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Everything posted by hotrod331

  1. Hi all me and boogie have been working together on getting a few more cars into bangers! this is where well keep you all updated of wots going on with wot! pics of the models currently in progress will be posted shortly! cheers rodder and boogie!
  2. trummy dolomite m8
  3. nice mk3 granny fbf heres mine a nice dolly
  4. thats basically how u do it in photoshop and paintshop pro! anyprogrammes suitable just takes a little trial and error to get right theres no right or wrong way to doing this just play untill it looks good!
  5. np m8
  6. have u got the tex file for that car named correctly if you have the only other thing it could be is the drivers txt! cheers rodder
  7. been having a lil play with ypur great trailor comments plz guys cheers rodder
  8. god choice m8 if you need any help add me on msn rodder331@hot*ail.com stars for a m oviously stops spam if i cant help ya ill point you in the direction of someone that can lol! im gonna have a play with trailor in a bit i think ill show ya later
  9. that looks well good kinda ssc trailor! needs floor and a car infron towing it and thatll be cool!well done
  10. fbf has just sent me this and it is so fun to drive! feels so real body roll and all wd m8 thats something else cheers rodder
  11. pp.s i havnt painted it other then what i have done so it may not be ok to paint in colours but worth a try! heres a few renders of it! ive also tried to make it look like the arches were cut round !
  12. hi all after seeing fbf's mk2 granny in tnb i decided to give what he done ago but slightly different! i have made a mk2 granada prefacelift skin but if you like use it as a template or skin its up to you! all the plates are on seperate layers so then can be painted or signs etc have fun p.s i know the bk light holes should be differnt but i couldnt find any pics! cheers rodder! template is in the zipped folder prefaceliftmk2.zip
  13. cheers lads weve got a few more lil toys to finsh but at the moment were having trouble getting them in game for unknown reasons! anyway cheers all rodder and boogie fabrications
  14. i think a spedeworth day licence last year was £15 so not bad at all!
  15. nice rikard will come in handy
  16. thanks nick ill chat to you soon another thing i have noticed is that normal .car files are about 1,000 on average but this one is about 2,249 (for example)polys are about 2900 roughly so i cant see where the problem lies?plzzz help! cheers rodder
  17. hotrod331


    i have got cars in game b4 but this time i got this when my game exited as i went to try the car this has happened twice now with two different cars can sumone plz help!
  18. volvo 740limo is now finshed the zipped folder attached has the 3ds template and .car file enjoy cheers rodder and boogie finshed_volvo740Limo.zip
  19. nope just got the bits o map now so shouldnt be long b4 im damaging it!
  20. like super bangers lil his!
  21. just awaiting the green light from knobby and jay and files will be posted up asap! if knobby replys on here to night "hint hint " ill post it up when i get bk in later on this evening! cheers rodder its good
  22. hi all me and boogie have been playing with a few cars atm and heres a look at one thats now finshed! ive had it in game and its great!boogie ill send it you thursday night and will send to knobby and jay for testing for the use of free leagues! doubt ukdirt will want it?(if so pm me)! cheers rodder p.s hope you didnt mind me posting pics up
  23. dont worry this hasnt been forgot about it should be being mapped as we speak
  24. thanks kruiz always good to hear comments bk!cheers!anymore pics anyone?
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