262 Harmen

    38 pts 305 jakiejnr

    35 pts 291 Marten

    33 pts 236 DanSkin

    30 pts 43 Sije

    25 pts 691 Jakeeey

    24 pts 41 Drumbstick

    20 pts 84 Timm

    15 pts 65 dan heath

    15 pts 46 Nezza

    14 pts 338 Evnos

    13 pts 244 krish

    13 pts 249 stoxjack

    13 pts 380 Liam Powell

    13 pts 31 Si

    12 pts 246 Stox

    12 pts 616 Jeyder

    7 pts 589 Stijneman

    6 pts 116 JK

    5 pts 221 Spike

    4 pts 101 Stokie

    3 pts 21 LouisH

    3 pts 489 Mooby

    2 pts 237 rickyljames

    2 pts 330 Menace

    0 pts 58 minitom

    0 pts 141 Holmesy



    The replays are here!



  2. Heat 1: 58, 141, 244, 43, 237, 262, 46, 221, 338, 616, 691, 84, 291, 31, 41, 236, , (Server 45) Steward Stumpy

    Heat 2: 65, 429, 21, 246, 848, 101, 249, 277, 330, 489, 589, 116, 305, 380, 87, , , (Server 48) Steward Dode

    Heat 3: 65, 141, 21, 237, 848, 46, 221, 277, 489, 589, 616, 691, 84, 305, 31, 87, , (Server 45) Steward Stumpy

    Heat 4: 58, 244, 429, 43, 246, 262, 101, 249, 330, 338, 116, 291, 380, 41, 236, , , (Server .48) Steward Dode

  3. What Stumpy, AUB said is spot on,


    last grading i had some real good racing with drivers Evnos, Liam Powell etc as they seemed to accept when i was faster and when they was faster i just left them alone and we managed to get away most races and get top 3 positions, the bumper wont win you races FACT! race craft and skill wins you races and with that you no when to use the bumper and how 2!


    if someone has passed you one bend it doenst mean you can bury em or hit em hard as your close enough as your just gonna slow yourself down or when they catch you next time they will hit you hard so you cant return it,


    All of us watch F2s in real life and i can talk from experience the likes of 886, 7 etc don't hit you hard they hit just enough to move you and when they moved me did i lunge at em next bend? some people need to treat it with more respect to what all the ADMIN team do, because if Drumb, said thats it im gone mondays will be filled with corrie and eastenders not this!

  4. Last meeting in grading period tonight so please be aware for the new grades in the week!



    Heat 1: 305 87 329 46 380 552 589 188 221 848 17 116 244 79

    Heat 2: 31 41 338 236 115 21 489 488 39 274 122 246 58 23 237

    Heat 3: 21 305 488 87 41 188 221 246 274 39 17 23 79 589 338

    Heat 4: 380 236 31 115 552 489 46 122 116 237 244 58 848


    Consi: 116 17 274 246 848 79 58 84 237 23 244


    A Final: 31 21 87 236 305 589 488 41 380 274 338 489 116 246 329 46 39 221 115 122 188


    B Final: 237 84 244 58 848 23


    GN 1: 329 305 84 488 115 58 122 380 338 244 246 116 274 79 848


    GN2: 39 87 237 236 21 46 41 188 31 221 23



    42 pts 31 Si

    41 pts 87 Robin

    40 pts 305 jakiejnr

    39 pts 21 LouisH

    37 pts 236 DanSkin

    26 pts 488 Dave

    25 pts 41 Drumbstick

    22 pts 380 Liam Powell

    19 pts 589 Stijneman

    19 pts 115 michael green

    18 pts 329 Tsjalle

    16 pts 46 Nezza

    12 pts 39 LeeK

    11 pts 188 Aub

    10 pts 338 Evnos

    9 pts 237 rickyljames

    9 pts 489 Montangoo

    8 pts 84 Timm

    7 pts 122 craigcharles

    7 pts 221 Spike

    5 pts 58 minitom

    4 pts 274 BigDave

    2 pts 246 Stox

    2 pts 116 JK

    1 pts 244 krish

    1 pts 848 bully jnr

    0 pts 23 Dayne Powell

    0 pts 79 weeryan

    0 pts 64 Ayrton Smith

    0 pts 17 azata

    0 pts 315 Mike


    Replays are here!

  5. Heat 1: 79, 244, 329, 64, 380, 589, 848, 46, 221, 87, 116, 188, 305, 17, 84, 315, , (Server 45) Stew Tom D

    Heat 2: 21, 23, 58, 31, 237, 338, 39, 122, 246, 488, 489, 41, 115, 236, 274, , , (Server 48) Stew Stumpy

    Heat 3: 21, 23, 79, 64, 338, 589, 39, 221, 246, 488, 41, 87, 188, 305, 17, 274, , (Server 45 ) Stew Tom D

    Heat 4: 58, 244, 329, 31, 237, 380, 848, 46, 122, 489, 115, 116, 84, 236, 315, , , (Server .48) Stew Stumpy


  6. Results:

    Heat 1: 188 236 41 39 488 84 74 380 31 262 315 305 244 212 65 338

    Heat 2: 489 87 116 589 237 238 246 6 205 17 58 122

    Heat 3: 31 236 338 39 489 122 488 212 41 246 238 74 237 58 65

    Heat 4: 315 87 188 262 6 589 84 380 305 244 17 116 205


    Consi 305 122 244 17 246 212 58 205 74



    Final 236 489 305 39 188 31 380 41 238 116 87 122 84 6 315 488 237 338 262 244 17


    Grand Nationals


    GN1 41 31 589 188 489 305 315 246 58 236 6 17

    GN2 338 237 87 488 380 116 39 122 238 84 212 205 244





    40 pts 489 Mooby

    40 pts 236 Danskin

    37 pts 188 Aub

    32 pts 39 leek

    31 pts 31 Simon

    26 pts 41 Drumb

    26 pts 87 Robin

    23 pts 305 jake

    20 pts 380 Liam

    20 pts 589 Stij

    18 pts 338 Evnos

    17 pts 488 Dave

    15 pts 237 Ricky

    15 pts 116 JK

    14 pts 315 Mike

    11 pts 238 Kane

    10 pts 84 Timm

    9 pts 6 Lunny

    8 pts 122 Craig

    8 pts 246 Stox

    8 pts 262 Harmen

    4 pts 74 Timmy

    3 pts 212 Pedz

    2 pts 58 Minitom

    2 pts 205 Pistol

    1 pts 244 KrisH

    1 pts 17 Aza

    0 pts 65 DanH

    0 pts 46 Nezza

    0 pts 274 Bigdave


    Replays are here!

  7. Heat 1: 65, 244, 31, 338, 380, 39, 262, 305, 488, 41, 74, 188, 212, 84, 236, 315, , (Server 48) Steward Tom

    Heat 2: 58, 205, 237, 589, 6, 46, 122, 238, 246, 489, 87, 116, 17, 274, , , , (Server 45) Steward Stumpy

    Heat 3: 58, 65, 237, 338, 39, 122, 238, 246, 488, 489, 41, 74, 212, 236, 274, , , (Server 48 ) Steward Tom

    Heat 4: 244, 31, 205, 380, 589, 6, 46, 262, 305, 87, 116, 188, 17, 84, 315, , , (Server .45) Steward Stumpy


  8. W+Y 589 380 31 64 338 599 569 21 72 58 848 244 65 51 198 205 237



    Heat 1: 31 236 116 330 262 488 39 17 848 90 58 72 338

    Heat 2: 589 380 21 238 315 691 305 64 249 274 624 237 65 205 569 87

    Heat 3: 14 249 116 41 31 488 46 274 246 624 205 848 72 58

    Heat 4: 589 380 238 338 305 64 90 21 315 552 691 244 39 17 221 569 599

    Heat 5: 236 41 46 262 330 246 87 552 237 221 58 244 599 26 65


    Consi 1: 39 87 221 244 599 552 17 274 19 848 58 205 72 233 237 624 691


    B-Final: 691 84 274 848 233 624 237 58 17 72 90 51 599 205

    A-Final: 589 31 41 262 315 116 380 305 488 46 236 246 221 87 238 21 330 244 249 238 14 39



    GN 1: 380 238 21 41 315 236 338 233 262 488 246 237 87 848 72 39 205

    GN 2: 305 84 589 599 17 116 31 691 46 274 14 330 244 90 58 624 249




    56 pts 589 Stijneman

    39 pts 41 Drumbstick

    38 pts 31 Si

    36 pts 380 Liam Powell

    31 pts 116 JK

    29 pts 262 Harmen

    26 pts 305 jakiejnr

    26 pts 315 Mike

    24 pts 238 Kane_M

    24 pts 236 DanSkin

    19 pts 21 LouisH

    16 pts 46 Nezza

    15 pts 488 Dave

    13 pts 330 Menace

    13 pts 691 Jakeeey

    13 pts 84 Timm

    11 pts 338 Evnos

    11 pts 249 Jack

    10 pts 14 DRAY

    9 pts 17 azata

    8 pts 64 Ayrton Smith

    8 pts 274 bigdaveUK

    7 pts 599 Harold

    7 pts 246 Stox

    5 pts 90 LiamB

    4 pts 848 Bully

    4 pts 848 BullyJNR

    4 pts 39 LeeK

    4 pts 87 Robin

    4 pts 233 Grasser

    2 pts 237 rickyljames

    1 pts 221 Spike

    1 pts 624 RayDick

    0 pts 26 tomhsn

    0 pts 26 tomhsn

    0 pts 51 Alex Taylor

    0 pts 58 minitom

    0 pts 65 dan heath

    0 pts 72 Biffo

    0 pts 198 aaron_J

    0 pts 244 krish

    0 pts 569 dexter-fifteen

    0 pts 205 Pistol


    Replays are here!



  9. W+Y Race


    Heat 1: 26, 51, 58, 72, 198, 31, 848, 338, 39, 90, 262, 330, 488, 116, 17, 236, Server 45 STUMPY

    Heat 2: 21, 26, 65, 569, 589, 205, 237, 380,64, 238, 249, 305, 691, 87, 624, 274, 315, Server 48 DODE

    Heat 3: 14, 26, 51, 72, 198, 31, 205, 848, 46, 246, 249, 488, 41, 116, 624, 274, Server 45 STUMPY

    Heat 4: 21, 244, 569, 589, 64, 338, 380,599, 39, 90, 221, 238, 305, 691, 17, 84, 315, Server 48 DODE

    Heat 5: 14, 26, 58, 65, 244, 237, 599, 46, 221, 246, 262, 330, 41, 87, 84, 236, Server 45 STUMPY


    Please be in chat for 8:15 as we will race the W+Y race at 8:20

  10. Well done JK,


    I can assure you all now after being in TS with the UKSOM lads there are not and never will be any team racing!


    Any problems please report to one of the admin team as per rules and we will look in to it



  11. Thanks to all what raced tonight, big thanks to Dode and Stumpy for being the meeting stewards!


    Hope to see you all next week for Belle Vue



    Heat 1: 236 315 212 691 17 90 338 380 599 221 246 198 244 624

    Heat 2: 74 87 122 116 238 46 31 718 494 760 274 848 80

    Heat 3: 315 691 112 494 31 87 488 274 249 760 246 221 205 244 14

    Heat 4: 236 489 41 84 330 39 589 624 17 212 116 954 79

    Heat 5: 41 122 488 330 80 380 599 90 79 718 198

    Heat 6: 84 489 238 112 46 74 39 249 954 338 589 848 14


    Consi 1: 116 80 589 246 718 90 221 848 338 249 205 14 244 599 79 760 274 624 954 198


    B-Final: 599 624 718 338 249 90 274 760 244 848 494 954 205 79

    A-Final: 74 315 489 691 236 116 84 41 330 488 112 46 17 212 39 380 31 80 238 246 589


    GN 1: 691 122 112 46 41 599 39 330 212 954 488 848 338 589 80 79 205 380

    GN 2: 87 238 236 315 249 489 90 17 31 246 116 760 274 494 244 718 74 84




    44 pts 315 Mike

    40 pts 691 Jakeeey

    40 pts 236 DanSkin

    39 pts 489 Montangoo

    35 pts 74 Tommy Vaes

    30 pts 41 Drumbstick

    26 pts 122 craigcharles

    25 pts 84 Timm

    24 pts 87 Robin H25

    23 pts 238 Kane_M

    23 pts 112 Tom D

    20 pts 330 Menace

    18 pts 46 Nezza

    17 pts 116 JK

    16 pts 599 Harold

    14 pts 488 Dave

    13 pts 39 LeeK

    12 pts 31 Si

    12 pts 90 LiamB

    12 pts 249 stoxjack

    11 pts 17 Aza

    11 pts 212 Pedz

    9 pts 494 Cooper

    8 pts 380 Liam Powell

    7 pts 624 RayDick

    7 pts 718 MartynR

    7 pts 338 Evnos

    6 pts 80 Lars

    4 pts 589 Stijneman

    3 pts 274 bigdaveUK

    3 pts 954 Samwit

    2 pts 79 weeryan

    2 pts 760 Ryano

    1 pts 221 Spike

    1 pts 246 Stox

    0 pts 14 DRAY

    0 pts 198 aaron_J

    0 pts 244 Kris

    0 pts 761 DannyGrady

    0 pts 205 Pistol

    0 pts 351 TamValentine

    0 pts 848 bully jnr

    0 pts 262 Harmen


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