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Everything posted by mini683

  1. its a S*@T hot motor but im not to sure on the Aero-Foil what use think?
  2. mini683


    ok thanx for the help guys
  3. mini683


    is there an NEC track thing for Rfacotr if so can someone post up link to it or the actual track? help would be much appreciated
  4. 'rodders' lol the font is called rodders
  5. well the 'sam' is just an edit of rodders font and the '285' is just a slight edit of bozz number set
  6. mini683


    theres not really any insutxtions m8. Its not hard you just open up photoshop or Paintshop etc,make your decal(sponsor etc) then save it as psd and yourn done. Hope this helps
  7. where can i get the Rfactor Hotrod templates as they are not on ukdirt website
  8. looks great for a first attempt ash. Try using smaller lines when curving it makes it look more srt from smooth (Y) apart from tht it looks great for a first attempt. Welldone m8
  9. Baccarat and Banco are exactly the same lol. Only difference is the name
  10. its called 'Baccarat'
  11. lookin' good danny mine
  12. same Allstar i was playing rfactor aswell and i put the inboard veiw on and it looked exactly the same as the pic above. Is there a way to stop this?
  13. mini683


    looks well smart jamie wd m8 you came along way lol keep up the good work.
  14. mini683


    not bad Leech but is it just me or are those wheels a little to big?
  15. i recently got Rfacotr but when i go to run knochill it comes up with a material error. So i looked on here and seen tht u need to run game on DX9 and have to have track detail full. So i done that and treid it but it is still coming up with the same message then crashing. help please!
  16. lol nothing to be ashamed of. and i could edited a little. put the 'gay' bit the same size and font as gordon and swap tht and 'racewall.net' around?
  17. heres an attempt by me chops. Comments from all please
  18. i counted all 6 F's but it took me 4 trys. Thats weird
  19. mini683


    eres my new f2. skin by me render by BigGuns.Cheers m8
  20. mini683


    thanx m8 that really helped. Im doing a banger skin for this other league and it in Mob colours coz im in a banger team called 'The MOB' so i needed to know i'll post up my skin when its done. cheers again Mini#683
  21. mini683


    i PM'd u my problem m8
  22. mini683


    when im Painting it how do i stop it form going out the ln lines?
  23. mini683


    when i am Painting a white Bange skin and i use the Hue/saturation box thingy it losses all the detail in the cr. Does ayone know how i stop this?
  24. its fine leech i sorted it out on msn with him i gonna do it
  25. mini683


    looks gd adz. What font is the 'predator' on the side?
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