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Everything posted by southy277

  1. Well posted Craig!
  2. WD Green. I though i had a final win on the table but a last bender from Green ripped it up. Tried getting payback in GN but missed my chance Bit fustrating at the start of the meeting but great towards the second half when we could finally race. Thanks Admin for the meeting and see you tomorrow guys.
  3. No you don't need to do anything. Just select the novice car required and use that. If you ask on the skinning forum someone will offer to make some cars. As for setups, it takes time and alot of practice to get these right. The default setups are great especially for novice drivers. They can get you close to the fastest laptimes.
  4. Right, to save anyone from getting banned for comments on here it is being closed. Remember that it does not have to be a on track incident that gets you banned...... IF YOU HAVE ANY ISSUES WITH ANY DRIVER OR DRIVING FROM LAST NIGHT THEN PLEASE SEND A COMPLAINT TO A MEMBER OF F2 ADMIN AND IT WILL BE LOOKED INTO AND DEALT WITH. If not then look forward to the Euro's next week. (Southy, Robin, Dave, Drumbstick, Gary, Tom, Si or Leech - think thats everyone...)
  5. Stumpy was not in the GN? Yea get your facts right Ricky! lol
  6. I have always believed that if everyone respects each other then we can have some good racing. If there are a few being OTT, lunging, taking people out and having the i must hit the car infront attitudue then round a track like Buxton and when we get to Barford the racing for many can be wrecked. This is what has happened to the few last night. Something that i found last night was when i caught up with the whites and yellows (all was fast last night) when i passed them there were some bumper work but nothing to suggest the "he passed me so i must fence him" attitude and seemed to accept that i were faster. There is at no point we as admin will accept OTT hits and driving aimed at wrecking someone elses racing which is why we spend alot of time reviewing. The problem is like Jakie said, we can spend hours and hours going through them. There was a few hits on me which during the GN i thought were OTT but on review it was good racing. As we have said before. It helps that if you have a complaint against some driving during a meeting then report it with details to admin (Race, Lap, Driver & what the issue is). This enables us to quickly get through the replays and have plenty time to see it from all angles to come to a fair decision. Would like to see you back Aub - Euro's?
  7. Well spotted Ricky. WD Dan, too fast for me. The GN was carnage but its down to the stupid drivers. It will be reviewed in detail and drivers actions will be punished. I know of 2 incidents that i got caught in. That must be my best tarmac result to date in these. Any complaints please send to a member of the admin team.
  8. I am not that fast on tarmac and was doing 16.5/6's. Forget about laptimes when your starting out. You need to have consistant times without spinning. The laptimes will start coming down eventually.
  9. Following the meeting at Skegness on 2 July Lew495 - has been issued with a 2 week suspended - Activated following incidents on 6 August at Buxton JakieJnr305 - has been issued with a 2 week suspended Spike 221 - has been issued with a final warning
  10. Can anyone post the server replays please?
  11. Think this is the one Belle_Vue_V0.9_10.zip
  12. I have it at home. If no-one has posted it by then I will sort it for you. You were flying in that GN, I couldn't catch you.
  13. WD TomD on your final win and Dan for topping the points. Really enjoyed tonight, some brilliant racing and nothing OTT. Got caught up in about every incident and battle in the final and soon got outside the top 10. See you next week guys.
  14. Any issues with anyone driving, fencing etc...please report to a F2 Admin member and it will get looked into.
  15. WD Drumb. It was a good race to watch. Some good racing throughout the night. In the final i made a ok start and the car next to me disappeared and then reappeared into the side of me and i ended up in the centre tyres with 3 wheels and a dead engine.
  16. Southy277 Blue - can't remember if i booked in on the website or not.....
  17. I used a sidewinder for a few years, not a bad wheel. I got upto red with F1 and F2 with it. Not sure what the Veteran settings are but basically you need to turn off all driving aids apart from leave auto clutch on. I'm not fast on tarmac with the F2's, think the fast guys get 13.3s and i were getting 13.5's. You need the latest graphics driver and ensure that Direct X is running on quality setting. I had issues when running it on performance. This is found if you go to start -> programs -> rfactor and you should see a rfactor config prgram. Hope this helps. This game takes alot of practice!
  18. Got a wheel setup? Or you on a gamepad? Practiced offline? What laptimes you consistly getting? That's it really.
  19. Depends if the site admin accept the payment in time and fully activate your account. Maybe Leek or Counter can answer for you mate.
  20. If you have a logon for the UK Dirt website you can logon then select Members options -> Renew Your Subcription. That will send you striaght to the correct payment account.
  21. Copied this from the forum: Can you send payment via paypal? If so send it to sales@ukdirt.co.uk as described below. Our preferred method for payment is PAYPAL or Bank Transfer. Please send payment to sales@ukdirt.co.uk stating your Nickname and using "gift" will help keep our fees down. or Direct Bank Deposit/Internet Bank Transfer (PM for details) or Cheque/Postal Order (PM for details)
  22. Have you paid the membership fee?
  23. WD JanHarm and Bailey. Was gutted to miss the meeting but tried my best right up until 8:30 to get new PC built but decided to give it a miss.
  24. Following the meeting at Belle Vue on 25/06/12 RickyJames#237 - for a incident during the meeting final RickyJames 237 has been issued with a 1 week ban and a 2 week suspended ban. He may return to racing on 9/7/2012 - Buxton. Ban has been served - 2 week suspended ban still active
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