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Everything posted by Marcy_Boi#133

  1. Mk2 Granny from Ipswich World Final Frogeye Granada from Birmingham Champ of Champs Wolzy 16/60 for A60 Amble Mazda 929 Estate
  2. marcymarc133
  3. Quality night, shame we wern't out in the same races but was enjoyable all the same, got some decent hits out of the old girl and even a trophy...
  4. I sorta agree Grid physics would be poor for a banger game, it's near on impossible to follow in and when you do you usually kill yourself aswell.
  5. Mika LMFAOO!!! Yes Cabs
  6. Got mine last night, well worth the wait outside Game, pisses all over anything I've ever played before, the online play is simply awesome.
  7. Picking mine up midnight tomorrow wooop woop
  8. The rules changed again this year, you no longer have to have the postcode of where you purchased it or BS numbers, I ain't too sure on the little details of writing on them etc but any non standard backgrounds (honeycomb etc) should fail the MOT and fairly sure you're not allowed to show any logos/emblems other than flags of relevant countries.
  9. PM me with what you want colours etc.
  10. UKDirt all meeting up on the bank?
  11. Can give you a hand but it'll take time.
  12. Here's my latest effort...
  13. Good luck Rodder, I'm racing at Arena Sunday
  14. PMSL, feel sorry for the people associated with the track but I've gotta laugh, at least Crimond will never have their fence nicked unless old tires suddenly become worth money!
  15. Now your just being picky....but yes they do.
  16. Pretty sure it was a Hearse and he just called it a Limo Estate, 882 Mark Thompson returned it at Firecracker a few years later. 40 Lester Freestone had one at Firecracker in 03 as well.
  17. No it's done freehand actually Lee.
  18. Thanks they look kinda strange though! Can't you make any more? just take a coupe and make it into a limo? Coupe Limos were high line...fair play if your gonna attempt it but do it with some other s**t not Mk 1's!
  19. Who's Sanpper?
  20. Courty334 account locked..Any help please?
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