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Everything posted by F2-Fan

  1. Looks like the : D smiley has been changed from a normal smiley to
  2. Well that is just so fantastic, give the guys credit they were hungry and needed to eat.
  3. I may be wrong but doesn't Carlos Perez sell Weller Wheels.
  4. You could try DVD shrink that compresses DVD's not sure if it will work on your file but you can give it a try.
  5. Mines all fine and dandy today
  6. Its been like it all afternoon sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't You can try doing the following to see if it helps Paste into START>RUN regsvr32 softpub.dll wintrust.dll initpki.dll dssenh.dll rsaenh.dll gpkcsp.dll sccbase.dll slbcsp.dll cryptdlg.dll Click OK to everything that comes up then try starting messenger again. That is working for some but not for others.
  7. You will probably laugh but well here goes
  8. F2-Fan


    Aussie if you go to this LINK you can download an exel viewer, lets you view things and stuff in exel even if you don't have exel.
  9. Samson keep checking back on Stoxnet, Opposite Lock and such like they keep adding more and more.
  10. There are some on NEC Pics that link and there are also some on More Pic on that link there
  11. Are there any in particular you are after I am sure I found some of them in MIDI format.
  12. Can't you find them on the net in wav or midi format that might be easier.
  13. Can you get to all the coding and see how it is written or do you just see how it looks when your building it.
  14. Do you have an html page, I am not really familiar with Geo or do you just add images and stuff that you want.
  15. Or you can go HERE where there are links to loads of stockie tunes.
  16. It needs to be included in your html page.
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