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Everything posted by crewesader

  1. Take a look at DHVIDEOS Nick the National Teams from 93 94 at Hendo are epic and catch quite a lot of good hits, Stinkbridge v Gone Gang, 55 Smiggy in DD with 5 Spedeworth. Terry Coke,s well wrecked MK3 Tina and much more. DH also has the full Yorkshire TV back catalogue with plenty of good Brum and Hedno meeets from early 90,s. Crewesader
  2. Visit My Website Having problems with link let me know if u can get to site? Crewesader
  3. Lo All Attempting to do my own site lol have a look if you like old skool pics. www.freewebs.com/crewestadiumnostalgia Crewesader
  4. Cheers All Crewesder
  5. Just Confirmed bookings for saturday night: 617 Jack 97 Alge 998 Cotty 920 Medley. Now upto 60 unlimited Bangers!! Crewesader
  6. You will be needing "Wheely Bins" for your cars EVERY week if you are planning on taking out the TRASH Bring it on Crewesader
  7. Lo All, Mine only General Point is the Jolt Rota:Bangers F1 F2 are well catered for but SSc and Brisca Legends are only on jolt on a race night?? Hot Rods(one of the Poorly supported Mods) gets 3 outings a week?? Solution: A New Jolt Rota with the Mods given fair Jolt practice time,SSc could be on a tues in 2 and BL in 2 on a thurs the night before the meets this still leaves Rod sat and weds(alternate). Crewesader
  8. Get A life!! Sad pair nothin better to do Crewesader491
  9. Northern Steam Promotions press release 7/11/05 Saturday May 6 2006 Unlimited + support Friday June 2 2006 2Ltr + support Friday July 28 2006 2Ltr + support Saturday Aug 5 2006 Unlimited + support Friday Sep 8 2006 2Ltr + support Saturday Oct 7 2006 Unlimited + support Crewesader491
  10. ALL Half way to death 35 now Crewesader491
  11. Lo all Can anyone help have got a model F2/Superstox and I am looking for any pics off 686 Gary Hooper 804 Ian King or 574 Andy Horton frrom early 80,s (pre wing days)so can have model painted in colours please post on here or get me on msn Thanks Crewesader491
  12. Top Stuff Budge!! Space Dust,Grifters,Germs,Jubbly,s, so many memories,playing Kick the Can, British Bulldog 123 Champ!!Jumping the Brook,Tarzan Ropes,3 and your In!! Playing for 6 hours in the snow then crying in the bath from chilblanes.Climbing on the platform on the back of the bin wagon and riding it to the tip lol,The Air Raid Shelter,The Adventure Playground,the smell of Castrol GTR,getting covered in wet shale then getting shouted at when you got home!! Crewesader
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mickey#7 & PRYDIE#9 Crewesader491
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