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Everything posted by fasttrack

  1. Well done to Craig for winning the meeting final and DanSkin winning the semi final and top point scoring Results: Whites & Yellows: 338 384 237 165 244 125 6 385 254 489 Semi Final: 236 229 115 151 246 560 40 380 238 291 125 43 64 305 244 454 691 489 254 233 Heat 1: 262 125 40 254 229 238 115 122 246 691 560 385 112 454 43 338 237 Heat 2: 236 64 380 98 244 305 291 129 249 527 151 165 384 6 480 Heat 3: 98 115 236 125 112 246 262 384 238 691 454 64 254 43 489 Heat 4: 40 338 380 122 249 560 151 291 244 305 237 165 229 6 129 480 527 Heat 5: 229 236 238 380 249 291 560 122 64 43 254 151 165 384 6 489 Heat 6: 115 129 262 112 98 40 385 246 125 338 527 691 454 237 244 480 305 B-Final: 691 454 165 237 527 6 384 43 385 A-Final: 122 236 115 291 244 238 112 380 560 254 305 249 98 129 262 246 64 40 125 151 229 338 GN 1: 338 112 115 305 237 238 129 691 380 291 454 122 385 384 43 GN 2: 254 236 262 40 244 246 165 151 560 229 98 6 527 125 249 Points: 80 pts 236 DanSkin 64 pts 115 michael green 37 pts 122 craigcharles 35 pts 40 leightonh 35 pts 380 Liam Powell 35 pts 238 Kane_M 32 pts 229 Tsjalle 31 pts 112 Tom D 28 pts 291 Marten 27 pts 244 krish 25 pts 262 Harmen 25 pts 560 Dodge 24 pts 246 Stox 23 pts 254 Samwit 22 pts 151 dode 19 pts 338 Evnos 17 pts 98 Bailey 15 pts 305 jakiejnr 13 pts 129 Sije 12 pts 125 N.Burhenne 10 pts 249 stoxjack 7 pts 237 rickyljames 7 pts 64 Ayrton Smith 5 pts 165 Pieter G 4 pts 691 Jakeeey 2 pts 385 Boostman 1 pts 384 thebagoo 0 pts 6 Pinkyboy 0 pts 454 Frans 0 pts 480 Mackie D 0 pts 489 calum 0 pts 84 Timm 0 pts 43 pinken 0 pts 527 fast track Cheers FT Replays are here!
  2. Meeting format for tonight and make sure you are in 3 heats each. Whites & Yellows: 6, 244, 385, 454, 480, 489, 125, 165, 33, 237, 254, 338, 384 Server .45 (Steward Stumpy) Start time 8 20pm Semi Final 2: 236, 291, 151, 229, 238, 246, 380, 64, 305, 691, 115, 40, 254, 43, 233, 125, 560, 244, 84, 454 Server .45 (Steward Stumpy 255) 8 30pm Heat 1: 385, 454, 489, 125, 237, 254, 338, 40, 122, 262, 43, 115, 229, 238, 246, 691, 112, 560 server .48 ( steward Stumpy 255 ) Heat 2: 6, 244, 480, 165, 233, 384, 64, 84, 129, 380, 98, 151, 249, 291, 305, 527, 236 server .45 ( steward DanSkin 236 ) Heat 3: 385, 454, 489, 125, 233, 254, 384, 64, 84, 262, 43, 98, 115, 238, 246, 691, 112, 236 server .48 ( steward Stumpy 255 ) Heat 4: 6, 244, 480, 165, 237, 338, 40, 122, 129, 380, 151, 229, 249, 291, 305, 527, 560 server .45 ( steward Fast Track527) Heat 5: 6, 480, 489, 165, 233, 254, 384, 64, 122, 380, 43, 151, 229, 238, 249, 291, 236, 560 server .48 ( steward Stumpy 255 ) Heat 6: 244, 385, 454, 125, 237, 338, 40, 84, 129, 262, 98, 115, 246, 305, 527, 691, 112 server .45 ( steward Tom 112 ) A-Final: B-Final: GN 1: GN 2: Cheers FT
  3. Booking Closed
  4. Late Bookings and Cancellations here please Booked in: thebagoo 384 Dodge 560 Bailey 98 Booked out: Leek 39 Booking close at 7 30pm Cheers FT
  5. fasttrack


    My Best lap time is 13.723, avg high .7s/ low .8s FT
  6. Well done to pinken for winning the final and mike top point scoring. Well done to all races winners aswell Results: Heat 1: 151 112 238 166 262 527 338 3 40 125 380 291 237 189 397 Heat 2: 315 40 237 43 39 3 125 380 129 527 246 29 384 189 204 489 Heat 3: 151 221 229 184 43 237 315 291 166 380 238 246 384 29 189 Heat 4: 527 129 166 338 43 246 221 238 39 262 229 184 125 112 489 Heat 5: 151 262 39 3 291 40 229 184 338 315 112 129 221 29 384 204 489 A-Final: 43 39 315 527 221 237 229 112 262 40 380 184 246 166 29 338 129 291 125 238 3 151 GN 1: 315 527 229 129 151 112 184 246 166 125 291 262 238 380 384 189 40 39 3 29 338 43 237 Points: 46 pts 315 Mike 43 pts 43 Pinken 42 pts 527 fast track 34 pts 39 LeeK 34 pts 151 Dode 32 pts 229 tsjalle 26 pts 112 Tom D 25 pts 221 Spike 23 pts 237 Rickyjames 19 pts 262 Harmen 18 pts 129 Sije 17 pts 166 Jeyder 16 pts 40 Leighton Holroyed 16 pts 184 Chevykiller 10 pts 246 Stox 9 pts 3 Johno 7 pts 125 Nburhenne 7 pts 338 Evnos 7 pts 238 Kane 5 pts 291 Martin 5 pts 380 Liam Powell 0 pts 204 minitom 0 pts 397 Alex taylor 0 pts 489 Calum hinde 0 pts 384 The Bagoo 0 pts 29 Lunny 0 pts 189 Montangoo See you all next week at yarmouth Cheers FT Replays
  7. Make sure that you are in 3 heats and we will be using one server tonight. Heat 1: 204, 237, 397, 125, 338, 40, 151, 166, 189, 262, 527, 3, 238, 291, 305, 380, 112 server .48 ( steward 236 ) Heat 2: 204, 237, 489, 43, 125, 384, 29, 39, 40, 189, 246, 527, 3, 129, 315, 380, 112 server .48 ( steward 236 ) Heat 3: 237, 397, 43, 221, 384, 29, 151, 166, 189, 229, 246, 238, 291, 315, 380, 184 server .48 ( steward 236 ) Heat 4: 397, 489, 43, 125, 221, 338, 39, 166, 229, 246, 262, 527, 129, 238, 305, 112, 184 server .48 ( steward 236 ) Heat 5: 204, 489, 221, 338, 384, 29, 39, 40, 151, 229, 262, 3, 129, 291, 305, 315, 184 server .48 ( steward 236 ) Final: GN: Cheers FT
  8. Late bookings and cancellations here please Booked In: Booked Out: Booking close at 7 30pm Cheers FT
  9. Congratulations to Mike 315 for winning the 2013 Uk Open and top point scoring. Results: Whites & Yellows: 129 244 384 43 515 14 567 338 288 79 Heat 1: 291 64 112 305 43 129 48 380 527 567 300 384 221 391 515 393 Heat 2: 238 244 236 3 137 84 184 14 229 246 40 28 29 288 Heat 3: 229 137 115 184 527 238 246 84 14 515 384 48 244 338 79 Heat 4: 129 236 291 315 300 3 112 380 305 43 567 64 221 288 393 Heat 5: 291 238 184 338 515 40 79 527 229 384 391 84 28 567 380 Heat 6: 129 315 64 112 115 236 305 3 137 288 14 221 244 300 393 Heat 7: 129 3 315 14 391 48 380 40 43 184 384 527 246 300 79 567 Heat 8: 338 236 112 515 238 137 229 115 84 244 305 288 28 221 Heat 9: 48 338 115 315 236 291 384 229 246 515 391 393 28 40 221 79 Heat 10: 64 300 184 14 137 112 305 3 527 84 43 567 Heat 11: 129 315 115 244 380 40 43 291 238 338 48 246 393 64 391 28 A-Final: 315 184 238 115 129 338 236 137 291 40 112 64 305 515 380 3 244 14 300 43 48 Points: 60 pts 315 Mike 51 pts 129 Sije 43 pts 184 Chevykiller 42 pts 238 Kane_M 41 pts 115 michael green 39 pts 236 DanSkin 34 pts 338 Evnos 34 pts 291 Marten 28 pts 137 MoR 26 pts 112 Tom D 23 pts 64 Ayrton Smith 17 pts 3 Johno 13 pts 40 leightonh 13 pts 48 Tinman 12 pts 244 krish 11 pts 14 LouisH 11 pts 300 Mattyaspin 11 pts 229 Tsjalle 9 pts 515 Big Al 9 pts 305 jakiejnr 8 pts 380 Liam Powell 6 pts 43 pinken 5 pts 527 fast track 4 pts 84 Timm 4 pts 391 Corny 2 pts 79 weeryan 2 pts 384 thebagoo 2 pts 246 Stox 0 pts 28 Dayne Powell 0 pts 393 MatthewL 0 pts 567 dexter-fifteen 0 pts 288 Ironmac 0 pts 189 Montangoo 0 pts 221 Spike Replays here!
  10. Meeting Format Start Time 8:20pm Whites and Yellows: 14 ,28 ,43 ,79 ,244 ,393 ,515 ,567 ,129 ,277 ,288 ,300 ,338 ,384 sever .45 ( steward 151, 255 ) Start Time 8:30pm Heat 1: 43, 393, 515, 567, 129, 300, 384, 48, 64, 221, 291, 305, 391, 527, 112, 380, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 14, 28, 79, 244, 277, 288, 40, 84, 189, 3, 137, 229, 238, 246, 184, 236, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .45 ( steward 151 ) Heat 3: 14, 79, 244, 515, 277, 338, 384, 48, 84, 137, 229, 238, 246, 527, 115, 184, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 43, 393, 567, 129, 288, 300, 64, 189, 221, 3, 291, 305, 315, 112, 236, 380, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .45 ( steward 151 ) Heat 5: 28, 79, 515, 567, 277, 338, 384, 40, 84, 229, 238, 291, 391, 527, 184, 380, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 6: 14, 244, 393, 129, 288, 300, 64, 189, 221, 3, 137, 305, 315, 112, 115, 236, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .45 ( steward 151 ) Heat 7: 14, 43, 79, 567, 129, 300, 384, 40, 48, 3, 246, 315, 391, 527, 184, 380, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 8: 28, 244, 515, 277, 288, 338, 84, 189, 221, 137, 229, 238, 305, 112, 115, 236, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .45 ( steward 151 ) Heat 9: 28, 79, 393, 515, 338, 384, 40, 48, 221, 229, 246, 291, 315, 391, 115, 236, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .48 ( steward - 255 ) Heat 10: 14, 43, 567, 277, 288, 300, 64, 84, 189, 3, 137, 305, 527, 112, 184, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .45 ( steward - 151 ) Heat 11: 28, 43, 244, 393, 129, 338, 40, 48, 64, 238, 246, 291, 315, 391, 115, 380, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server .48 ( steward - 255 ) Uk Open Final: sever .48 (stewards - 255, 151 ) Make sure your all in 5 heats each and all Whites and Yellows in mirc chat for 8 15pm and Blues, Reds and s/s drivers in for 8 25pm please. Cheers FT
  11. booking close
  12. Brisca F1 Uk Open Hello and welcome to the uk open championship, World Championship qualify Round 7 at Skegness stadium. Tonight meeting will be a 5 heat race for each driver and with the highest scored driver of there grade at the front. This is the start of the 2nd grading period with more drivers moving up to red roof then any other grade will give some close battles at the of the field. Defending Champion Harmen 262 hasn't booked in so we will be having a new uk open champion tonight. Meeting Details Whites & Yellows Race 5 Heats for each Driver Final No Grand Nationals Late Bookings on here Please Booked in: 384 thebagoo Booked out: Close Time 7 30pm Cheers FT
  13. You can upload the skins from the ukdirt website or pm DanSkin the skins. FT
  14. Here is my Tarmac car for 2013 and ill use the same black shale car that i used in last season please 527faldT.zip Cheers FT
  15. Very nice car mor, looks the part Here is my new tarmac car for 2013 and i would like to thank dave for doing it for me
  16. Fast track 527 blue Lee fairhurst 217
  17. 197 - Ryan Harrison 8 - Mick harris 231 – Mark Peters Fast track 527 Blue
  18. Well done to Tom112 for retaining his Title tonight, well done to green for the meeting final win and also for top point scoring. Results: Grand National Championship Final: 112 249 236 560 527 184 115 262 600 254 391 48 291 122 221 305 92 338 237 300 277 Heat 1: 112 92 249 305 129 277 172 90 221 184 391 125 65 237 Heat 2: 48 254 236 122 291 115 560 419 527 600 262 450 300 338 Heat 3: 254 419 112 221 90 600 391 291 249 262 450 338 300 65 Heat 4: 48 184 560 122 115 125 237 236 129 305 277 92 527 172 Heat 5: 249 92 419 129 338 305 254 391 112 184 277 65 300 450 Heat 6: 221 125 48 527 262 115 236 237 291 122 600 90 172 560 A-Final: 115 338 262 112 236 419 249 184 254 90 92 129 221 48 527 291 600 122 560 305 125 277 GN 1: 90 112 277 122 527 249 254 48 125 300 560 GN 2: 236 262 184 115 129 305 600 419 291 391 92 338 237 Points: 43 pts 115 michael green 41 pts 112 Tom D 35 pts 236 DanSkin 33 pts 262 Harmen 31 pts 249 stoxjack 30 pts 419 F.Burhenne 28 pts 254 Samwit 26 pts 48 Tinman 26 pts 184 Chevykiller 24 pts 338 Evnos 21 pts 90 LiamB 19 pts 122 craigcharles 17 pts 129 Sije 15 pts 305 jakiejnr 14 pts 221 Spike 14 pts 92 Hoggy 13 pts 125 N.Burhenne 13 pts 527 fast track 12 pts 277 southy 9 pts 600 lithgow 9 pts 291 Marten 8 pts 560 Dodge 5 pts 391 Corny 3 pts 237 rickyljames 2 pts 172 spikejnr 2 pts 300 Mattyaspin 0 pts 450 Stox Signs Cya next week for the last meeting of the season for the Champions of champion race. Cheers FT
  19. Can you please make sure you are in 3 heats each and the tonight format is. Grand National Championship Final: Grid based on top 22 drivers: 112 - 236 300 - 527 249 - 254 291 - 237 560 - 600 48 - 115 184 - 39 92 - 262 305 - 277 221 - 391 338 - 122 Server .48 (Steward – Hooty256, Grasser233, Stumpy255) Heat 1: 125, 237, 65, 129, 172, 221, 90, 92, 277, 305, 391, 39, 184, 249, 112, server .48 ( steward – Hooty256) Heat 2: 419, 450, 122, 254, 338, 48, 262, 300, 527, 600, 115, 291, 560, 236, server .45 ( steward – Grasser233, Stumpy255) Heat 3: 419, 450, 65, 221, 254, 338, 90, 262, 300, 391, 600, 115, 249, 291, 112, server .48 ( steward – Hooty256) Heat 4: 125, 237, 122, 129, 172, 48, 92, 277, 305, 527, 39, 184, 560, 236, server .45 ( steward – Grasser233, stumpy255) Heat 5: 419, 450, 65, 129, 254, 338, 92, 277, 300, 305, 391, 39, 184, 249, 112, server .48 ( steward – Hooty256) Heat 6: 125, 237, 122, 172, 221, 48, 90, 262, 527, 600, 115, 291, 560, 236, server .45 ( steward – Grasser233, stumpy255) Final: GN1: GN2: Cheers FT
  20. Bookings closed
  21. Late Bookings and cancellations here please. Booking close at 7:30pm Booked in: Hoggy 92 Corny 391 Booked out: Cheers FT
  22. Well done to Green115 for winning the Tarmac Masters and well done to sije129 for winning the meeting final and top point scoring . Results: Tarmac Masters Final: 115 112 527 315 238 305 3 92 560 291 122 262 249 277 517 33 338 450 391 237 236 Heat 1: 129 254 112 3 151 238 39 277 560 262 391 495 Heat 2: 236 115 305 291 92 527 33 249 315 338 517 122 450 Heat 3: 129 236 315 305 254 92 277 495 39 560 262 238 450 Heat 4: 122 115 151 3 291 391 527 112 33 237 517 338 249 Heat 5: 92 151 236 122 291 277 315 262 517 3 33 238 Heat 6: 115 391 254 249 495 112 560 39 527 305 129 237 338 A-Final: 129 391 112 236 560 249 262 291 151 315 115 495 527 305 238 92 33 39 3 254 277 122 GN 1: 115 112 236 92 249 39 305 254 277 517 495 GN 2: 391 338 262 129* 291 151 560 315 237 527 238 Points: 57 pts 129 Sije 46 pts 236 DanSkin 42 pts 391 Corny 38 pts 112 Tom D 34 pts 115 michael green 29 pts 151 dode 28 pts 291 Marten 25 pts 249 stoxjack 23 pts 92 Hoggy 23 pts 560 Dodge 21 pts 254 Samwit 21 pts 262 Harmen 17 pts 305 JakieJnr 17 pts 315 Mike 13 pts 122 craigcharles 11 pts 338 Evnos 11 pts 3 Johno 10 pts 39 LeeK 9 pts 277 southy 6 pts 527 fast track 5 pts 495 Lew 4 pts 237 rickyljames 3 pts 33 Jackie 3 pts 517 azata 3 pts 238 Kane_M 0 pts 450 Stox Signs Cya all next week at Belle Vue for the Shootout finale and 2013WCQR Rd2
  23. Tarmac Masters Final Grid: Grid based on top 22 drivers: 238 – 236 527 – 112 600 – 115 338 – 249 277 - 92 3 – 122 291 – 450 315 – 151 560 – 33 262 – 391 237 – 305 Steward - Hooty256, Grasser233 Heat 1: 237, 129, 254, 495, 3, 262, 277, 391, 39, 238, 112, 151, 560 server .48 ( steward - Hooty256, Stumpy255) Heat 2: 450, 33, 122, 338, 517, 92, 305, 527, 249, 291, 115, 236, 315 server .45 ( steward - Grasser233, Drumbstick41) Heat 3: 450, 129, 254, 495, 92, 262, 277, 305, 39, 238, 236, 315, 560 server .48 ( steward - Hooty256, Stumpy255) Heat 4: 237, 33, 122, 338, 517, 3, 391, 527, 249, 291, 112, 115, 151 server .45 ( steward - Grasser233, Drumbstick41) Heat 5: 450, 33, 122, 517, 3, 92, 262, 277, 238, 291, 151, 236, 315 server .48 ( steward - Hooty256, Stumpy255) Heat 6: 237, 129, 254,338, 495, 305, 391, 527, 39, 249, 112, 115, 560 server .45 ( steward - Grasser233, Drumbstick41) Final: GN's: Cheers FT
  24. Bookings closed
  25. Well done to TomD112 for winning the World of Shale and also top point scoring tonight and well done to Jack249 for winning the meeting final . World of Shale: 112 236 262 151 291 300 560 238 184 249 233 527 33 65 221 292 237 305 254 391 92 39 Results: Heat 1: 221 238 33 560 151 184 291 292 391 305 237 515 338 92 Heat 2: 112 233 236 254 129 39 249 262 300 527 495 431 65 517 Heat 3: 129 262 560 236 233 431* 33 391 184 249 237 527 338 495 Heat 4: 254 112 305 238 151 39 300 92 515 221 291 65 292 517 Heat 5: 391 233 129 238 515 33 305 560 262 221 236 65 237 Heat 6: 151 292 112 254 249 92 39 291 527 431 300 338 517 *431 docked 2 places for wallriding A-Final: 249 112 238 236 560 151 233 300 292 291 39 391 92 184 262 254 129 33 305 221 515 431 GN 1: 254 65 92 262 233 238 39 184 560 151 237 300 GN 2: 236 515 112 292 305 391 291 249 129 338 517 33 527 Points: 50 pts 112 Tom D 41 pts 238 Kane_M 40 pts 249 stoxjack 39 pts 236 DanSkin 35 pts 233 Grasser 30 pts 254 Samwit 30 pts 151 dode 29 pts 560 Dodge 22 pts 292 Marco 21 pts 129 Sije 17 pts 262 Harmen 16 pts 305 jakiejnr 16 pts 391 Corny 15 pts 515 Big Al 13 pts 92 Hoggy 13 pts 39 LeeK 12 pts 291 Marten 11 pts 33 jakie 11 pts 300 Mattyaspin 10 pts 65 ALi P 10 pts 221 Spike 8 pts 184 Chevykiller 4 pts 431 boab 2 pts 338 Evnos 2 pts 527 fast track 0 pts 237 rickyljames 0 pts 495 Lew 0 pts 517 azata Cya all next week at Yarmouth for the Tarmac masters Final
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