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Everything posted by crewesader

  1. Last Years plz Dave. Crewesader491
  2. Crewe96m pls
  3. Loved it again! Nice colour change Hooty much more visible No last places and not bottom of the points? 85h 57p 12c must try harder lol Crewesader
  4. Crewesader 96m pls
  5. Was a great night of fun and laughing Got followed in more times than I can count Hooty and Robin Nothing made me better than hitting the above pair flat out and bursting into flames Crewesader
  6. D,Oh! Found it
  7. Where do I get the Track? Not in my mod so far
  8. 96m Crewesader
  9. Crewe 491 White
  10. Crewe 491 white
  11. Crewesader 491 White
  12. I am a lower grader who only races F2 occasionally, not because I,m no good and dont enjoy it, but i do have to pick the tracks more carefully, shale I cant do yet end of. Tarmac tracks only those I fell I wont ruin anyone else,s night and at least get some enjoyment out of the meeting. Therefore Graders discretion is the better way to go drop the 50% rule. Automatic upgrades? Win two heats from white/yellow upto yellow/blue before Final?
  13. Would it be possible for Head Admin to organise a UKDirt Poll on some ideas for Mini Leagues of different rFactor Mods? Alternate wednesday,s night are still free so maybe there could be some 6/7 meetings with some of the other rF short oval mods. Unlim Bangers and 1300 Saloons one at 8 pm one at 9pm three heats and final each. Stock Rods and Classic Hot Rods Mini-Stox and Rebels What do people think? Crewesader
  14. Really enjoyed the meet new physics are very good and lead to some good racing last night. Ta 4 meet and WD LeeK on Final win. Cya at Mildo Crewe
  15. Crewesader 491 White
  16. Maybe there should be a bit more SimStox/UK Dirt joining up, based on this effort. What are you suggesting Al? An Inter-promo style challenge of four rounds (2 at each "promoter") during the season? Are you mad?? Crewesader
  17. Crewesader491 19 189 or 306 please
  18. Crewesader491 please. Subject to skin paint request being answered.
  19. Anyone do me a saloon skin for Sim-Stox open? Please!! Crewesader491
  20. Anyone willing to do me a superstox skin? PM me please. Crewesader491
  21. Hi all, any rF skin painters willing to do my 2013 F1 F2 and saloon skins? Pm me here Crewesader
  22. 2nd meeting first points Happy with that!! WD Winners and Ta admin 4 meet Cya,s all next season Crewesader
  23. Really enjoyed my second meeting, had a good first race in the CS consi held the last qualifying place until two laps from the end when I spun, then did the same thing in Ht1 a top ten finish was blown with two laps to go again. The whites and yellows was my best race of the night managed to hold the top ten finish, well chuffed with that. Will get to grips with these more over the winter, now just got to learn how to make one go round on shale lol. Crewesader
  24. Well done Dan!! Will be back in the saddle for 2013 season Crewesader491
  25. Go to ukdirt.co.uk and then on the homepage you will find downloads rFactor league mods saloons and thats it. Tracks are available from the same place download one to try and you can race a novice skin.
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