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Posts posted by TRAV365

  1. Wd to speedtech oh his 3 wins 2hts and gn and wd to final winner and top points scorer 112 TomD

    Thanks to all that raced.


    HT1 926,46,112,363,515,365,315,41,27,221////299,488,2,152,56,99

    HT2 926,363,46,112,221,315,41,2,515,27///299,488,365

    FNL 112,41,315,363,515,488,27,926,46,221///2,299,365

    GN 926,41,363,515,488,315,112,46,299,27///2,365,221



    Tomd112 - 43pts

    Walker363 - 38pts

    Speedtech926 - 36pts

    Drumstick41 - 34pts

    Mike315 30pts

    Bigal515 27pts

    Nezza46 24pts

    Dave488 16pts

    Cap27 12pts

    Spike221 9pts

    Trav365 5pts

    Pusher2 3pts

    El Stigg299 2pts

    Aub152 0pts

    JK99 0pts

    Vixtro56 0pts








  2. Anyway, top stuff in terms of running the meeting by Spike. Thanks to Kev for stewarding the races, and a big well doen to Dave on taking both heats and the final. This of course means that he scored over 30 points, and thus will start the next meeting, at Belle Vue, from yellow.


    Maybe this rule could be changed as it has been droped in real life now to gives the whites a chance to have a good few meetings rather than go straight up and strugle lol ie 217 in real life

    scored over 30 both days but still white for this weekend.


    WD dave cracking results and cheers for the meeting spike/kev was a shocker for me also was good to see munis but he was quite warpy im not convinced the ukdirt servers are good enough for

    drivers to race in from the other side of the world

  3. Well i enjoyed last night and think the new less grip track is a big improvment.

    After the last meeting at sheffield i had 4 dnfs but last night i managed to score points in every race and got my first win on shale in the gn.


  4. a lad i work with is also into this and is mates with the guy in the first post on this thread and has some good sponsorship from Diamondback

    though my boss is not impressed when he rings in sick after falling off haha.





  5. Wd mike you were in a class of your own last night :appl:

    Best meeting yet great turn out and some great racing which can only get better the more we get used to a new game and a new mod.

    well run aub and sorry i left but have had quite a few 4am get ups latley and was knackerd :thumbs_up:

  6. Im not a FWJ fan but i could not see any thing wrong with his last bender on Hayley and i would of been disapointed if he never went for it

    FWJ gos out to win every race and thats what he did be it boy or girl your going in :thumbs_up::thumbs_up:


    Also regards the gn yes smith did go early but i think youd see most reds do the same but the thing is they have changed the rule this year in f1s they

    line up for a full roller but a marshall on the back straight brings them all to a stand still so when they start rolling again the reds are still nearly at a stand still

    when the green flag is droped

  7. Heres one refered to higher up on the thread how FWJ won his 1st world title


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrHnHBYHaZA at about 1.50+ on the video


    Nice one Tom, and i think that shows that theres only 1 cheating scum (as kendo says) and thats wainman.


    Also to add to the fact that wainman chopped the infield and then wipped out smithy rejoining is the fact that nz55 Stan hickey taking out lundy team race for wainman

  8. lol shame the camera never staid in same place because 515 after being bulked in that corner also used the same route that smithy did and as for the gn he never jumped it the reds were bulked by one of them at a stand still the starter droped the green and smithy was gone. Tkae them beer googles off Nezza and can i remind you all of how 515 won his first gold chopping half the corner and rejoing straight into the side of smithy haha

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