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Posts posted by stig727

  1. i realy cba to argue


    but i think people using the stuff people make is thanks enough and why not send a pm instead of bringing up past topics which nearly every on has probably read.


    wasnt having a go just making a point.


    i await the raving loonies who want to have a rant at me now.......

  2. Looks class :appl: might use it for the non for unlimited on wnt if its aloud,


    do you know whos doing the ford galaxie?

    if no ones dong it then ill have a go itf the pictures are good quality, most of mine arent thats why i never finish any models.

  3. :thumbs_up: Thanks sibbs was only looking for the fonts so i could use it for other stuff. Ill probably use the decal when i come to painting the skin it was off cos mine wont look that good thanks


    also im sorted with the font now thanks you know who you are (cos i cant remember who sent the pm off the top of my head :shrug: )

  4. Hi,


    ive just installed a game (empire earth 3) and when i click the icon to play it come up with an error message saying the .exe has encountered a problem and needs to close and then it asks me if i want to send the error report. I dont know why it wont play, could it be because i have two hard drives?


    any help greatly appreciated.

  5. **HINT** try using the search button.


    find your ip adress here




    when you go in to the game, go to multiplayer then click on your player, then press create, put in a server name (anything you want eg unlimited bangers) then put in a password i dont think you have to have one then press ok. then give everyone your ip addy and they can connect. any problems pm me.

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