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Everything posted by hotrod331

  1. if u blurred ya eyes up it actually looks like a 740 lmao if u have a good imagaination lol
  2. i dont think erik will like that one!
  3. hotrod331


    the wheels arent scaled wrong i think there just rotated towards the bottom more then the top have a look at the model in max the wheels will lean out at the top rather then str8 up or leaning in at the top rodder
  4. felt like i was max last night Lol!
  5. right ive eventually got so sick of mapping for tonight that my eyes have fallen out of my skull but heres what it looks like now only gotta map the inner fin other side of fin and the insides,seat and cage all the rest is done nite nite rodder
  6. sorry to double post but its still in mapping at the mo lol!
  7. hi all the next car i plan to finsh is this later model singer vogue as seen at mildo at the pre70 meeting cheers tombo forthe pics cheers rodder!
  8. there is a dodge mate not a charger
  9. nice skin would look better on a floor lol
  10. sorry dude ive spent alot of time doing this lol i wanna be the first to use it after that u can wreck it as much as u like
  11. hi all what would u like to see made next out of a mk4 zodiac hearse or a triumph acclaim i think i know which one will win lol but maybe bilge would be better over to you guys lol!
  12. hi all the dolomite is now 100% finshed and awaiting the tnb beech memo cheers rodder
  13. i much prefer driven to destruction as cars bend more and drivers dont fall out will buy flat out 2 tho lol
  14. Kruiz Erik has done the 502 car already i havnt seen it so dunno if its any good but just thought id let u kno lol!
  15. martys site has a few pics of the 502 car kruiz im still in need of more pics of 501
  16. if there was a dodge lol cool skin tho wd
  17. sorry to double post but if you do get some more pics of the 501 machine sparky or marty plz send me them on msn as im stuck for pics now i would like to finsh this skin as imo i looks great in game
  18. heres the 501 car so far!
  19. right plz find attached the sapphire template but with labels and layers it was doing my head in trying to paint it lol so i made this hope it helps! sapphire_template.zip
  20. after looking throu many sites im gonna try the 501 car (strachen) dunno if hes well known or anything as im not a big ssc fan but im gonna give that ago as it looks nice lol! if ure gonna paint a ssc plz post here whos car your gonna do as otherwise ull get doubles
  21. cheers lads ill have a look
  22. hotrod331


    got me thinking knew i had a couple of these somewhere lol!
  23. whats the best websites to get ssc pics from as i would like to paint one of these
  24. hotrod331


    nice renders rikard
  25. hi m8 great work when using differnt chassis in a render e.g 280c and the sheerling try to get the sizes of the cars right as the sheerline should be quite a bit bigger then the 280c just advise on making your renders better m8
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