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Everything posted by BWP

  1. The meeting programme itself (paper thing they give you) will be worht having as well I think, MC has put a lot of work into I gather. I dont think many will load up after the semis, looking at the list of semi finalists I think about 7-8 might , other non-shale regulars have been out on shale (some at mildo) so I cant see why they wouldnt do the rest of the meeting, damage permitting
  2. BWP


    F1 & F2 pictures from Kings Lynn added to www.bwplive.com
  3. I Scrapmans Workington?
  4. 20-8-05 IOM update 3, Tony bags 18pts whilst young Andrew bags a trophy! See latest News page for more! ASRE
  5. 2nd one looks like Brum!
  6. 18-8-05 ASRE-Breaking news from the 37crew in the IOM. ASRE makes debut in IOM-ministox & bath tub championship! www.tonysmithracing.cjb.net
  7. 16-8-05 Latest News page updated with news direct from ASRE on how his first nights racing in the IOM went. www.tonysmithracing.cjb.net
  8. BWP

    Game skipping?

    Cheers Grasser, that might just do the trick. Drop me a line to baz@bwplive.com and Illl see if I can help with 490 pics.
  9. Hello people, I am having a problem when playing Brisca heat offline. I have End it all (version and run that before playing the game. once into a race it starts skipping, I think the problem is that MSN starts up after being closed before hand. I have ended MSN in 'windows task manager' and returned to the game where the same happens with MSN starting up once again. I have tried what MOR surrgeusted in a similar thread about not rushing the game when it loads but I still end up with the same problem. Any ideas chaps? Is there any other programmes that might still be running other than MSN that could cause the problem or any other software to close programmes running in the background? Thx in advance. (Im on XP)
  10. 14-8-05 Latest News page updated with the happenings prior to Tony's racing holiday to the IOM! www.tonysmithracing.cjb.net
  11. Get well soon Mart!
  12. BWP


    Cov 6-8-05 F1 & F2 inc 167,401,152....and 329,333,671 - pics added to www.bwplive.com
  13. 5-8-05 Latest News page updated with all the going on's from Arena last weekend. Photo-album updated with pictures from said meeting. ASRE website
  14. BWP


    99 pics from Skeggy F1 4-8-05 Added www.bwplive.com
  15. its not F2 its a rolling thunder formula 25139[/snapback] It is an F2 from yesterdays meeting Are Randalls bonnet 'blips' plastic as well Ian?
  16. LOL knew that would get a mention somewhere! Certainly looks 'diffrent' doesnt it, I think the car is Brads old M-tec chassis with an added bit of plastic on the bonnet!!
  17. Looking at it the other way around, is your car to low Soaps?
  18. BWP


    70+ pictures added from Arena Essex F2s 31-7-05 bwplive.com
  19. BWP


    90+ pics added to www.bwplive.com from Brum tonight
  20. 29-7-05 Arena Essex preview added to the 'Latest News' page. www.tonysmithracing.cjb.net
  21. BWP


    80+ shots of the V8's from Standlake today added to bwplive.com
  22. 7k on the hit counter comes and goes, thank you for visiting these humble pages! Hopefully is wasn't to painful for you. updated 22-7-05 Latest News -Updated with news from NIR last weekend. Pics added to the 'photo album' from NIR. R+P page updated for the hell of it! www.tonysmithracing.cjb.net
  23. Try flicking through this album (via link) there's a couple of pics of him in there. Arena BWPLive album link
  24. BWP


    More pics from todays added! www.bwplive.com
  25. BWP


    F1 & F2 pics from NIR 16-7-05 can be found on bwplive.com FT > Mart rolling & Spike (not to be out done by 870) bending his wing as well! 100th UK dirt forum post
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