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Everything posted by Knobby

  1. Thanks Trash thats all I needed!, and GTA4 looks stunning! Cant wait for that!
  2. Im still stuck weather to get a PS3 or an Xbox360! Anyone got both and can compare?!
  3. Mine!, Smart paint job as ever!
  4. Looked very painfull, think it was a 4 car train going in, ouch! Bought his spare car that weekend too!
  5. Looking good Jay! Remember Mungo getting followed in at the Ippy spedeweekend a few years ago and his car snapped!
  6. Mine is my car from Good Friday
  7. Knobby

    Yard shots

    okie dokie..... Will take camera and get some over the weekend
  8. Knobby

    Yard shots

    Would built ones be any good Nick? Ill get some Mk3 Cortina saloon ones at the weekend!
  9. Knobby

    Yard shots

    You will see Friday!
  10. Knobby

    Yard shots

    Some pics from my part of the yard! The Cowboys cars for Good Friday teams at Mildenhall this week, come say hi if your going! [attachmentid=23882] Granada Estate [attachmentid=23878] Volvo for Blockbuster at St.Day [attachmentid=23879] And some other stuff! [attachmentid=23880] Thats only my part of the yard but there is lots of other crap in there!
  11. Check your MSN Tom, Text me please
  12. Knobby

    Yard shots

    I hope that Mk1 Tina's in my heat Damo
  13. Definitly Rodder he has the smile! lol, Not Lakey as the pictures in colour, they were still building Noahs arc when Lakey was a child. And not me! I only sat in my dads motors and they were blue and white, or Nimrev colours!
  14. How did you get on at The Raid then Jay
  15. I felt my phone going off as my friends in Nottingham were phoning me telling me about it! at 10 past 1 !
  16. Mine, from the last meeting I done last year.
  17. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ueUOTImKp0k&NR=1
  18. Rodder Had the Girls drink, you had the true mans drink!
  19. http://lfsbangers.forumup.co.uk/index.php?mforum=lfsbangers
  20. Top Night Usual lot on Turn 3 was good all night! Shame Jesus and his Auto 1500 A60 didnt make the track
  21. Knobby

    Yard shots

    Cool cars Toby Ill post some pictures of mine when ive got time! Loads of well old cars mostly Capris, Cortinas and P5's from the Deacon brothers. Got an MGB and a few cortinas myself!
  22. Bunch of boring sods!
  23. Anyone going to the last ever London open this sunday? Me, Rodder and Marcy will be there on Turn 3 if anyone wants to have a chat and meet up! be nice to put some more names to faces!
  24. Im with Sky, Think its a tenner a Month for 10meg if your a sky customer. Never had any real troubles with connections and customer service is good from experience I've had with them. and Im actually getting near what I pay for, 10meg!
  25. All that needs rodder is a green and black triumph estate on the Wimbledon infield green to hit
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