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Everything posted by hotrod331

  1. could be a very good idea but people would have to be careful uploading files that arent theres all my models can be uploaded
  2. im not too sure tbh ive got one in the making!so hope so....
  3. Aussie 427 Rodder 331 Kruiz 136 Andy 543 Marty 123 Gary 79 Superstox 444 Andymek 69 Ross 442 Oor Wullie 4 Tombo 509 Rikard 59 coco 279 Dazza 289 Martin 379 Erik 92 looking good i know of a few others that will be up for this i think munster will be :)16 so far aint bad
  4. you dont m8 just put the car file into your banger heat folder with all the other banger car files! aussie asked me to keep you all informed on this so here it is the corsa so far still W.I.P(work in progress for all you oldens ) cheers rodder331
  5. thats wicked!
  6. heres my car aussis based on andy sturts car one of my fav stock rod drivers rodder331 car331.zip
  7. <<<me racing, me after i up set a team>>> me after breaking rules>>> just me>>> me again>>> me watching fullsize bangers>>> me when moddling in max lol with cup of hot choccy>>> half way thro modelling>>
  8. nice one aussie ill deffo be up for that!
  9. hotrod331


    rofl nice render good hit too lol we can all dream
  10. hi m8 add me on msn i want a few rodder331@hotmail.com
  11. heres my world final car as i didnt wanna use that coupe ive added the lorry and westy to a wimbo scene and added the bangerphotos label just for fun rodder331 fircracker car to come and teams if i get the time
  12. think i got this right lol happy birthday m8
  13. ignore that bit about the fig of 8 lol i couldnt see it lmao
  14. hiya nick thats looking really good just watch goodbye aldershot on video today and the tracks looking great one thing is its a lil too tidy and are you gonna put the fig 8 in as i think it should be there maybe if anyone has goodbye aldershot on dvd they could "lend" it to nick? ive only borrowed the video so i cant do anything but on it theres a good few shots of all the track! cheers rodder
  15. thats the nuts only thing icould see (not a huge f1 fan) but wheres the front spoiler!
  16. Cheers Rodder np m8
  17. an a60 aint a westy lol you might mean the 6110
  18. hotrod331


    that aint pre68! nice render
  19. a lil too big still lol have a look at more pics and look at the size of ures!
  20. hiya lads just started buliding this lil beauty for tnb's pre 68 next week shes a lil rotten round the rear but ill weld her up a lil and itll be fine rodder331 pics a lil dark lol but its late and im going bed haha nite nite ps all ive used off the a60 saloon was the front hope ya dont mind who ever modelled it i asked around but couldnt get a name lol!
  21. fbf did model off that pic ernie ya right:)
  22. lol nah only won one race lol and followed a pri lad in once (H) ya super couper aint done yet as ive been busy but itll be done good things come to those who wait......
  23. my dad used to do that early 80s at wimbo and smallfield!
  24. mine wasnt copy and pasted nor was ernies by the look of it!
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