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Everything posted by DanSkin

  1. Updated! 622 out, 976 in.
  2. Good evening folks! Please also be reminded that we typically we allow a maximum of 2 wheels off the dirt here at any time. Heat 1: 49, 275, 976, 316, 381, 540, 44, 48, 484, 8, 39, 237, 238, 246, 527, 112, 236 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 49, 275, 82, 316, 381, 454, 44, 346, 484, 8, 39, 238, 527, 589, 112, 229, 236 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 3: 275, 976, 82, 316, 454, 540, 44, 48, 346, 8, 237, 246, 527, 589, 229, 236 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 49, 976, 82, 381, 454, 540, 48, 346, 484, 39, 237, 238, 246, 589, 112, 229 server .48 ( steward 255 ) A-Final: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255, 236 ) GN: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255, 236 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in chat by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  3. Grade changes for May 2017. UP TO RED 246 DOWN TO BLUE 484 UP TO BLUE 44 DOWN TO YELLOW 79, 777 UP TO YELLOW 321 DOWN TO WHITE 100 Congratulations to those drivers upgraded and commiserations to those downgraded.
  4. The link on the UKDirt website is correct - here. About the only thing I haven't seen mentioned would be to delete any generated HAT file for Bristol. ( ...\rFactor\UserData\LOG\HAT\Bristol.hat ) Other than that, try giving the guys a bit more information and someone might be aware of a similar problem. If it was me: I'd first check the install was in the correct location (maybe even install to desktop and copy and paste into locations folder) Check you don't have another Bristol or other Bristol files somewhere in your rFactor install (go to rFactor directory and search for Bristol) Then I'd start trying different DX and graphic detail settings in case something weird was going on...
  5. Updated! The 04/05/17 meeting was listed as Wimbledon in error, now corrected to Mildenhall.
  6. Well done to Tom D #112 for winning the final! Thanks to all who raced tonight and thanks to Stumpy his stewarding assistance! Results: Whites & Yellows: 44 582 275 17 622 381 82 49 100 Heat 1: 236 112 346 43 48 39 527 82 381 622 589 49 100 Heat 2: 236 39 229 246 44 346 275 48 238 589 582 777 49 381 Heat 3: 236 246 112 238 43 44 582 237 622 82 49 17 48 Heat 4: 346 44 43 229 17 527 82 275 100 237 589 238 777 Heat 5: 112 39 229 275 237 582 527 777 246 381 100 17 622 A-Final: 112 236 246 39 238 237 527 49 48 229 589 622 82 275 582 100 381 17 346 43 44 777 GN 1: 236 582 82 346 246 229 44 527 39 238 49 48 589 112 43 237 622 17 100 275 381 777 Points: 95 pts 236 DanSkin 77 pts 112 Tom D 70 pts 246 Stox 62 pts 39 LeeK 41 pts 238 Kane_M 39 pts 527 fast track 38 pts 229 Tsjalle 37 pts 346 CrashleyEngland 35 pts 237 rickyljames 28 pts 44 Tom K 27 pts 582 ginger 24 pts 82 Dbecks 21 pts 43 pinken 19 pts 48 Tinman 15 pts 49 DavoSayco 14 pts 275 Boglehole 6 pts 17 DanW 3 pts 622 Johandehaan 3 pts 381 kevharbord 3 pts 777 HGR 2 pts 100 Tomdavison 1 pts 589 Stijneman The replays are here! (server .48)
  7. Good evening folks! Whites & Yellows: 49, 102, 275, 622, 17, 44, 82, 100, 381, 582 server .48 ( steward 255, 236 ) Heat 1: 49, 102, 622, 82, 100, 381, 48, 92, 346, 39, 43, 527, 589, 112, 236 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 49, 102, 275, 44, 381, 582, 48, 246, 346, 777, 39, 238, 589, 229, 236 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 3: 49, 622, 17, 44, 82, 582, 48, 92, 246, 43, 237, 238, 112, 236 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 102, 275, 17, 44, 82, 100, 346, 777, 43, 237, 238, 527, 589, 229 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 5: 275, 622, 17, 100, 381, 582, 92, 246, 777, 39, 237, 527, 112, 229 server .48 ( steward 255 ) A-Final: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) GN1: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in chat by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  8. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade: Bookings will close at 7:00PM, thank you.
  9. Congratulations LeeK, and well done Hoggy. Thanks for the meeting James and Stumpy.
  10. thats the thing ash no one will stand up to them and tbh there is a very few who would as they might get a ban in it tbh if i done any off them i would not care if i got a ban or not Same question as above applies Ryan. What have I done?
  11. Again, as my previous replies - I don't understand! What I have done (in this race, or in general?) that you have to 'stand up' to me and 'give it back' to me like this? I wasn't even entirely sure it was on purpose, but thanks for clearing that up.
  12. I still don't understand why this really involves me, or is now somehow my fault? I don't know what more to tell you Tosh (& HGR), you are mistaken. And as I said previously, I am a little sad that you have such a low opinion of me. From my point of view I was taken out early in the race and fortunate enough to recover through a pack of battling/crashing cars. Later in the race I was baulked by lap cars, costing me this gifted lead. But, I note that your review of the race has omitted to highlight any of my misfortunes. It's not my place to make comments on anything TomD has done and for that reason I did not, that's his business. I am sure the F2 Disciplinary Team will review any complaints and come to a conclusion just the same as they do every week for every incident. For what it's worth, as a veteran member in generally good standing I expect TomD will accept/acknowledge their conclusions in good grace. As for being taken out by TomD... I have fond memories of an 8 week ban after some issues at Buxton in an F1 Semi-Final a few years ago, so I'm fairly certain we traded blows before and after... But yes, we're friends now so don't tend to go out of our way to wreck each others races anymore... Not that that's anyone's business but mine and TomD's. As I say, I'm not sure why I'm having to defend myself...
  13. I have to say TeamSpeak, Vent, etc. is a difficult topic. For a long time I was not a fan at all. And, I do not enjoy UKDirt TeamSpeak at all. I either don't know a lot of you guys very well and never get a chance to, or I'm called in to referee what are mostly silly squabbles. Certainly for during racing I am not much of a fan/user (I really don't need to be screamed at while I'm trying to race, and I know of others who mute during the races, etc.), but yes, a few of us often sit together with any race stewards so calls can be given if someone is warping/being really dumb, call out grids, collect results, etc. If anyone thinks there is some shot caller, team leader or team orders going on where I am then (1) I'm a little sad that you think that of me/us and (2) you're sorely mistaken. Outside of racing, I hang out there anyway with my friends. I'm also fairly certain that without some sort of voice chat a lot of the mods we use wouldn't have existed / reached their current states, and certainly the condition of this league (forum, website, servers, etc.) would be significantly poorer. ... A further, general comment on the racing last night. I've come back this year to continue to race the way I always have. If I am caught up in other peoples business, or perceived to have done something deserving of the treatment the last few weeks then so be it. I race for fun, when it is more hassle than fun I will take a break.
  14. Thanks for the meeting. Congratulations Wardy! That was a tough nights racing!
  15. As far as I am aware, there was no problem with the server.
  16. Thanks to all who raced tonight and thanks to Stumpy his stewarding assistance! Results: Whites & Yellows: 17 582 381 976 444 125 44 82 275 49 100 777 Heat 1: 236 44 484 976 291 48 381 589 246 100 1 237 125 777 275 238 49 444 17 Heat 2: 48 1 236 44 527 82 976 238 582 291 39 100 79 381 777 49 275 17 237 Heat 3: 112 236 976 527 125 589 484 291 246 381 582 82 100 238 444 49 79 17 39 Heat 4: 1 112 527 582 44 48 39 246 275 125 79 589 82 484 777 100 237 444 A-Final: 236 39 48 527 112 238 125 237 275 589 1 484 582 79 82 291 381 246 444 777 100 976 49 17 44 GN 1: 1 976 44 82 112 39 527 125 237 236 381 484 275 48 246 49 777 582 238 79 100 589 444 291 17 Points: 81 pts 236 DanSkin 64 pts 527 fast track 61 pts 112 Tom D 60 pts 48 Tinman 59 pts 39 LeeK 39 pts 1 Wardieee 38 pts 44 Tom K 37 pts 976 rik 33 pts 125 N.Burhenne 28 pts 238 Kane_M 19 pts 82 Dbecks 19 pts 237 rickyljames 13 pts 589 Stijneman 12 pts 275 Boglehole 12 pts 484 Jack Ward 10 pts 291 Marten 9 pts 582 ginger 7 pts 246 Stox 5 pts 381 kevharbord 1 pts 100 Tomdavison 0 pts 49 DavoSayco 0 pts 17 Dan W 0 pts 444 ritzoberst 0 pts 79 weeryan 0 pts 777 HGR The replays are here! (server .48)
  17. Updated!
  18. Good evening folks! Whites & Yellows: 275, 976, 17, 44, 100, 125, 381, 444, 582 server .48 ( steward 255, 236 ) Heat 1: 275, 976, 17, 44, 125, 381, 444, 48, 246, 291, 777, 237, 238, 484, 589, 1, 236, 112 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 275, 976, 17, 44, 100, 381, 582, 48, 79, 291, 777, 39, 237, 238, 527, 1, 236, 82 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 3: 976, 17, 100, 125, 381, 444, 582, 79, 246, 291, 39, 238, 484, 527, 589, 236, 82, 112 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 275, 44, 100, 125, 444, 582, 48, 79, 246, 777, 39, 237, 484, 527, 589, 1, 82, 112 server .48 ( steward 255 ) A-Final: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) GN1: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in chat by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  19. Congratulations to Stox #246 for winning the Irish Championship and top scoring! Thanks to all who raced tonight and thanks to Stumpy his stewarding assistance! Results: Heat 1: 246 236 112 238 346 229 976 237 291 381 527 484 125 275 17 Heat 2: 1 589 112 321 381 316 17 527 484 79 8 48 80 275 237 291 Heat 3: 246 589 346 321 238 48 229 39 112 1 125 976 17 8 Heat 4: 236 229 291 125 39 238 79 346 48 316 381 976 275 237 1 80 484 Heat 5: 246 39 236 112 346 527 275 237 79 17 589 316 321 8 Heat 6: 48 246 229 238 321 484 125 527 1 589 381 82 79 976 291 Heat 7: 17 236 112 39 238 484 246 381 237 8 275 316 346 976 Heat 8: 48 39 236 229 527 316 321 79 82 589 8 1 291 A-Final: 246 236 346 229 238 112 589 48 39 527 237 17 79 275 82 1 8 381 291 484 316 Points: 93 pts 246 Stox 89 pts 236 DanSkin 68 pts 229 Tsjalle 63 pts 346 CrashleyEngland 61 pts 238 Kane_M 58 pts 112 Tom D 44 pts 39 LeeK 42 pts 48 Tinman 40 pts 589 Stijneman 24 pts 321 HaaDee 22 pts 527 fast track 15 pts 17 Dan W 13 pts 1 Wardieee 12 pts 484 Jack Ward 11 pts 125 N.Burhenne 11 pts 316 BigDan 10 pts 381 kevharbord 10 pts 79 weeryan 10 pts 291 Marten 8 pts 237 rickyljames 4 pts 275 Boglehole 4 pts 976 rik 2 pts 82 Dbecks 1 pts 8 Tosh 0 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy Messers: 0 pts 777 HGR The replays are here! (server .48)
  20. Good evening folks! Heat 1: 275, 976, 17, 82, 125, 381, 246, 291, 346, 777, 237, 238, 484, 527, 112, 229, 236 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 275, 321, 17, 221, 316, 381, 48, 79, 80, 291, 8, 39, 237, 484, 589, 1, 112, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 3: 321, 976, 17, 82, 125, 221, 48, 246, 346, 777, 8, 238, 527, 589, 1, 112, 229, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 275, 976, 125, 316, 381, 48, 79, 80, 291, 346, 39, 237, 238, 484, 1, 229, 236, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 5: 275, 321, 17, 82, 221, 316, 79, 246, 346, 777, 8, 39, 237, 527, 589, 112, 236, , server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 6: 321, 976, 82, 125, 381, 48, 79, 80, 246, 291, 238, 484, 527, 589, 1, 229, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 7: 275, 976, 17, 221, 316, 381, 80, 246, 346, 777, 8, 39, 237, 238, 484, 112, 236, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 8: 321, 82, 125, 221, 316, 48, 79, 80, 291, 777, 8, 39, 527, 589, 1, 229, 236, server .48 ( steward 255 ) A-Final: ... server .48 ( steward 255 ) You each should have 5 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 5 heats. Please be in chat by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  21. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade: Bookings will close at 7:00PM, thank you.
  22. Name: DanSkin Number: 236 Grade: Superstar
  23. Updated! British Championship meeting moved to Sheffield to reflect real life events. WQ & WY rounds from cancelled meeting at Stoke 06/04/17 moved to Stoke 15/06/17 meeting.
  24. Tonight’s meeting is CANCELLED! Our apologies, but due to problems beyond our control with servers, tonight’s scheduled meeting at Stoke for WQ6 & WY4 will not take place. There will be announcement in due course about rescheduling WQ and WY rounds.
  25. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade: Bookings will close at 7:00PM, thank you.
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