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Everything posted by stig727

  1. why shuold i go do homework when i just got my mock results did pretty well. agree with each other if you like cos i really dont care either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. i only wish i was......... (just for dode i put dots!!!)
  3. i think dode has a thing for exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12
  4. 1. i speciffically mixed the letters up so it wasnt a swearword!!!! 2. fair point but colley does like to argue with nearly every one and every thing!!!! 3. i dont but i choose to !!!! and 4. could some one close or delete this topic its get right on my nerves now!!!! suppose people (mention no names.... mrmouthy) cause things like this to get other people going. he even said and jamie c - if people are so sad then they should be banned for life!!!! (and i choose to put them there too!!! and those)
  5. 1. Are we still continuing this! just delete the god damn topic!!! 2. it was 509 post of crap get you FILTERED facts right!!! 3. this 1 will make it 510!!!!!!!
  6. that would be a good idea now (even delete it) its just a waste of time (some people have all the time in the world others dont!)
  7. Also i tried praps with the game resolutin at the lowest setting and its better but not as good as some videos i have seen wheels look a little square etc... any help?
  8. stig727


    love the passenger side but may be make th epinkwriting on the back a bit darker/lighters so it stands out better and you can read it.
  9. hi, i wanted to creat a video of bws's icream vans which are racing tomorow night and was wandering if there was any decent (and free) video creation/editing programs. i allready have windows movie maker i was just wandering if there was anythign better i could get for free. i remember seeing a video of (i think) the ukdirt bangers world final and it had lightening and stuff at the begining. also what is the best way to have fraps setup when i played a short vid i made in windows movie maker and it was very pixelated. should i turn the resolution down in game before capturing the video??? (i have it set at the maximum setting)
  10. jesus it was only a joke! god some people have no sense of humor.
  11. not really i can be a lot worse only getting started serves the stupid time wasters right Also i thought id have ago at remodelling someones face.... ... oh what a shame!!
  12. bit harsh isnt it? should just ban retards like mrmouthy for being so lame and provockotive (however its spelt).
  13. you must be pretty- sorry i meant extremely sad and boring if you have nothing better to do than waste your own life and other peoples. 1. get a job! 2. get some friends! 3. stop being a tangerine!!!! Edited by Knobby - Swearing.
  14. colley you should get a life, as far as i know you dont race ukdirt so why the hell do you pass comment on people who arent your concern!!!!! also you dont have a front end on the model. i supose it would be a good idea to model it for renders for pulling a trailer or something
  15. have you modeled a whole new car??? or just made a template. because the template wont line up with the mapping of the original car and the skin will be messed up. if your making one you need to line the pics up on the original template and delete the old layers.... ... other wise its pointless
  16. stig727


    how the hell did you het a garage in nascar heat?
  17. that was just some freindly competiton between leagues but ---> plus your getting something for nothing, how often does that happen? no ones answered that question yet heres a hint not very often fair enough, the servers cost money. but smaller free leaugues wouldnt need these expensive jolt servers to hold so many people an if there is a big turnout then run cars in heats instead of all in (more cars in a race is more fun and competetive tough) running heats is just a free solution. and non ukdirt racers can still read the news page etc (just not the members area bit) I think admin should close the topic before it gets out of hand
  18. well i didnt know, but that is pretty good. but why bother paying when the 1) servers free leagues use are perfectly fine when people ensure they are as warp free as possible 2) free forums on the web work great and 3) you get an enjoyable nights racing like you would on ukdirt. plus your getting something for nothing, how often does that happen
  19. please dont start bikkering because some one asked a question (happens every time i ask something) i agree its the persons choice if they want to keep their money in thier pocket (like me) and thats heat saloons at the min but i did suggest to ssc admin to upgrade.........
  20. im banger admin for ukmr, its still running. its ran by adam. the site is just down, the same thing happen a couple of months ago. 1. why do you race some free leagues? (that question was meant for dode) 2. how many bangers do you get out on average on ukdirt? i would guess (not having raced) about 25-30. at the moment after 2 weeks of the 2009 registration topic being up we have (off the top of my head) 13-16 members and some of the more popular free leagues get a lot more. where is the place to race now???!!! p.s. we also run ssc beginning in a couple of weeks (hence my sig and no its not advertising the league before admin remove it if people want to race ssc then they can ask privatly!) ssc is free also!! eat that ukdirt!!!
  21. ok cheers DS, will let him know when he is back from work and post up news, allthough we tried that when it wouldnt load windows at all.
  22. thanks so far, but skitzo doesnt really want to do a full restore intalling windows againg only did that a few month back after hard drive failure and he's not entirely sure what graphics car is in it (he doesnt know what it looks like when you open the casing up and doesnt know where else to look as in controll panel not else where away from the pc)
  23. stig727


    Cheers jamesy. i wanted to put one of my renders in my no.
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