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Everything posted by DanSkin

  1. Good evening folks! Heat 1: 244, 82, 100, 237, 394, 777, 888, 17, 44, 55, 484, 346, 527, 589, 691, 800, 112, 236 server .45 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 244, 82, 100, 237, 381, 777, 888, 17, 44, 484, 562, 39, 346, 527, 589, 691, 112, 236 server .45 ( steward 255 ) Heat 3: 244, 100, 237, 381, 394, 777, 888, 17, 55, 484, 562, 39, 346, 527, 691, 800, 112, 236 server .45 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 244, 82, 100, 237, 381, 394, 777, 44, 55, 484, 562, 39, 346, 589, 691, 800, 236 server .45 ( steward 255 ) Heat 5: 244, 82, 237, 381, 394, 888, 17, 44, 55, 484, 562, 39, 527, 589, 691, 800, 112 server .45 ( steward 255 ) Heat 6: 82, 100, 381, 394, 777, 888, 17, 44, 55, 562, 39, 346, 527, 589, 800, 112, 236 server .45 ( steward 255 ) A-Final: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) You each should have 5 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 5 heats. Please be in chat by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  2. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade: Toff 244 White
  3. Well done to Tom D #112 for winning the meeting final! Thanks to all who raced tonight and thanks to Stumpy for his stewarding assistance! Results: Heat 1: 236 691 527 394 888 237 39 484 589 244 895 82 381 246 359 80 Heat 2: 236 527 39 238 244 112 468 888 246 562 381 80 100 589 503 82 Heat 3: 39 691 112 527 244 237 484 246 100 503 238 394 562 82 895 468 Heat 4: 236 394 888 100 589 381 238 691 80 484 112 562 895 468 237 503 A-Final: 112 236 39 238 503 562 246 691 527 888 80 394 895 381 468 244 589 82 484 237 100 GN 1: 236 39 238 244 888 527 589 112 246 394 82 562 895 100 80 503 237 468 691 Points: 95 pts 236 DanSkin 80 pts 39 LeeK 75 pts 112 Tom D 62 pts 238 Kane_M 44 pts 527 fast track 36 pts 691 Jakeeey 34 pts 888 Ellis_Rogers 31 pts 503 Dane Bell 29 pts 246 Stox 27 pts 244 Toff 26 pts 562 BenF 18 pts 394 PaulE 16 pts 589 Stijneman 10 pts 237 rickyljames 9 pts 100 Tomdavison 8 pts 484 Jack Ward 5 pts 381 kevharbord 4 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 2 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 0 pts 359 ConnorB 0 pts 82 Dbecks 0 pts 895 The Undertaker Messers: 976 rik The replays are here!
  4. Good evening folks! Heat 1: 244, 359, 82, 237, 381, 394, 888, 895, 976, 80, 246, 484, 39, 527, 589, 691, 236 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 244, 359, 82, 100, 381, 503, 888, 976, 80, 246, 468, 562, 39, 238, 527, 589, 112, 236 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 3: 244, 82, 100, 237, 394, 503, 895, 976, 246, 468, 484, 562, 39, 238, 527, 691, 112 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 359, 100, 237, 381, 394, 503, 888, 895, 80, 468, 484, 562, 238, 589, 691, 112, 236 server .48 ( steward 255 ) A-Final: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) GN1: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in chat by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  5. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:
  6. Congratulations to LeeK for retaining the title. And well done to Kane for winning the meeting final. Excellent meeting! Thanks James, Kane, Stumpy, etc.
  7. Main post updated... World Championship Final: World Final - Ipswich (14/09/16) 236 - 527 43 - 238 39 - 484 653 - 246 82 - 17 48 - 800 291 - 888 468 - 346 247 - 394 100 - 44 ... - ... ... - ... 1 Note: The coin toss took place at 22:05 on Thursday 10/08/2017 using the VCT website in the presence of LeeK, DanSkin, Fast Track, Stumpy, Grasser and demonstone. Fast Track #527 called tails, and the coin came up heads (click here and set the 'view a prior toss' section to: 08/10/2017 hour 17 minute 05). DanSkin #236 chose to start on the inside.
  8. DanSkin


    DanSkin 236 SS Please!
  9. Well done to fast track #527 for winning the Semi Final and congratulations to all who qualified for the World Final! Well done to rickyljames #237 for winning the meeting final, and well done to Ellis_Rogers #888 for top scoring! Thanks to all who raced tonight and thanks to Stumpy for his stewarding assistance! Results: Semi Final 2: 527 43 484 653 17 48 888 468 394 100 // 589 454 Heat 1: 394 291 653 527 39 82 468 48 562 895 777 359 484 Heat 2: 888 43 237 691 236 381 238 454 589 246 100 503 17 Heat 3: 484 454 888 39 653 17 291 394 48 359 100 589 381 Heat 4: 43 236 691 246 82 527 238 468 237 562 777 503 895 Heat 5: 246 43 653 454 589 238 100 291 394 895 381 17 112 Heat 6: 691 503 527 236 777 484 888 48 468 39 562 82 237 A-Final: 237 888 236 246 691 394 82 43 527 562 653 238 17 454 381 291 39 589 48 468 503 359 GN 1: 503 17 653 691 246 236 888 43 291 527 562 82 394 454 238 237 48 39 Points: 95 pts 888 Ellis_Rogers 94 pts 43 pinken 82 pts 527 fast track 73 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 72 pts 236 DanSkin 69 pts 691 Jakeeey 65 pts 246 Stox 60 pts 237 rickyljames 55 pts 484 Jack Ward 53 pts 17 Dan W 50 pts 394 PaulE 33 pts 48 Tinman 31 pts 82 Dbecks 29 pts 503 Dane Bell 24 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 20 pts 291 Marten 19 pts 454 Frans 14 pts 39 LeeK 13 pts 238 Kane_M 9 pts 100 Tomdavison 8 pts 562 BenF 8 pts 589 Stijneman 6 pts 777 HGR 5 pts 381 kevharbord 2 pts 895 The Undertaker 1 pts 359 ConnorB The replays are here!
  10. Good evening folks! Semi Final 2: (229) 112 527 48 484 589 43 454 (8) 394 17 653 100 (167) (79) (125) 468 888 (90) (555) 359 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 1: 359, 82, 394, 777, 895, 48, 291, 468, 484, 562, 39, 527, 653, 112 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 100, 237, 381, 503, 888, 17, 43, 246, 454, 238, 589, 691, 236 server .45 ( steward 236 ) Heat 3: 359, 100, 381, 394, 888, 17, 48, 291, 454, 484, 39, 589, 653, 112 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 82, 237, 503, 777, 895, 43, 246, 468, 562, 238, 527, 691, 236 server .45 ( steward 236 ) Heat 5: 359, 100, 381, 394, 895, 17, 43, 246, 291, 454, 238, 589, 653, 112 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 6: 82, 237, 503, 777, 888, 48, 468, 484, 562, 39, 527, 691, 236 server .45 ( steward 236 ) A-Final: (22 cars) server .48 ( steward 255 ) B-Final: (?? cars) server .45 ( steward 236 ) GN1: ??? server .48 ( steward 255 ) GN2: ??? server .45 ( steward 236 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in chat by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  11. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade: Bookings will close at 7:00PM, thank you.
  12. Congratulations to all who qualified for the World Final! Thanks to all who raced tonight and thanks to Stumpy for his stewarding assistance! Results: Semi Final 1: 236 238 39 246 82 800 291 346 247 44 // 1 237 895 582 381 275 Heat 1: 43 112 44 238 503 454 381 691 800 17 82 281 102 895 Heat 2: 394 236 291 246 527 484 39 79 346 888 582 562 237 836 Heat 3: 291 43 112 246 39 381 346 238 888 582 281 82 17 836 Heat 4: 484 236 691 527 79 800 44 562 454 503 394 895 237 102 Heat 5: 246 527 381 691 291 484 895 82 43 17 346 888 281 836 Heat 6: 236 112 238 39 394 562 582 800 44 102 454 503 237 79 B-Final: 888 281 836 237 102 A-Final: 236 503 82 381 691 291 43 394 238 39 112 44 346 79 527 454 246 582 562 484 895 800 GN 1: 112 484 394 102 582 238 527 43 503 346 562 888 281 GN 2: 39 236 82 246 691 800 44 291 381 79 895 836 237 454 Points: 146 pts 236 DanSkin 89 pts 82 Dbecks 83 pts 238 Kane_M 82 pts 39 LeeK 75 pts 291 Marten 73 pts 246 Stox 60 pts 691 Jakeeey 56 pts 381 kevharbord 56 pts 503 Dane Bell 47 pts 394 PaulE 47 pts 43 pinken 46 pts 112 Tom D 45 pts 800 BenChambers 38 pts 484 Jack Ward 30 pts 527 fast track 27 pts 44 Tom K 23 pts 346 CrashleyEngland 17 pts 582 ginger 15 pts 102 Chewy Junior 11 pts 79 weeryan 10 pts 247 Kizzza 8 pts 562 BenF 7 pts 454 Frans 4 pts 895 The Undertaker 3 pts 888 Ellis_Rogers 2 pts 17 Dan W 0 pts 836 Adam O 0 pts 237 rickyljames 0 pts 275 Boglehole 0 pts 281 d_dickson 0 pts 1 Wardieee The replays are here!
  13. Good evening folks! Semi Final 1: 236 39 238 1 346 800 246 44 237 82 281 (976) 221 (777) 291 381 582 895 (80) 92 275 102 247 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 1: 102, 381, 82, 221, 281, 503, 895, 43, 44, 92, 247, 454, 238, 691, 800, 1, 112 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 836, 79, 237, 275, 394, 582, 888, 17, 246, 291, 484, 562, 39, 346, 527, 236 server .45 ( steward 236 ) Heat 3: 381, 836, 82, 275, 281, 582, 888, 17, 43, 246, 247, 291, 39, 238, 346, 112 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 102, 79, 221, 237, 394, 503, 895, 44, 92, 454, 484, 562, 527, 691, 800, 1, 236 server .45 ( steward 236 ) Heat 5: 381, 836, 82, 275, 281, 888, 895, 17, 43, 246, 291, 484, 346, 527, 691, 1 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 6: 102, 79, 221, 237, 394, 503, 582, 44, 92, 247, 454, 562, 39, 238, 800, 112, 236 server .45 ( steward 236 ) A-Final: (22 cars) server .48 ( steward 255 ) B-Final: (?? cars) server .45 ( steward 236 ) GN1: ??? server .48 ( steward 255 ) GN2: ??? server .45 ( steward 236 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in chat by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  14. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade: Bookings will close at 7:00PM, thank you.
  15. Tomorrow is the Skegness World Championship Semi-Final...! Don't forget to book in!
  16. Grade changes for August 2017. UP TO RED 589 DOWN TO BLUE 246 UP TO YELLOW 503 Congratulations to those drivers upgraded and commiserations to those downgraded.
  17. Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races (WQRs = OK, Semi-Final = OK, World Final = NO). Yes, that's correct. I'm trying to update the lists above as people let us know they cannot race, so maybe reserves can have a bit of an idea.
  18. Well done to Fast Track #527 for top scoring! Thanks to all who raced tonight and thanks to Stumpy his stewarding assistance! Results: Heat 1: 238 112 236 589 39 691 562 237 888 44 800 55 246 346 454 527 Heat 2: 112 527 691 236 39 562 589 237 800 238 454 44 346 888 55 246 Heat 3: 236 112 237 888 39 800 55 691 346 527 238 246 44 562 589 454 A-Final: 236 527 800 44 237 39 562 888 691 112 454 246 55 346 238 589 GN 1: 527 112 589 346 691 238 237 800 454 888 236 55 246 39 44 562 Points: 75 pts 527 fast track 75 pts 236 DanSkin 53 pts 800 BenChambers 52 pts 237 rickyljames 51 pts 112 Tom D 43 pts 39 LeeK 38 pts 691 Jakeeey 36 pts 44 Tom K 29 pts 562 Rev 27 pts 589 Stijneman 26 pts 888 Ellis_Rogers 21 pts 238 Kane_M 16 pts 346 CrashleyEngland 4 pts 55 Kbarker 4 pts 454 Frans 0 pts 246 Stox Messers: 316 BigDan The replays are here!
  19. Good evening folks! Heat 1: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 3: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) A-Final: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) GN: ALL IN server .48 ( steward 255 ) You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in chat by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  20. With regard to other comments above on scheduling / fixtures. Before each season quite a bit of effort goes into sorting out the fixtures - we try to follow real life as best possible and also maintain a few 'gaps' so that we're not back to back to back on championships/big meetings/etc. For the European and World Finals I have normally tried to schedule sympathetically for any Dutch members (or even UK members) who maybe travelling or making long weekends of the real life European or World Final events. Towards the end of the season we normally have Shootout rounds, next years WQRs, Tarmac Masters, World of Shale and the World Final itself to fit in - so if you start working backwards from the end of the year you're towards the limit of how late we could have Consolation and Semi-Finals anyway (in my opinion). Just an insight, maybe helpful.
  21. You can't swap your semi but there is a consolation semi final u can quali through but that's what I've been saying lots are away in August / July so it could do with moving for some Neke - HGR is correct (thanks), you cannot switch Semi-Final, and if you do not start your Semi-Final you will be seeded in the second priority group for the Consolation Semi-Final.
  22. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade: Bookings will close at 7:00PM, thank you.
  23. Thank you for the congratulations. It was a tough meeting, and an even more brutal final than I was expecting. After a few laps I managed to sneak a gap and had enough car left to drive away from the melee.
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