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Everything posted by Knobby

  1. Whats the secret to getting more than a lap out your motors.... lol
  2. Have fun m8!
  3. Any other Ukdirters ventured out in a banger recently then?
  4. Magic208 also having problems
  5. Go on then Kruiz ill be your girls aloud buddy!! lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnLrNHCQPP0
  6. Do you need Banger Omega's or will road going one's do? I got one on the back garden so could get plenty?
  7. Brilliant Mitch!
  8. Can you get a screenshot of your chat settings mate? have you tried re-installing chat? Firewall letting it through?
  9. Looks good, how did you get on?
  10. Are you running it as Administrator Spike?
  11. Knobby


    Cant be bothered reading it, if your that arsed...tell some one who cares? Locked
  12. Hi mate I think there is a folder in the Program files> Cs2 folder where you drop them in?
  13. Hmmm lol
  14. Have a good one
  15. Found this site, has lots of old nintendo games on to play...time to conquer mario.. lol http://www.1980-games.com/us/old-games/nin.../Rygar/game.php
  16. I remember some of those Tosh! Going back some.. lol Allways remember playing on an Amiga, with the floppy disk drive in the keyboard lol Some game where you were an egg shaped character, cant remember the name of it and its bugging me lol, Mario on the Nintendo is where I spent most of my childhood! getting to world 8 ( I think! ) then having to switch it off as it was bed time! no saved games back on those so had to start all over again, never did complete that...Think im going to go dig it out the loft... lol
  17. Allstar get as many as you can of the track itself and stadium, you never know how long Wimbledon has left as a race track so all the pictures now will be really usefull in years to come
  18. These look well cool!
  19. I had the Snow on Sunday night / monday morning and come back on the M2 was terrible as it hadn't been gritted! Wish i had a better camera as when i got home i signwrote the the road ! Looked good with KNOBBY written in it about 30 metres long!
  20. F... It Another Tragedy! Guess the first word lol
  21. Fiat Fix It Again Tomorrow
  22. They are there own genre of music!
  23. Prodigy - Omen
  24. Knobby


    Use Alpha Channels and take the bonnet off, so you can race with out a bonnet
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