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Everything posted by hotrod331

  1. hope the font helps
  2. once again marc makes a skin the means washing me socks
  3. hotrod331


    heres my lastest render *cough*cough*
  4. hotrod331


    loving the effects m8
  5. hotrod331


    nice one rikard lol
  6. hotrod331


    right seeing as everyones doing renders that looks like pictures lol there that good i thought id have a play and came up with this the lada was my TNB london open car b4 the meeting based on a bernie car lol and the woka skin is a copy of his wf car from 04 i think but with my number and southern steam and not northern and had to use woka name or rodder would of looked silly lol comment welcome! rodder331
  7. thats looks epic lol! nice one!
  8. hotrod331


    lol nick m never relised that such a good render u dont think bout it lol!!! bless rikard lol tried to get it as accurate as poss then get a silly little thing wrong lol! great render m8
  9. lmao i think i will still be able to pull the odd a60 out in 60 years time lol
  10. if anyone wants a skin atm im bored so post up here what u want lol!
  11. hi aussie dont worry bout sashs car ive got it covereed rodder331
  12. hotrod331


    Make one m8 aint hard lol
  13. hotrod331


    IMO it shoulda been out the limbo one and ernies 2nd one!
  14. hotrod331


    good luck lol i think there all great lol!
  15. hotrod331


    ooo just in time lol tut tut minilites on a granada
  16. hotrod331


  17. hehe its got a traintrack cut up for a sunvisor and it only took 5 mins
  18. that looks great i think with nick ms hiab coming out the quality of renders will now improve so much as the hiab give such a more lifelike feel to a render wd guys
  19. hi nick i just opened max and quickly knocked this up just wanted to congratulate you on two great models + mk2 estate and jag lol but this took like 4 mins max and it looks great thanks m8:D rodder331
  20. hotrod331


    heres my 3 renders skins by me except the mk3 tinas and capri! there by nemesis cheers rodder331
  21. nice renders guys keep em coming!
  22. hi all plz find attached a folder containing the triumph dolomite 3ds template and car file! raced it in tnb just now lol and didnt do to bad a heat win in it to lol! enjoy rodder331 dolomite.zip
  23. thats a lil bit of a sl*g off at the least as people dont just "paint rude words" on cars hundreds of pounds gets spent on cars all the time and i cant rember a car with a rude word on lol unless u find pikey or t*t a rude word, its not just "bumper cars in a feild" either maybe up t'north you dont have stadiums maybe up t'north you just race cars with no cages in etc but what youve said in that post has pis*ed me off and will alot of other banger drivers and fans alike i think that put a big black cross next to ya name along with a few more i guess! rodder331
  24. hotrod331


    well done nem that that all looks in poportion etc welld done think after tnb itll be a lil more squashed lol watch my dolli in ya mirror
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