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Everything posted by hotrod331

  1. on my next car ill make iit so the bk panel on h frame can be write on
  2. i think youll find some h frames are like welding for motorsports cages are like that!
  3. i think it was posted somewhere else on here that hes not been on for a while ill help to update a few of the chassis if need be!
  4. o dear
  5. now get it in game... lmao
  6. tombo its just creating spheres and boxes basically!
  7. things is you have to either redamage the car or add the new fin to each layer then remake the car file!
  8. seatbelt/chain yh.....
  9. four studs on a westy!
  10. that aint fair lool mines got corner plates and bolts so
  11. lmao looks good marc but a lil small
  12. heres mine took awhile but looks good had to leave windows in it as its gotta sit on the drive the top pic of what ive made it from! i decided to make a road car into a banger to please the likes of dazza etc hahahaha rodder331
  13. happy birthday you moddelling genius.... have a good one m8 but dont take too much time off moddeling aldershot ay ..... oj lmao happy bday
  14. lol round the bends you can hear the lsd kicking in lmao
  15. im gonna arrange a test meeting with about 8 select people just at first so that everyone who does test meeting wont go silly and start crashing etc track will be wimbo but date is yet to be sorted but hope to do it soon just so we can see how close the racing will be me munster and allstar last night had ago and wa great me n allstar round wimbo was good to you cant just boot it all the way round you gotta brake which is good!
  16. bout 60 is right round a track wimbo sized i raced a mk3 escort round arlington and its about the same size as wimbo and i had speedo init lol what i could see of it was about 45-55ish round there in a 1600 so bout right
  17. about 69 down wimbo straight if anything its still too fast lol! cant be as fast as rods as you cant control em and you dont get time to react! and its a lil faster then a banger so its just about right!
  18. hi all after having a discusion with sparks he had a play with the physics and this is the 100% complete nova stock rod! enjoy! template and 3ds are all the same jus that you need to replace your old car file with this one new_novarod.zip
  19. loool
  20. cheers for comments sparky ill have a look tonight and see what i can do spent a while playing with the ohysics and wasnt going anywhere fast lol ill make the wheel skinnyer lol bout all i can do atm nice skin and render aussie
  21. hi lads ive been working on this for quite a while now and its all finshed im hoping to work towards a stockrod heat mod including fiestas,corsas,ax's,starlets and novas which would probably be run as a free league in the end but heres the nova for you to play with for now template,car file and 3ds are in the zip plus a light .tga for the light faces in max when you render it! permission for rendering is given to you all lol! if anyone wants to start a league for them go ahead rodder 331 comments welcome novarod.zip
  22. have a goodun m8
  23. now tbh this skin is rough i dunno what that effect on the sides is but it just looks rong! nice one viva
  24. hi lads as some of you kno i owe lewis one ( or he owes me lmao depending on how you look at it) so i made him this based on matt fullers pri world final car yesterday! what you lot think commnets on render and skin plzz! rodder331
  25. hi lads heres my new toy lmao a nova stock rod almost done now just physics to do wheels in render are too big and out of place slightly! let me kno what u think!
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