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Posts posted by Simon31

  1. Really enjoyed the meeting, driving standrds were really good, european race was good, lots of place swapping! chuffed to get 5th in the european after being in the LCQ, and with my heat win!


    massive well done to tosh!


    Cya next week



  2. Thnaks for the meeting spike and team, enjoyed my first meeting, the only downside to me was some of the driving standards, after starting off the front and when i started to lap people in the GN and Final they would just stick me in the wall or spin me from a lap down, and go for real big lunges :S, its a fantastic mod and the people who run it etc put alot of time into it, it may put a few people off! but then again it may just be the nature of the track!


    Spike shoulding i have 14 points heat one 1st heat 2 7th?


    Cya tonight


  3. Thanks for the meeting dave, really enjoyed it,


    was over the moon to get my first win in rFactor, what a diffrence a good wheel makes!


    heats went well, Final didnt go to plan i was in a safe 3rd but caught the 760 car crashed on the straght which took my wheel off, and in GN went to up the inside of 954 but hit the tyres and braking the susp!


    Cant make tonight as got out annual cornish WQR weekend BBQ where we get the food cooked by Barry Goldin! Have a good meeting!


    Well done to Dave on his final win!



  4. Hi Lads, Just a thought


    for the last few weeks the grades have been a bit thin, last night for example there was 1 White, 2 Yellows, about 5 Blues and a tones of reds!


    wouldnt it be better if like the first 4 in national points were SS next 6 were reds etc etc so we would have the regular drivers spaced a little bit more? and if you won a final you would go up after 5 days, but if you wasnt high enough in the points you would be downgraded accordaly? just thought it would space ot out a bit and be more life like?


    Just a thought like i said


  5. Really enjoyed the meeting, normally cant stand shale! thanks to Leech who helped me with my wheel before hand to get it set up right as i only got it a hour before the meeting!


    Thought the driving standards were real good (well what i seen) nobody going in flat out taking you out on purpose etc, made it alot better!


    Hope the sever gets sorted soon as its becoming a big issue now with most weeks it playing up,


    cya next week!


  6. haha not splashing the cash but ive spent a little bit on my pc for rfactor and would rather it was right lol,


    i just want something what will run Rfactor to a good level, and not be jerky, i dont think i need something to expensive what you need to wear goggles while you use it,


    the cheaper the better as i got a few quid to spend on my real car but want summin i wont be dissapointed with and will last me!



  7. Can anyone advise what graphics card to get for r factor, mines ok but the graphics are a bit dull and sometimes the game is a bit jerky!


    i only use my pc for rfactor and looking at the net so just want one what will make it look top notch!



  8. Hi Lads, as ive got alot of time at home and not alot to do, our family pc downstairs is mega slow and needs a format, when we brought this pc from pc world no driver disc came with it! so im after some drivers for the motherbord!


    its a ga-8i915pmd and its a pakard bell pc


    ive looked on google and cant find them!


    thanks in advance


  9. Thanks everyone fo the kind words! ive broken and smashed 2 vertibra in my back, im walking around now, even tho im in a fair amount of pain!


    Been to the hospital today and they said im very lucky to be able to walk, and couldnt believe im back on my feet already, and have been signed off work for 4 weeks at the moment,


    The crash happend when i was on the outsdie of 305 Colin Greg and i caught this car with my front wheel, which chucked my car sideways and went into the fence flat out! even tho i was in alot of pain i didnt want them to cut my car up to get me out so i manged to jump out thinking it was nothing then i nearly colapsped with the pain!


    heres a vid of the crash



    I would like to thank all the Autospeed team who have been in constant contact with me since this happend and have spoken to me or my dad every day since it happend, and all the paramedics who got me there safely, and to Sharon at the Ben Fund who has be in contact.


    Hope to see you on the track soon




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