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Posts posted by Simon31

  1. This week sees the mighty f2s continue there Dutch tour for the euromaster at Tar Apel, The track is known for its very long straghts and very tricky tight corners making race pace hard to find!

    Leading the entry will be current world champion #1 Drumbstick, with the world final only a week away this could be the final meeting where he holds the gold roof, we will see an all out performace from this man?

    In form man #236 DanSkin will also be present after another final win last week at Lelystad, Dan is without a doubt the inform man in our league, not always having the best laptimes but seems to be able to keep his cool under the pressure where most fall!

    Real life racers # 115 Green and #31 Simon both aim to be in action, with green looking to add a championship under his belt with some great pace shown this year, it must be only a matter of time?

    Yellow graders #954 SamWhit and #760 Ryano aim to be present, with SamWhit taking the lead back in the novice of the year championship after an impressive 24 points at Lelystad aims to incrase his lead!

    After his recent upgrading to blue #921 Spiro aims to be in action, but is struggling to find the pace needed so may be relying on his well known bumper skills!

    After a few weeks out #188 Aub hopes to be present along with freind #365 Trav,

    #199 Warqar, #151 Dode, #249 Jack all set to be in action after there performance last week!

    Stay In School Kids

    Sorry its short and no poster but ive not had alot of time this week!
  2. post-243-1315559460.jpg

    This week sees the f2 tribe go overseas to Holland, with the recent fixture change we are off to LELYSTAD!

    With recent overseas success #39 Leek leads the entry with his recent Golden Helmet win! Leek has had a good season and maintaining a 20 point average, he very often has the speed and race craft so I wouldn’t bet against him to be up there with the high scorers!

    Following his final win at Arena Essex current British Champion and TT Champion #236 DanSkin also hopes to be in attendance, along with current World Champion #1 Drumbstick! DanSkin and Drumbstick have both had fantastic pace all year , both with fantastic averages and on the 1st 2 rows of the world final I think we could see the bumpers going in!

    #112 TomD is planning on making the trip over with friend #165 Jedd, TomD has a fantastic 35 point average with winning 17 races this year which 5 have been finals, he has a massive 166 points lead on 2nd place in the national points so looks to be taking the silver roof this year if he keep his staggering form up, along with his Irish Championship he has already won this year! And with Jedd just coming back from a ban also has shown some fantastic pace this year but luck isn’t always on Jedds side!

    The Novice of the year is as close has ever with just 15 points separating the top 3! #31 Simon leads the way but only has a 1 point lead over #954 SamWhit and then #760 Ryano still holds 3rd, with SamWhit and Ryano off yellow and been showing some good pace of lately, can they pull the lead back?

    Following a fantastic debut at the TT, #30 Peppi hopes to be in attendance along with #560 Dodge and #115 Green!

    After a few meetings off #365 Trav hopes to be present and the English Open Champion #221 Spike hopes to make the trip after a recent down grading to yellow!

    Be There or Be Sqaure!

  3. post-243-1314825945.jpg

    This week sees the f2 train go to Arena Essex

    Leading the entry will be the Irish champion and current national points leader # 112 TomD, who has shown fantastic pace all year and even better race craft, but not letting him get away will be the current world champion #1 Drumbstick who is also in fantastic form at the moment!

    Also on the grid will be the newly crowned TT champion #236 Danskin, the current British Champion and world semi-final winner has shown he is at the top of his game and will be one to watch out for!

    Lower graders #220 Dougieford and #921 Spiro both aim to be action, with them both getting there first wins in recent weeks and Spiro getting a massive 74 points from 2 meetings last week can they be caught from the front of the pack?

    The Novice of the year campaign is well on the way with the meetings counting down, with just 12 points seprating the top 3! #954 Samwhit still leads the way, but close on his heels are #31 Simon only 4 behind and #760 Ryano 12! its anyone’s game at the moment! so they all plan to be in action!

    Green 115 and Leek 39 all set to be in action,

    Scottish drivers Dode #151 and Tosh #164 plan on making the long trip down to be present!

    After an impressive debut at Onchan #30 Peppi aims to be present from Germany,

    Dodge# 560, Nezza #46 both aim to be present from the star grade, along with current inform yellow grader #641 Mav

    Get yourselves booked in!
  4. Hope Admin dont mind me doing this, but i had a few mins spare!


    This week sees the F2s travel up to Scotland, with more National points up for grabs!

    Leading the entry will be 1 Drumbstick the current world champion has showed some fantastic pace and been on many occasions the man to beat, also set to be on the grid are British champion 236 Dan Skin, Irish champion 112 TomD, European Champion and local racer Tosh 164, and the recently crowned goldcup champion 39 Leek,

    After recently moving to Scotland Aub 188 sets to be present, along with Skeet 318,

    After his final win at the semi final meeting and a fantastic 2nd in the semi final Green 115 plans to be making the trip, along with Dode 151,
    Lower graders Mav 641, Dougie 220, and after making an impressive debut at Hendesford Spiro 921 all aim to be present,

    The current battle for this novice of the year title is still underway with just 39 points separating the top 3, current leader 954 Samwhit who hasn’t had much pace lately came bouncing back with a 31 points haul at Hendesford, 2nd place 760 Ryano is very consistent picking up the places and still in with a shout and 3rd is 31 Simon who has recently been upgraded to blue so is coming from behind to try and snatch the win!

    Get yourself booked in from what is set to be a cracker of a meeting!
  5. Well done to Dan and Tom for winning there semi finals!


    Semi was auful for me, just couldnt settle down and find a decent race pace, with a setup what had been working well for me!


    onto the meeting i just kept it steady and used my head and didnt do any stupid hits and it paid off, really chuffed to be top points scorer! :D


    Well done green on the final win!


    cya next week


  6. Fantastic meeting! really enjoyed it! this would be defo one of the best mods out there if we got the numbers up! Thanks to Johno for the meeting,!


    could anyone please upload the webster template for me as i cant find it on the site or in the game folder



  7. Thanks for the meeting Dave,


    wasnt really expecting much as i had no praccy and only got home 20 mins before the meeting with no setup! so i managed to chuck together summin what was driveable then managed to get it summin like it for the final, after only scoring 2 points going into the last heat i thought my night was done! so was delighted to get 23 on shale!


    Well done to Leek!


    Cya at the Semis next week!



  8. Really enjoyed the meeting but was let down by a few drivers! was shocked on how well the racing was, seeings as the place isnt a stock car track! (well in theroy it is lol)


    I no im a lower grader, but some drivers are putting a bad name to us, lap down take outs etc if you wanna take someone out do it while you are going for a position, not a lap down! and if someone is spinning out try to avoid them instead of just pileing into them! if not your just gonna get taken out every race your in and when u spend a couple of hours on a setup and praccy is it worth while turning up?


    massive well doe to Lee and Drumb!


    Anyway looking forward to tonight! :)



  9. Can anyone point me in the right way of photoshop 7, i have it on my pc at the mo but i want it format my pc, and cant find the friggin disc! i put it on, i was sent the zip file ages ago with it on!



  10. Enjoyed the meeting, i found it hard to be right on the pace just couldnt get it right all night, sorry i left just before the final but my back was playing up!


    In the semi i drive my nuts out getting up to 11th, and was making ground on the pack, but mav jnr was determined to take me out with 3 attempts and the last one worked lol, payback on its way lol!


    cya next week!



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