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Posts posted by stig727

  1. hi,


    recently skitzos pc went down and wouldnt load windows on start up (possibly caused by losing a driver/.dll file - i dont know much about them but i think theyre the drivers).


    anyhow he managed to get it running and when he is on the web and scrolls down it scrolls in jumps instead of being a smooth movement and pics load up in windows picture/fax viewer from the top to the bottom. also when running nascar heat he got the message below. he has since been told to download directX so he downloaded and installed version 9 and it says it doesnt support 3d graphics (which we are assuming is stoppin the web browser from scrolling etc). he has searched for direct3d and he doesnt know what graphics card is in his pc so cant download the correct one.


    heres a screen shot




    we would appreciate it if some computer wizard could get him up and racing agian.


    thanks in advance


    (ps he asked me to show off the smashed stinkbridge he has as his desktop)

  2. it was for heat but if it turns out to high i might send it to tads n see what he thinks. i havent started on the corner yet its just the top of the boot. so i should delete some verts from the back corner.

  3. yes, like you have been told lots of times now, you need a skinpack (some .tex files of other cars and a drivers text file)


    open the drivers text file and copy n paste on of the entries then change the number name and chassis to what you want (cassis must be the same as the car file required) then save the drivers text and if its a bangers game then change the car manager to the skinpack you put your skin in (if its not baners just open what ever game it is eg. f2 mod) select your name in game and go racing.


    instead of making loads of topics update your old ones which are about the same thing.

  4. im buildin a car following nick m's guide.


    i have mirrored the car and when i go to weld the verts down the middle i get a box saying "no vertices within weld threshold" this is with 0.05 in the box where it says weld like nick m's guide says. am i meant to get the message above or do i have to change something?

  5. ive made a start on the car, and im not sure exactly how may polys to put on the back corner of the wing and bootlid. if i join the verts that i have in the pic below it isnt very smooth or round.




    ive put a box round the bit im stuck with if any modeler could help please do.

  6. should of seen a honda civic they took in the banger rods, still had the dashboard (fair enough leave it in a big car but not a civic)


    this is barford not many can prep cars properly, tall paul had a door bar which i think was to short, got doored by daryl wall and broke the top bone in his leg.

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