Ok Mr. Wilkie....my reply!
I agree I can only go on race reports on the 1300's as I haven't seen a single race down South, but there just doesn't seem to be the same downturn with the little uns' as with the 2ltrs.
As a spectator at Cowdie, there just isn't the same magic as there used to be in the loons. Granted, there aren't as many characters in the sport as there used to be. The likes of Messers Burgoyne or Maxwell would always liven a race up. Biff Honeyman was entertaining but then he went and got himself banned.
Of course there is the argument as to whether it is the Cowdie track that is the problem, but that's another story.
Now, talking as a would be racer, I now have funds to buy a race car (courtesey of Nationwide critical illness insurance! ) but I've decided I don't want to pay for the privelage of getting hurt, and I think the 'loons are just too fast. I don't want to spend about four grand (which you would need if you wanted to keep up) to be rattled against the wall, do x amount of pounds worth of damage, and have to cry off work on Monday. Pro-stox was a possibility, but it's a bit too banger like for me. If there was a cheap contact formula introduced that gave a bit of contact fun, without too much speed, risk of injury or big repair bills, I'd be tempted. Yes, the 2ltr test was done at the end of season, but we'll still be watching the fast processions in 2005.
Give the 1300's a go I say....but watch who scrutineers them!!