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Skinpack Deadline: 06/04/16 6pm Please send the skins via the upload page on the website or on this thread. - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis once on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Skins Received: 55 Kbarker 204 minitom 211 David N 444 Ritzo 527 Fast Track (Tarmac Only) 562 Rev
Nickname: Fast Track Number: 527 Grade: Red (UKDirt F1) Real Life Driver: Paul Hines 259
Skinpack Deadline: 04/03/16 Midnight Please send the skins via the upload page on the website or on this thread. - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis once on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Skins Received: 12 Bullyjnr 14 LouisH 17 DanW 39 Leek 43 pinken 44 Tom K 67 FreeW 71 Joshw 79 weeryan 82 Dbecks 84 Timm 89 Montangoo 90 LiamB 103 Shukey 112 TomD 146 CrashleyEngland 180 Wardieee 221 Spike 229 Tsjalle 233 Grasser 236 DanSkin 237 Rickyjames 238 Kane_M 241 MarkPuxty 246 Stox 249 stoxjack 255 Stumpy 256 Hooty 291 Marten 295 barbz 363 Walker 411 ReeceWinch 444 Ritzo 454 Frans 484 Jack Ward 486 theJoker 488 Dave 515 Big Al 525 Mav 527 Fast Track 540 BrainB 589 Stijneman 599 Harold 653 Simpson 691 Jakeeey 758 Don witherall 777 HGR 800 Ben Chambers
Well done to Simpson with the meeting final and to Danskin on winning the world masters and top point score Results: Whites & Yellows: 237 518 589 454 79 12 17 540 109 82 244 Tarmac Masters: 236 246 180 238 691 484 90 653 527 411 800 589 204 454 17 167 518 43 84 48 237 39 Heat 1: 238 800 484 246 653 43 411 82 589 109 454 79 540 17 488 Heat 2: 90 236 180 84 48 167 39 244 691 527 204 237 518 12 71 Heat 3: 653 484 691 167 527 84 79 246 488 90 17 12 454 589 71 Heat 4: 180 236 518 800 411 109 204 238 39 43 48 237 82 244 540 Heat 5: 454 246 48 238 691 800 589 167 518 204 12 540 411 39 244 Heat 6: 236 180 484 79 527 109 43 90 84 17 82 237 653 71 488 B-Final: 237 488 71 540 12 82 17 A-Final: 653 236 48 411 180 246 800 691 589 238 43 518 109 79 84 527 454 167 204 484 90 39 GN 1: 653 800 84 411 167 518 691 39 454 527 109 540 488 GN 2: 180 236 238 43 48 246 237 484 204 90 12 79 82 589 Points: 91 pts 236 DanSkin 86 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 77 pts 180 wardieee 66 pts 48 Tinman 59 pts 411 ReeceWinch 59 pts 800 BenChambers 54 pts 246 Stox 41 pts 238 Kane_M 39 pts 691 Jakeeey 31 pts 484 Jack Ward 30 pts 84 Timm 27 pts 167 CB 24 pts 43 pinken 20 pts 518 MartynR 16 pts 589 Stijneman 16 pts 90 LiamB 15 pts 527 fast track 14 pts 454 Frans 12 pts 39 LeeK 11 pts 79 weeryan 11 pts 109 stan 9 pts 204 minitom 8 pts 237 rickyljames 3 pts 82 Dbecks 3 pts 244 Toff 2 pts 488 Dave 1 pts 17 Dan W 0 pts 540 BrianB 0 pts 12 bully jnr 0 pts 71 JoshW The replays are here!
Please make sure you are in 3 heats each. Start Time 8:20pm Whites & Yellows 79, 540, 566, 12, 17, 71, 82, 109, 237, 244, 454, 518, 589 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Start Time 8:30pm Tarmac Masters: 236, 411, 238, 246, 484, 691, 800, 48, 237, 84, 167, 518, 589, 527, 204, 653, 39, 180, 17, 43, 90, 454 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 1: 79, 17, 82, 109, 454, 589, 488, 653, 43, 246, 411, 484, 800, 238 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 540, 12, 71, 237, 244, 518, 48, 84, 204, 39, 90, 167, 180, 527, 236, 691 server .45 ( steward 236 ) Heat 3: 79, 12, 17, 71, 454, 589, 84, 488, 653, 90, 167, 246, 484, 527, 691 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 540, 82, 109, 237, 244, 518, 48, 204, 39, 43, 180, 411, 800, 236, 238 server .45 ( steward 236 ) Heat 5: 540, 12, 244, 454, 518, 589, 48, 204, 39, 167, 246, 411, 800, 238, 691 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 6: 79, 17, 71, 82, 109, 237, 84, 488, 653, 43, 90, 180, 484, 527, 236 server .45 ( steward 236 ) Final: GN: Cheers FT
booking closed
Well done to danskin for winning the world of shale and well done to danW winning the meeting final Results: World Of Shale: 236 180 691 800 17 167 238 39 204 233 43 653 246 411 527 454 84 48 444 237 589 599 Whites & Yellows: 17 599 71 82 454 589 237 Heat 1: 454 599 55 653 180 691 238 167 39 71 43 82 48 800 Heat 2: 249 236 90 589 233 246 527 17 204 411 84 237 444 Heat 3: 17 55 599 236 249 71 167 691 90 411 527 82 444 800 Heat 4: 180 237 454 39 43 233 238 204 653 84 589 48 Heat 5: 653 236 800 39 71 237 55 43 238 589 246 444 599 411 Heat 6: 17 84 691 180 249 90 167 527 454 233 204 82 48 B-Final: 48 411 444 82 A-Final: 17 599 589 653 84 39 55 90 180 236 238 167 249 691 43 233 527 454 800 71 246 237 GN 1: 653 454 236 90 84 71 39 238 43 167 246 17 48 GN 2: 55 599 237 691 180 249 527 800 233 411 82 444 589 Points: 80 pts 599 Harold 74 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 73 pts 17 Dan W 61 pts 55 Kbarker 52 pts 84 Timm 49 pts 39 LeeK 48 pts 589 Stijneman 46 pts 236 DanSkin 45 pts 180 wardieee 44 pts 90 LiamB 38 pts 454 Frans 32 pts 249 stoxjack 30 pts 237 rickyljames 30 pts 691 Jakeeey 22 pts 71 JoshW 16 pts 233 Grasser 16 pts 238 Kane_M 15 pts 527 fast track 14 pts 800 BenChambers 13 pts 43 pinken 13 pts 167 CB 5 pts 204 minitom 5 pts 246 Stox 4 pts 411 ReeceWinch 0 pts 82 Dbecks 0 pts 48 Tinman 0 pts 444 ritzoberst The replays are here! Cheers FT
Please make sure you are in 3 heats each. Start Time 8:20pm Whites & Yellows: 599, 17, 71, 82, 237, 454, 589 server .48 (steward 255 ) Start Time 8:30pm World Of Shale: 236, 444, 691, 43, 17, 238, 800, 233, 599, 527, 167, 39, 204, 84, 48, 589, 454, 653, 411, 237, 246, 180 server.48 (steward 255 ) Heat 1: 599, 71, 82, 454, 48, 55, 653, 39, 43, 167, 180, 800, 238, 691 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 17, 237, 589, 84, 204, 249, 444, 90, 233, 246, 411, 527, 236 server .45 ( steward 236 ) Heat 3: 599, 17, 71, 82, 55, 249, 444, 90, 167, 411, 527, 800, 236, 691 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 237, 454, 589, 48, 84, 204, 653, 39, 43, 180, 233, 246, 238 server .45 ( steward 236 ) Heat 5: 599, 71, 237, 589, 55, 444, 653, 39, 43, 246, 527, 800, 236, 238 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 6: 17, 82, 454, 48, 84, 204, 249, 90, 167, 180, 233, 411, 691 server .45 ( steward 236 ) Final: Gn's: Cheers FT
bookings closed
Skinpack 8
Skinpack Deadline: 27/10/15 Midnight - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis once on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Skins Received: 189 NathH (Tarmac Wing Correction) 238 Kane (Tarmac Wing Correction) 295 barbz
Skinpack 7
Skinpack Deadline: 29/09/15 Midnight - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis once on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Skins Recieved: 89 Alex (Tarmac Only) 180 Wardieee 238 Kane 691 Jake
Skinpack 6
Well done to top 4 in semi cons and also to harold for winning meeting final Results: Consolation Semi: 90 262 48 518 237 82 84 566 599 589 17 Heat 1: 589 236 653 484 444 90 518 599 84 48 527 43 221 89 Heat 2: 411 17 566 167 238 800 82 246 262 237 380 39 386 474 540 Heat 3: 589 43 599 39 444 653 89 221 167 484 800 527 518 566 Heat 4: 411 380 238 90 84 474 262 48 236 246 237 82 386 17 540 Heat 5: 800 17 599 236 238 653 48 84 43 167 221 589 246 444 Heat 6: 518 411 90 380 89 474 39 262 527 237 82 484 386 540 B-Final: 246 82 221 237 386 540 A-Final: 599 444 84 236 653 380 800 17 474 262 518 89 238 411 39 43 167 484 48 90 589 GN 1: 484 90 474 444 653 238 39 527 411 82 48 589 237 386 GN 2: 599 17 167 89 800 246 236 221 518 84 380 43 540 Points: 89 pts 599 Harold 71 pts 444 Ritzo 61 pts 236 DanSkin 60 pts 653 Simpson 53 pts 84 Timm 51 pts 17 Dan W 47 pts 800 BenChambers 41 pts 380 Liam Powell 38 pts 90 LiamB 36 pts 474 Danny King 33 pts 411 Reece 30 pts 238 Kane_M 28 pts 484 Jack Ward 26 pts 167 CB 24 pts 89 Montangoo 20 pts 589 Stijneman 19 pts 39 LeeK 18 pts 518 MartynR 14 pts 246 Stox 14 pts 262 Harmen 11 pts 43 pinken 9 pts 221 Spike 8 pts 566 danny-boyy 8 pts 48 Tinman 8 pts 527 fast track 6 pts 82 Dbecks 2 pts 237 rickyljames 0 pts 386 JDix 0 pts 540 BrianB MESSER 223 saam 506 Chapster 297 HamsterJnr The replays are here!
Please make sure that your in 3 heats each. Semi Cons: 566, 589, 599, 17, 82, 518, 84, 237, 48, 90, 262 server .48 ( steward 255/180 ) Heat 1: 223, 506, 589, 599, 444, 518, 84, 221, 484, 653, 43, 48, 90, 527, 89, 236, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 386, 540, 566, 17, 82, 474, 167, 237, 380, 411, 39, 246, 262, 800, 238, 297, server .45 ( steward 180 ) Heat 3: 223, 506, 589, 599, 444, 518, 167, 221, 484, 653, 39, 43, 527, 800, 89, 297, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 386, 540, 566, 17, 82, 474, 84, 237, 380, 411, 48, 90, 246, 262, 236, 238, server .45 ( steward 180 ) Heat 5: 506, 566, 589, 599, 17, 474, 84, 167, 221, 653, 43, 48, 246, 800, 236, 238, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 6: 223, 386, 540, 82, 444, 518, 237, 380, 411, 484, 39, 90, 262, 527, 89, 297, server .45 ( steward 180 ) Final: GN's Cheers FT
Skinpack Deadline: 15/09/15 Midnight - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis once on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Skins Recieved: 43 Pinken (Shale Only) 48 Tinman (Shale Only) 84 Tim 345 Ryan 442 Colemann (Tarmac Only) 444 Ritzo 518 MartynR (Tarmac Only) 540 BrainB
Congrats to Jake 691 winning the Semi final and congrats to Walker winning the meeting final Results: Semi Final 1: 691 238 527 43 39 484 411 454 363 444 79 204 48 525 589 Heat 1: 411 444 238 79 90 527 89 691 380 246 474 363 17 589 Heat 2: 221 454 484 525 236 43 204 237 315 233 599 800 48 39 Heat 3: 363 236 221 48 246 484 238 691 599 43 444 17 233 525 Heat 4: 454 204 90 89 474 800 411 315 39 380 589 527 237 79 Heat 5: 454 236 525 411 89 589 90 474 238 246 380 39 484 363 Heat 6: 444 221 527 204 233 315 691 43 800 237 48 79 599 17 B-Final: 17 599 237 589 A-Final: 363 474 204 236 484 90 233 221 89 48 246 43 454 411 691 800 525 444 315 79 527 238 GN 1: 454 474 599 236 233 238 800 43 204 315 411 525 17 48 GN 2: 484 444 89 90 237 691 39 380 589 527 363* 246 221 79 Points: 88 pts 484 Jack Ward 73 pts 236 DanSkin 72 pts 474 Danny King 70 pts 691 Jakeeey 69 pts 238 Kane_M 64 pts 454 Frans 64 pts 204 minitom 60 pts 363 walker 57 pts 90 LiamB 55 pts 527 fast track 50 pts 43 pinken 43 pts 89 Montangoo 42 pts 444 ritzoberst 42 pts 221 Spike 41 pts 411 ReeceWinch 40 pts 39 LeeK 39 pts 233 Grasser 18 pts 599 Harold 16 pts 237 rickyljames 15 pts 525 Mav 15 pts 800 BenChambers 12 pts 48 Tinman 12 pts 315 Mike 9 pts 589 Stijneman 9 pts 380 Liam Powell 8 pts 246 Stox 7 pts 79 weeryan 0 pts 17 Dan W Messer Strike 190 wee panda 296 KizzaC The replays are here!
Please make sure you are in 3 heats each please Semi 1: 238, 39, 691, 43, 527, 484, 48, 204, 525, 444, 411, 589, 363, 90, 454, 79 server .48 ( steward 255/180 ) Heat 1: 190, 79, 363, 444, 474, 589, 17, 411, 90, 246, 380, 527, 89, 238, 691 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 296, 221, 454, 525, 599, 204, 237, 484, 39, 43, 48, 233, 315, 236, 800 server .45 ( steward 180 ) Heat 3: 296, 221, 363, 444, 525, 599, 17, 484, 43, 48, 233, 246, 236, 238, 691 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 190, 79, 454, 474, 589, 204, 237, 411, 39, 90, 315, 380, 527, 89, 800 server .45 ( steward 180 ) Heat 5: 296, 363, 454, 474, 525, 589, 411, 484, 39, 90, 246, 380, 89, 236, 238 server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 6: 190, 79, 221, 444, 599, 17, 204, 237, 43, 48, 233, 315, 527, 691, 800 server .45 ( steward 180 ) Final: GN's: Cheers FT
Late Bookings and cancellations here please: Booked In: Danny King 474 Booked Out: Bookings close at 7pm Cheers FT
Skinpack 5
Skinpack Deadline: 28/07/15 Midnight - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis once on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Skins Recieved: Kizza 296 (Tarmac Only)