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Everything posted by Chewy102

  1. I hope not. Kelly will be there though Same thing lol YOU can tell Kelly that one m8..... but be prepared for a slap
  2. I hope not. Kelly will be there though
  3. Sorry to hear that but thanks for the warning...........
  4. I've been called worse..... you defo have been!!! ive heard it all, and prob said a few myself i think i might make the trip over with my laddie prydie Does that mean you'll be keeping yer trousers up this time???
  5. I've been called worse.....
  6. I was thinking about popping along If anyone wants to come and say hello I'll be stood in front of the Control Box most of the evening.........
  7. Those 4 tracks are great fun Sparky well done but Dragon does have a point about the other stuff
  8. Aw heck Erick, You've even got me agreeing with Sparky now
  9. Random or what? Your entitled to have your opinion Erick but don't preach at those that don't share it. A banger is a banger at the end of the day. One day they will all be collectors items or rare cars and when there are very few Granadas (or whatever other make of car is used) left some geek will moan about all the 'classic Granadas(etc) ' that were raced, so at what point do you draw the line and insist that we don't destroy them on track??? You're either pro-banger or anti-banger. You can't be wishy-washy and say its ok for some cars and not for others.
  10. Officially authorised place of marriage then...........
  11. Preferably not whilst your en-route to the church in them???
  12. I don't hear you complaining about all the 'classic' minis that get chopped up so you can race ministox???
  13. I did try annoying the little kids that were OLDER than me but they are hard to find these days
  14. Psssst Sashjag.... Says you are an advanced member too goes that theory mate!!
  15. Has anyone heard of a Craig Daniel Smith?
  16. Is that all you're gonna give her??? M8 when you said her!!! i do hope that you are not calling me a girl!! cuz im a 16 year old boy!!!! remember 332-Sashjag BOY How silly of me.... I assumed your girlfriend was a 'she' My bad!
  17. Is that all you're gonna give her???
  18. F2 register nationally Tombo and he could get one there but its always cheaper to buy a second hand one if you can find someone thats retiring.
  19. Is there a time limit on editting posts now?? Certainly looks that way lol
  20. stop your twisting and send the girl yer cash or we'll send Sparky round to arrange a 'new and improved' face for ye New face will be received in approx 2019...
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