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Everything posted by Knobby

  1. I think its for the best that you didn't get it back out Toby! lol
  2. Enjoyed it , good to meet Daz815,Crewesader, and Haggis too! ta to dazza390 from banger-madness for the pics
  3. Go on boys! this was ace watching it last year... its like watching the real thing with the commentry !
  4. You can use Photoshop or paintshop, just blend them in to each other, Im sure a few of the skin makers or experts on it would know how to do one
  5. Lee#606 Swearing in race chat aimed at another driver - Two weeks ban all mods. He will be able to race again on 24th May 2010
  6. Drop us a pm with it mate! ta!!
  7. yes plaese mate - that would be fab
  8. The one online's a coupe Bobbert. Yes Dode like Buddy James's ! You'd be my favourite scottish person for a week!
  9. Hi Chaps. Does anyone have any good pictures of a Custom Crown Saloon please? Thanks in advance!! Knobby
  10. Thanks for the replies, but maybe im asking for the wrong thing as it didnt work... lol
  11. Hi, hoping some one can help me - im loosing patience lol First off, does any one know what im doing wrong...... I have a vista laptop, it has 2007 Microsoft Home and Student on. I use Excel to use the RM Banger sheets. I could use them fine until a week ago, Now i cant edit anything in excel. It asked me for the Microsoft Product code...Thats no problem its on the sticker underneath! But it doesn't work? Its the pukka code and I've not reformatted or anything! Any one have any ideas or ways around it!? secondly. My replay folder doesnt seem to exist in the the Hasbro folder, but i have replays accessible through the game. Grr! Knobby
  12. I'm on it all ready ..... lol Great work Swindy
  13. Better driving, less grip, Objects are harder like the posts etc. Much better than the normal ones for Bangers
  14. Getting it on Xbox360 on Friday!
  15. Tenner says it makes the 20's!!! Knobby 10c please
  16. Ah... Boredoms set in on Modern Warfare 2, So im going to go buy a gun, go to a Russian Airport, Murder Thousands of civilians, and achieve something? lol
  17. I've only played Guitar Hero 5 , On xbox, Its good fun, Very hard though!, I'm crap on easy mode with it!
  18. I may not make it Spike, Im on wireless at the moment so may lag my balls off. I will try it though!
  19. Knobby 10c Please
  20. me please, Knobby 10c
  21. Hi Magpye!, Remember me !! Hope to see you racing on here soon!
  22. I'll be there Ryano
  23. Knobby10c please
  24. Topic says Bangers mate so i'd hazard a guess at Bangers lol,
  25. Anyone remember how to do this, got some one who'se stuck
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