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Posts posted by TRAV365

  1. cheers splinter just what i wanted to know :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

    only going to use it to surf the net when im in new zealand for 2 months to make sure meetings are not cancelled etc etc and doubt ill use it back here in the uk so no point in signing up for a 12 month contract.


    cheers Trav :thumbup:

  2. im going to buy a cheap lap top to take to new zealand and see they all come with wi fi and new zealand has a fair few wi fi hot spots does this mean that i can hook up to the internet for free by using it???????


    also how else can you get on to the internet with a laptop while not at home ive seen you can buy data cards from ebay mostly vodaphone and you put a sim card in and hook up that way is that the only option???


    cheers for any help Trav :thumbup:

  3. why is it spam????


    ive come on here and give my own personal points on this which is far more than many others moaning about rfactor have so stick the spam up your ARSE :thumbup: i guess you want every one to say how great it is and bow down to you. well im not like that ive been online in ukdirt since near the begining and ill say it how i see it :thumbup:

  4. for me its the genral game play.

    the cars look great and sound good but the handling is a lot harder compared to heat but the main thing for me is the game play the hitting is just no where near as good as heat half the time when ive hit some one ive spun out

  5. long live BRISCA HEAT far better :thumbup::thumbup:




    your only saying that so you dont have to nick a giro to buy rfactor ya thieving postie :rofl::rofl:



    haha fishy one :thumbup: ive already got it and had a play on and off line and for me its no where near as good as what we are already using i just hope that it comes down to a vote before its swapped over next year :thumbup:

  6. not good news at all this has been posted on ftooz sounds bas


    Quote from telegraph for tomorrow:-


    Colin McRae, the former world rally driving champion, is feared dead in a helicopter crash in Scotland.


    The aircraft burst into flames after it came down in woodland near Lanark, at around 4.10pm, killing everyone on board.


    Jean-Eric Freudiger, McRae's agent, last night told The Sunday Telegraph he had spoken to the driver's brother and that he had confirmed the former champion had been piloting the Squirrel aircraft.


    Speaking from his home in Switzerland, Mr Freudiger said he was still in shock and fighting back tears as he said he could not reach Mr McRae's wife, Alison.


    He added: "I have heard that it was his aircraft. He was in the helicopter. I cannot believe it was a helicopter pilot error because as my best friend and the godfather of my daughter I know he was a very safe pilot.


    "We have been close business partners and friends for seven years. He is the best person I have ever met in my life. I have to try and understand what I have just been told."


  7. bad driving and bad marshalling imo...... :thumbs_down:


    that crash could of been really serious if there was more speed involved


    i will 2nd that. i was talking to Tony Smith (91) on sunday at belle Vue and he said that Liam (90) was in alittle pain still, and a new cage is on order for the car as it was damaged when 231 hit the car. get well soon Liam



    not sure how you can say the marshelling was that bad the yellows were out within a lap can easily see that from the clip and bad driving well you cant blame that on 231 as 90 drove straight across the track in front of him and had no where to go

  8. hey aub you should of been at Belle Vue last night m8 nz10 was in awsome form

    planted 515 into 391 which toke 391 out of the race then in the next race while running 2nd his car was pushing on and with about 4 to go got tangled with another driver got unhooked and then drilled into the side of 84. but the biggest hit was saved to the gn he riffled in 380 and 337 so hard 337 rolled over.

    lol i think theres more to come from mr Rees over the next few meeting which should make me staying at home hard. he looked well on the pace on the shale :thumbup::thumbup:


    ps look out for the Peter Rees dvd on sale around the tracks i got it saturday its 1 hour long and costs £20 quite expensive but a great watch loads of big crashes from the beggining of his racing up to last season and lots of interviews and the money from the sale of the dvd goes towards his cost for coming over here

  9. @ trav


    ive come across various instances in the past wer lack of physical ram

    can casue these errors whilst unpacking and installing,

    as you only have 512 ram it may be an issue.


    to get round this, goto view system info as you have done,


    goto advance tab and select performance/settings.

    then select advance tab again,


    and look at virtual memory at the bottom,


    as you only have 512 ram increase the virtual memory to 1024 (double your physical ram)


    what this does,


    when your physical ram is all used up by processes ect, it pages memory usage on to you hard drive

    using the space as virtual memory,


    you can try ending un-need processes in task manger,


    also antivirus and anti spyware apps are notorious for messing with installations.

    try quiting any of these,


    if non of this helps i would say its another crappy Micro$not buggie piece of cack installer :banghead2:




    also @ walker try increasing vitual memory aswell


    you can download rfactor as try b4 you buy

    your gracic card capability is agp x8 so it should run rfactor reasonably well



    hi i started with taking back the converter and getting a new one then turned up my ram and turned every thing off that i could turn off and still the pieace of cack would not install lol so its going in the bloody bin


    now im worried if i spend the cash on a wheel it will not install that disk to let me use it arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lmao

  10. cheers for your help scrapman not 100% sure what graphics card is in it but i bought it about 2 years ago for about £100 quid lol so i could play a colin mcrae game. :thumbup::thumbup:

    ive had a few goes on rfactor and all seems fine graphics wise so should be sorted ill have another go monday at loading the wireless converter thingy

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