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Posts posted by TRAV365

  1. i downloaded it a few weeks ago the game looks superb but for someone that only uses a keyboard the game play was a no go so it got deleted lol. ive tried wheels before on other games but have never been able to get on with them if ukdirt ever switch over ill maybe have to try a playstaion pad as there the only ones ive ever been able to use to but never on a pc yet

  2. bloody superb rigg m8 :thumbup::thumbup:


    i went there quite a lot as a kid so im told cant remember much but defo remember going to the 1988 semi final just before it closed and was a great days of action r.i.p Aycliffe gone but never forgotten :thumbup::thumbup:


    lol next project rigg is to get it moddled for uk dirt legends on a friday would be wooooohoooooooooo MAGIC :thumbup:

  3. lol well not sure everyone around us thought it was funny lol could not remember lots of it but got told most of what had happend on sunday lol most of it from timmy farrell who was told by his wife hahaha


    lol not sure why me and parky started wrestling but seems it was me that started it lol had a shower last night got out of the shower and all my back has cuts and brusies all over but overall what a superb night and hope i never upset anyone :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:


    oh and that file never worked for me and was not avoding you did not know where you was until late in the day whan mart came over


    oh and a few peps said i was on the floor laughing my head off for about 5 mins why?????????

    its all a bluur stil soberd up by 2am and no hang over :thumbup:

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