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Good evening folks! Whites & Yellows: 341, 599 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 1: 341, 599, 44, 48, 92, 454, 43, 236, 237, 39, 112, 229, 238, 653, 800 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 341, 599, 48, 454, 589, 43, 90, 236, 246, 112, 229, 238, 527, 653 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 3: 341, 44, 92, 454, 589, 90, 236, 237, 246, 39, 238, 527, 653, 800 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 599, 44, 48, 92, 589, 43, 90, 237, 246, 39, 112, 229, 527, 800 server .48 ( steward 255 ) A-Final: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) GN: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in chat by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
484 out
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Grade changes for October 2016. UP TO BLUE 44 DOWN TO WHITE 777, 8 Congratulations to those drivers upgraded and commiserations to those downgraded.
Thanks to Stumpy for his stewarding assistance this evening. Results: Whites & Yellows: 595 599 341 275 444 Heat 1: 236 238 229 484 589 43 653 800 444 237 112 454 341 275 595 Heat 2: 236 800 454 39 653 43 527 229 599 48 444 595 341 484 246 Heat 3: 236 246 112 229 237 341 653 39 238 527 599 275 444 589 48 Heat 4: 112 246 238 595 39 48 484 527 454 800 237 599 275 43 589 A-Final: 236 39 246 229 43 589 112 653 527 800 484 237 444 48 454 238 341 275 599 595 GN 1: 236 246 48 229 112 39 238 484 800 237 527 653 589 454 444 341 595 43 275 599 Points: 100 pts 236 DanSkin 76 pts 246 Stox 71 pts 39 LeeK 67 pts 229 Tsjalle 50 pts 112 Tom D 40 pts 43 pinken 31 pts 589 Stijneman 29 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 27 pts 238 Kane_M 22 pts 48 Tinman 22 pts 800 BenChambers 18 pts 527 fast track 17 pts 484 Jack Ward 10 pts 454 Frans 9 pts 237 rickyljames 7 pts 595 The Undertaker 5 pts 341 ironside 2 pts 444 ritzoberst 2 pts 599 Harold 0 pts 275 Boglehole The replays are here! (server .48)
Good evening folks! Whites & Yellows: 275, 341, 595, 444, 599 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 1: 275, 341, 595, 444, 454, 589, 43, 236, 237, 112, 229, 238, 484, 653, 800 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 341, 595, 444, 599, 48, 454, 43, 236, 246, 39, 229, 484, 527, 653, 800 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 3: 275, 341, 444, 599, 48, 589, 236, 237, 246, 39, 112, 229, 238, 527, 653 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 275, 595, 599, 48, 454, 589, 43, 237, 246, 39, 112, 238, 484, 527, 800 server .48 ( steward 255 ) A-Final: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) GN: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in chat by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade: Bookings will close at 7:00PM, thank you.
Congratulations to Tom D #112, Tsjalle #229, Kane_M #238, LeeK #39, BenChambers #800, fast track #527, Jack Ward #484 and Ryan Simpson #653 for qualifying for the 2016 UKDirt F1 Shootout Series. They will contest the first round this week at Northampton. From the UKDirt F1 rules: 6 meetings in the latter part of the season count towards the Shootout Series. The top 8 drivers in the National Points Championship before the first round will contest the Shootout Series. All drivers start with zero points and scoring is as per normal meeting points. At Shootout Series meetings the Shootout drivers will all race from Superstar, and any superstar not in the series will race from Red. At Shootout Series meetings the Shootout drivers will be gridded for A-finals in reverse Shootout points order. At half way (after 3 rounds) the bottom 4 drivers will be dropped from the Shootout Series. The last round of the Shootout Series (the Shootout Finale) will be double-point scoring. The 2016 Shootout Series Champion is entitled to silver stripes until the 2017 Shootout Series.
I have to say it is a little disappointing to read some of the views above re. warp and removing people from races - Stumpy helps us run the leagues through nothing but his own interest and kindness. But everything that needs to be said has already been said, so I will leave it there - only adding again my thanks to Stumpy for the help he does give us. Without his presence I would probably not still be around! The World Final was one hell of a race - I don't think I've ever driven such in such fast and "racey" World Final before, let alone driven such a fast race and not won! For my part I was very disappointed, I managed to save a lot in the first 10 laps or so with Jamie and the pack all pacing along behind. When I tried to open the gap around half way Jamie came with me, and once we got into lap traffic he was quicker. I regret not being a little more forceful with some of the traffic, but I don't like to drive that way and would probably have made a mess of it anyway. Once Jamie pulled the gap we held station much like the first half of the race, and short of channeling my inner FWJ (circa 1998) I was never going to get near him again. So congratulations Wardieee #1 - I'm sure you'll do the gold roof proud.
Congratulations to Wardieee #180 the 2016 UKDirt F1 World Champion! Well done to ThomasK #44 for winning the meeting final, and Wardieee #180 for top scoring. Thanks to Stumpy for his stewarding assistance this evening. Results: World Final: 180 236 238 1 484 229 39 527 44 167 800 233 146 48 82 454 589 237 17 63 316 43 599 246 Heat 1: 520 229 167 180 39 468 527 275 589 44 17 82 800 Heat 2: 146 48 1 236 238 599 454 55 237 43 484 246 63 Heat 3: 180 484 229 468 43 275 238 55 520 599 167 44 17 Heat 4: 48 236 246 39 454 527 146 237 589 1 82 800 Heat 5: 39 1 55 527 238 484 44 43 275 48 599 17 Heat 6: 800 236 180 229 167 82 454 520 246 589 237 468 48 B-Final: 589 237 63 A-Final: 44 55 238 43 180 599 484 454 236 246 229 39 800 1 167 520 146 48 527 275 468 82 GN 1: 180 527 238 39 246 43 454 1 589 236 55 275 237 229 520 44 599 167 146 48 468 82 800 Points: 125 pts 180 Wardieee 112 pts 238 Kane_M 82 pts 236 DanSkin 65 pts 44 Tom K 64 pts 484 Jack Ward 59 pts 55 Kbarker 59 pts 1 Tom D 57 pts 39 LeeK 55 pts 43 pinken 49 pts 527 fast track 49 pts 229 Tsjalle 37 pts 454 Frans 31 pts 599 Harold 27 pts 246 Stox 20 pts 48 Tinman 19 pts 167 CB 15 pts 520 Jeffrey Roeffen 14 pts 146 CrashleyEngland 12 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 10 pts 275 Boglehole 10 pts 800 BenChambers 9 pts 589 Stijneman 5 pts 82 Dbecks 5 pts 237 rickyljames 0 pts 63 Tomdavison 0 pts 316 BigDan 0 pts 17 Dan W 0 pts 233 Grasser Messers: 8 Tosh The replays are here! (server .48) The replays are here! (server .45)
Meeting info updated again! And sorry, but it will not be streamed.
Good evening folks! World Final: 236, 180, 1, 39, 800, 229, 238, 233, 527, 48, 17, 82, 44, 589, 237, 246, 484, 43, 8, 63, 167, 599, 316, 146 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 1: 275, 44, 316, 468, 520, 17, 82, 233, 589, 180, 527, 800, 39, 229, 238 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 63, 8, 146, 599, 48, 55, 167, 454, 43, 237, 246, 484, 1, 236 server .45 ( steward 236 ) Heat 3: 275, 44, 468, 520, 599, 17, 55, 167, 233, 43, 180, 484, 1, 229, 238 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 63, 8, 146, 316, 48, 82, 454, 589, 237, 246, 527, 800, 39, 236 server .45 ( steward 236 ) Heat 5: 275, 44, 146, 316, 599, 17, 48, 55, 233, 43, 484, 527, 1, 39, 238 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 6: 63, 8, 468, 520, 82, 167, 454, 589, 180, 237, 246, 800, 229, 236 server .45 ( steward 236 ) A-Final: (22 cars) server .48 ( steward 255 ) B-Final: (?? cars) server .45 ( steward 236 ) GN1: ??? server .48 ( steward 255 ) GN2: ??? server .45 ( steward 236 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in chat by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade: Bookings will close at 7:00PM, thank you.
Congratulations LeeK! Well done Kane for top scoring. Thanks for the meeting James and company. I thought it was excellent.
UKDirt F1 2016 World Final Preview Coventry (22/09/16) This Thursday it’s World Final time once again! After twelve World Qualifying rounds, two Semi Finals and a Consolation Semi Final we have formed the grid. Now the only question remaining is… who will be crowned the UKDirt F1 2016 World Champion? (Thanks again to Wardieee and Jakeeey!) You could also check out the and Coventry UKDirt F1 World Finals. A few weeks ago, in the last World Final which Coventry will ever play host to, Frankie Wainman Jnr #515 claimed his third BriSCA F1 World Championship and his second at the ‘Brandon Bowl’. Photo credit Paul Tully Photography Road to Gold: Semi Final #1: 180 1 229 238 527 48 44 84 454 237 / 8 777 221 267 Semi Final #2: 236 39 800 653 233 17 82 80 589 246 / 484 Consolation Semi Final: 484 43 8 90 / 777 63 411 Due to coordination issues it was not possible to have a physical coin toss take place this year. Using the Virtual Coin Toss website the toss took place in the presence of Wardieee, DanSkin, LeeK and demonstone. Wardieee #180 called tails and the coin toss results came up heads. DanSkin #236 picked the inside pole position. World Final Grid: Reserves (in order): 777 63 411 221 267 691 204 525 89 562 291 167 599 92 363 444 249 55 79 486 316 146 182 380 14 518 540 539 241 8 267 606 801 468 103 188 49 109 295 29 595 211 Row 1 – DanSkin #236 // Wardieee #180 The pole sitter, DanSkin #236, hadn’t actually raced an F1 in 2016 before taking the Semi Final win at Buxton mid-August (having qualified by virtue of qualifying rounds at the end of the 2015 season). A return to racing since then has seen a flurry of final wins that included the Dutch Championship at Baarlo (Long Track) earlier in September. To his outside we find the new UKDirt F2 World Champion, and UKDirt F1 British Champion, Wardieee #180. He’s not been a regular racer this season, having raced less than half of the meetings. But he does have a couple of final wins to his name, a very healthy points average and bags of pace. Row 2 – Tom D #1 // LeeK #39 The defending UKDirt F1 World Champion and man hunting his sixth UKDirt F1 National Points title lines up on the inside of row two. Tom D #1 (#112) has won the most recent two World Finals at Coventry (2010 and 2014) and will be looking to add to his already impressive five F1 world titles! To his outside, veteran UKDirt-er LeeK #39 is perhaps seeing a resurgence of form having accrued twice as many race wins compared to this point last season, including a few on the shale of Mildenhall and Scunthorpe. He’s no stranger to success across the leagues and has shown before that he can comfortably lead an F1 World Final at Coventry. Row 3 – BenChambers #800 // Tsjalle #229 Ben Chambers #800 is the only other driver to have raced at every meeting this season and has been sitting consistently in, or on the cusp of, the superstar grade. He picked up the final win at the Bradford (Tarmac) qualifying round but shows himself competent on the loose stuff with a grand national win at Bradford (Shale) back in April. To the outside of row three we find the first Dutch contender - Tsjalle #229, his results show a bias towards shale performances and en route to qualifying he picked up final wins at the Bradford (Shale), Kings Lynn and Northampton rounds. He currently leads the Grand National championship, and is the second most winning-est driver of the season with eighteen race victories to his name. Row 4 – Kane_M #238 // Ryan Simpson #653 The 2014 Champion of Champions, Kane_M #238, lines up on the inside of row four. He’s missed just one meeting this season and final wins at Birmingham and Buxton will no doubt have helped him on his way to leading the Tarmac Series. His only previous appearance on the F1 World Final podium was a third place back in 2012. To the outside is the first Scottish contender, Ryan Simpson #653. It has been quite a successful season for Ryan, with a final win at the Sheffield qualifying round being followed up with the win at Nutts Corner to take the Irish Championship! Row 5 – Grasser #233 // fast track #527 On the inside of row five we find another UKDirt veteran in Grasser #233. The 2006 National Points Champion has made just four appearances this season - the first three meetings of the season and then his Semi Final. There was even a sneaky Grand National win on the shale at the opening Kings Lynn meeting! To the outside of row five is regular attendee and mystic final grid correcter-er fast track #527. A couple of heat wins at Coventry earlier in the season maybe some indication of his pace at the Brandon Bowl. Row 6 – Tinman #48 // Dan W #17 The 2015 Champion of Champions, Tinman #48, starts on the inside of row six. The second Dutchman on the grid he has had a quiet season, but has picked up a couple of race wins on shale at the Sheffield Semi Final meeting. To his outside is the 2015 Whites and Yellows Champion, Dan W #17. Dan has also picked up shale wins across a variety of tracks including Stoke, Kings Lynn and Belle Vue. Row 7 – Dbecks #82 // Tom K #44 Dbecks #82 lines up on the inside of row seven and he showed spectacular shale form with a complete clean sweep at the early season Belle Vue meeting taking wins in all three of his heats, the a-final and his grand national! Since then he has settled at blue grade and picked up a few further race wins at Bradford (Shale), Skegness and Birmingham. To the outside of row seven will be the current Whites and Yellows championship leader Tom K #44. He kicked his season up a gear back in May when he took back to back Whites and Yellows race wins at Skegness and Sheffield and heat and grand national wins at those meetings respectively. Row 8 – Timm #84 // ShayMurphMurphy #80 Our third Dutch contender, Timm #84, lines up on row eight. Despite only eight appearances this season Timm holds red grade with a good average and has picked up a couple of race wins - both on the shale at Belle Vue and Stoke! Outside of Timm will be ShayMurpMurphy #80, for whom shale heat wins have come at Stoke and Belle Vue this season. Row 9 – Stijneman #589 // Frans #454 Stijneman #589 lines up on row nine, with twenty-five appearances this season and consistent scoring he races from the blue grade. His only shale win this season came at the Stoke meeting in June. Completing this all Dutch row is Frans #454, similarly placed to Stijneman in the national points he picked up an A-final win earlier in the season at Arena Essex and performed very well at the Coventry meeting in April picking up heat and grand national wins! Row 10 – rickyljames #237 // Stox #246 On row ten we find the 2016 UKDirt F1 European Champion rickyljames #237! In a well-deserved result Ricky was able to claim those red and yellow checkers back in July at Northampton. For his only other race win of the season we have to look back to the opening meeting at Kings Lynn and the B-final. To his outside we find Stox #246 - a UKDirt regular, and the 2015 UK Open Champion, he has missed just one meeting this season. A final win at Stoke and a healthy position in the race wins table tell the tale of a good season. Row 11 – Jack Ward #484 // pinken #43 Onto row eleven and we move into the qualifiers who came through from the Consolation Semi Final at Stoke a fortnight ago. The first of those was Jack Ward #484 after a disastrous Semi Final at Buxton he recovered well to take the win at Stoke. He has final wins at the Coventry, Buxton and Wimbledon qualifying rounds and a handful of other wins on shale. To the outside of Jack we find Pinken #43, another driver who appears ‘out of position’ on this grid (although this time by virtue of not starting his Semi Final). Lloydy is the most final-winning-est driver of 2016 with victories at Stoke (x2), Northampton and Scunthorpe! Row 12 – Tosh #8 // LiamB #90 On the inside of row twelve we find our second Scotsman on the grid, Tosh #8. After coming into the Sheffield Semi Final as a reserve and just missing out on qualification, he successfully found his way to third in the Consolation Semi Final. Tosh has no race wins to his name this year, but has scored significantly better in his shale outings than tarmac in 2016. To the outside of row twelve, and the last man to directly qualify, we find 2014 European Champion LiamB #90. Based on the 2016 season, Liam performs significantly better on tarmac, and we have to look back to the opening meeting of the season at Kings Lynn to find any shale race wins (two heats). As in 2015, only two drivers on the grid have ever won the World Championship before – DanSkin and Tom D, with both drivers having held the title on both the NASCAR Heat and rFactor formats. In addition only Wardieee, Grasser, Stox, Kane_M and LeeK have ever featured on the podium before – so we again have a good chance to add some new names to the roll of honour! Good luck to everyone challenging for the 2016 UKDirt F1 World Championship. The World Final will be the first race of the night (a prompt 8.30PM start), and a normal meeting will follow.
Thanks to Stumpy for his stewarding assistance this evening. Results: Heat 1: 236 484 589 8 39 527 468 229 237 595 520 82 275 48 800 146 777 381 Heat 2: 236 527 229 800 48 238 1 246 454 80 146 595 381 63 82 777 8 468 Heat 3: 146 520 1 484 589 238 39 527 246 82 237 80 63 275 454 236 8 381 Heat 4: 238 1 48 237 229 484 80 246 39 454 63 275 468 777 589 520 595 800 A-Final: 236 246 1 238 48 80 527 800 275 39 146 229 454 8 237 468 82 381 63 595 520 589 484 777 GN 1: 229 80 238 39 800 236 63 246 237 82 454 146 468 381 48 520 595 1 275 8 777 527 589 Points: 90 pts 236 DanSkin 71 pts 238 Kane_M 61 pts 1 Tom D 59 pts 246 Stox 48 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 44 pts 48 Tinman 37 pts 527 fast track 37 pts 229 Tsjalle 34 pts 800 BenChambers 31 pts 39 LeeK 21 pts 484 Jack Ward 14 pts 589 Stijneman 13 pts 237 rickyljames 10 pts 275 Boglehole 10 pts 146 CrashleyEngland 9 pts 520 Jeffrey Roeffen 8 pts 63 Tomdavison 7 pts 8 Tosh 4 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 3 pts 82 Dbecks 3 pts 454 Frans 1 pts 595 The Undertaker 0 pts 381 kevharbord 0 pts 777 HGR The replays are here! (server .48)
Good evening folks! Heat 1: 275, 381, 595, 8, 146, 468, 520, 48, 82, 589, 777, 237, 484, 527, 800, 39, 229, 236 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 63, 381, 595, 8, 80, 146, 468, 48, 82, 454, 777, 246, 527, 800, 1, 229, 236, 238 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 3: 63, 275, 381, 8, 80, 146, 520, 82, 454, 589, 237, 246, 484, 527, 1, 39, 236, 238 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 63, 275, 595, 80, 468, 520, 48, 454, 589, 777, 237, 246, 484, 800, 1, 39, 229, 238 server .48 ( steward 255 ) A-Final: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) GN1: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in chat by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade: Bookings will close at 7:00PM, thank you.
Congratulations to Jack Ward #484 for winning the Consolation Semi Final. Well done to pinken #43 for winning the meeting final and Tom D #1 for top scoring. Thanks to Stumpy for his stewarding assistance this evening. Results: Consolation Semi: 484 43 8 90 // 777 63 411 Heat 1: 80 1 82 44 653 238 800 90 229 484 246 237 43 777 275 63 381 Heat 2: 44 1 229 180 43 653 8 39 484 527 237 777 275 82 468 381 454 Heat 3: 180 527 229 238 484 82 800 80 454 777 90 39 246 468 63 8 381 Heat 4: 1 180 468 238 44 454 653 39 246 237 80 90 800 8 275 63 43 527 A-Final: 43 1 229 800 468 180 484 8 246 454 82 44 80 39 238 237 275 653 777 68 90 381 527 GN 1: 229 468 800 39 238 1 246 527 237 43 454 82 80 275 68 777 653 381 180 8 44 Points: 83 pts 1 Tom D 78 pts 229 Tsjalle 60 pts 43 pinken 59 pts 800 BenChambers 56 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 51 pts 180 Wardieee 31 pts 238 Kane_M 29 pts 484 Jack Ward 23 pts 44 Tom K 20 pts 246 Stox 20 pts 39 LeeK 19 pts 8 Tosh 16 pts 527 fast track 15 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 13 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 13 pts 82 Dbecks 12 pts 454 Frans 5 pts 237 rickyljames 3 pts 90 LiamB 1 pts 777 HGR 0 pts 63 Tomdavison 0 pts 275 Boglehole 0 pts 381 kevharbord 0 pts 411 ReeceWinch The replays are here! (server .48)
Updated - added Tosh
Good evening folks! World Consolation Semi: 777, 8, 484, 90, 43, 411, 63 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 1: 63, 275, 381, 44, 80, 777, 82, 43, 90, 237, 246, 411, 484, 653, 800, 1, 229, 238 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 275, 381, 468, 8, 44, 777, 82, 454, 43, 180, 237, 411, 484, 527, 653, 1, 39, 229 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 3: 63, 381, 468, 8, 80, 777, 82, 454, 90, 180, 246, 411, 484, 527, 800, 39, 229, 238 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 63, 275, 468, 8, 44, 80, 454, 43, 90, 180, 237, 246, 527, 653, 800, 1, 39, 238 server .48 ( steward 255 ) A-Final: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) GN1: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in chat by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade: Bookings will close at 7:00PM, thank you.