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Everything posted by F2-Fan

  1. If anyone has failed to pay to Tugs the money that they promised in sponsorship I need to stress that she really does need this money now in the next few days, the final money from the Ladies Race is going to be presented to the F2 Ben Fund at the Huddersfield Show in January.
  2. All the money that Tugs raised by taking part in the F2 Ladies Race is being donated to the F2 Benevolent Fund.
  3. Class pure clase
  4. The web site for F2 362 has finally been updated for the last time for 2005. The news page has information on the Oval Racing Expo, our lap times have been updated along with our results and a load of pictures have been put into the gallery. Check out http://www.362racing.com The site will be under going a revamp during the off season, so watch out for news on the new car in the new year.
  5. I have run out of ideas the only thing I can suggest is get the two things that are not working on your system either disabled or sort them out see if that brings the sound back.
  6. Have you checked that the card is seated properly in the AGP slot
  7. I think you need to find the make of the controller to reinstall the drivers, sorry I can't be of any more help. Unless of course you know what make it is then I might be able to point you in the right direction.
  8. Well after looking at that your PCI controller is the thing that isn't working that is probably why the sound card isn't working that is if your sound card is a pci card. And you have a com port not working too but the com port shouldn't be a problem. You need to click on the PCI controller and get that to try and reinstall the drivers.
  9. If you can't remove it from the motherboard then it sounds like you have a built in sound card, you will need to download the drivers for it and try reinstalling them. www.driverguide.com has all kind of drivers for all kind of pc bits or you will need to go to the web site of the motherboard manufacturer.
  10. I can only back Tugs up here, we should have had the money sent it last week. It is all going to a good cause, the F2 Ben Fund have received the money we collected on the night which was about £1500 and we really do need to get the other £1500ish to them as soon as possible.
  11. The sound card will be in a slot attached to the motherboard and it should be screwed into the back of your case. If you leave the speakers plugged in and remove the side you will see which card it is. Unscrew it from the back of the case and it should just pull out, then just resit it screw it back in and reboot, it should detect the card again then.
  12. From what I recal on another forum Wayne has sold his F1 and will be building a new one during next season.
  13. You really need to take the sound card out and resit it back in the slot, and let it redetect it.
  14. It maybe a silly question but your speakers are still plugged in and switched on aren't they.
  15. Have you tried reinstalling the drivers for your sound card.
  16. The money raised from the Ladies Race at Kings Lynn has amounted to £2838.00 A bit of a cash boost for the F2 Ben Fund. Thank you to everyone that helped raise this amount it has been very much appreciated
  17. It was on at 2am this morning and again at 7.30am
  18. Can't you just format the hard drive that you have instead of buying a new one, but remember to back up your stuff first.
  19. The final list of Ladies due to take part tomorrow are as follows 38/511 Jo Polley 72 Angie North 140 Caroline Bradford 212 Theresa Phillips 297 Sharon Blood 324 Leanne Thackra 329 Tracey Mailer 362 Sophie Clark 448 Kate Wright 462 Roxanne Bannister 502 Carol Trout 509 Clare Butcher 589 Jane Osbourne 713 Helen Ford 782 Fiona Rolph 788 Lorna Cale 819 Dina Pedge 862 Jan Rea Lets hope that a few more decide to take part too then at least we might get two heats. All Ladies taking part tomorrow in the Ladies Race, at some point prior to the race myself and Alan Wilde will be coming to see you to collect any money from you that you have so far received in sponsor ship. At this point you will also need to pay your £15.00 for a day license to enable you to take part, you will have a form to fill in for this purpose. We have also been given the go ahead to have a helmet collecting during the evening in aid of the Ben Fund. If as many Ladies taking part can make themselves available to go round the spectators it would be appreciated. It will be announced over the PA during the evening that this is taking place. One final thing, we will need all Ladies who take part to come together as Startrax have advised that we will be having a group photograph taken, if you can make yourself available for this it would be appreciated. I will be posting next week how much has been raised in total. One final thing if anyone requires a sponsor form tomorrow for some last minute collections I will have a supply with me. Good luck to all Ladies taking part and may all Ladies successfully finish. See you on the grid. Sharon
  20. For those of you that have already collected some of your sponsorship, could you please bring it along with you on Saturday for me to collect from you. I have been informed that Carole Cole will be in attendance and it has been requested that the money collected so far be presented to her. It has also been requested that the Ladies taking part in a helmet collection during the evening on behalf of the Ben Fund although I am still waiting for confirmation that we have permission to do this collection. Sponsor money that isn’t collected from you on Saturday will still need to be sent to the address on your sponsor form one week after the meeting. All money will need to be sent to Alan Wilde no later than Sunday 27 November 2005. Thanks Sharon
  21. It may be a silly question but you have got the monitor plugged into the graphics card port and not the on board graphics port haven't you.
  22. Crasher can I just add, for anyone who has agreed to sponsor Tugs for this event she needs to have all of her money in to Startrax by a week on Sunday so when Crasher is saying please not only is he saying please for your sponsorship but he is saying please if you haven't yet paid your money.
  23. The following list the list of Lady drivers have confirmed there attendance next Saturday 38/511 Jo Polley 72 Angie North 140 Caroline Bradford 212 Theresa Phillips 297 Sharon Blood 329 Tracey Mailer 362 Sophie Clark 448 Kate Wright 502 Carole Trout 713 Helen Ford 788 Lorna Cale 819 Dina Pedge The following have yet to confirm there booking 324 Leanne Thackra 462 Roxanne Bannister 589 Jane Osbourne 826 Jan Rea If the above 4 ladies can confirm there attendance to either myself or Alana@startrax.info as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. For those Ladies who will be taking part your sponsor forms will need to be verified at Kings Lynn just so that we can sign to say that yes you took part. You will need to either make yourself known to either myself or Alan Wilde. I will be found around the 362/297 cars. Alan will be found somewhere in the Stadium. We would like to see all the sponsor forms on the day so that it can be announced to the spectators who are present how much we are expecting to raise. The money that will be collected will need to be sent to the address on your sponsor form one week after the meeting. All money will need to be sent to Alan Wilde no later than Sunday 27 November 2005. Thanks Sharon
  24. F2-Fan

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  25. rattle and roll but the
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