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Posts posted by stig727

  1. Simple answer to that is, DONT SEND ANYTHING YOU MAKE TO ANYONE! shouldnt be to hard?


    exactly, i was only trying to help i didnt know rodder didnt want us all to have the font. i think people should appreciate people using the stuff they make and appreciate when others are trying to help and dont know the full story.

  2. Go get some professional help the both of you.


    i tried that, the guy just got a big rubber stamp and stamped mentally ill across my forehead and then tried to put me in a padded room in a straight jacket (not that i wear bent ones anyway).


    WHO'S THE IDIOT NOW?????????????


    Hows the fat LAZY get mow????? atleast i know how to render and am working on a rendering guide as i type this.

  3. ...Skinpainting.


    i decide to create and Idiots Guide On Skin Painting (using Paintshop pro 9) because skitzo is an idiot and he cannot paint his own skins and im sick of doing them for him. i have also included the tga to tex converter that i use.




    hope it comes in helpfull for other skinpainters.


    i hope to create a few more Guides on rendering and things so keep your eyes peeled.

  4. I think they are a bit too small aswell, i wanted to make an almost exact copy of the original with as little change to performance and handling etc. just wanted to change the number fin because i think it looks better and it is easy to paint


    also haadee there were only 6 low files and 9 high ones.

  5. Thanks haadee, what are the high and low files in terms of 3ds.


    here is what i did, not much just changed the no fins (there is another one on the other side)

    1st time i have ever mappaed anything propperly though.



  6. Its me again!


    ive been altering the saphire ssc chassis(SORRY!) and wanted to put it in game (using the original physics and LOD's etc) so...


    i crack the original car file (SORRY!) to see the structure of the car file and i tried making my own. but it didnt work.


    can anyone explain the what parts of the original car file i need and what i need to add my self, parts of the carfile are called high0 to high9 and low0 to low9 and it means nothing to me. there is more too, i think the .sfx files are sound files for engine noise then there is .mod files called rrtire and i dontknow what they do.


    any help is greatly appreciated.

  7. For the templates and car files search the skin painting part of the forum.


    the is a merc 600 limo done and i was building a w123 estate but its sort of come to a stand still.


    my last post did say havent been made but if you can get pics of stripped down cars then im sure some one will have ago.

  8. Thanks for the link, still stuck though.


    i put the physics text file into the mkval folder and run mkval and nothing happens. im still left with the files seen below in the mkval folder...?




    what do i do? ive added some black carlton wheels for now, i assume i just use the jpeg files i use for renders and change where it says model to the file name?

  9. I have a car file called fleetwood, and i cant find the template anywhere. can anyone post it up?


    im assuming its the one one the renders topic on page 106. i tried putting a post link on but couldnt fathom it out.

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