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Everything posted by fasttrack

  1. Make sure your in 3 heats each Whites & Yellows: 255, 515, 237, 300, 437 Heat 1: 255, 515, 300, 437, 254, 277, 527, 600, 98, 184, 238, 365, 560, 151, 236, server .48 ( steward - Tom112) Heat 2: 255, 515, 237, 300, 437, 254, 277, 391, 39, 98, 184, 238, 262, 112, 151, 236, server .48 ( steward - Fast Track527) Heat 3: 255, 237, 437, 39, 277, 391, 527, 600, 98, 184, 262, 365, 560, 112, 151, server .48 ( steward - Danskin236) Heat 4: 515, 237, 300, 39, 254, 391, 527, 600, 238, 262, 365, 560, 112, 236, server .45 ( steward - Dode151) Final: Gn:
  2. Booking now closed
  3. Late Bookings here Please Booking close at 7 30pm Booked in: 254 Samwit 255 Stumpy 560 Dodge Booked out: 33 Jackie cheers FT
  4. Here is my new shale car for the skinpack please. 527smiS.zip Cheers FT
  5. Well done to Green on winning the meeting final and top point scoring Results: Heat 1: 285 600 262 305 237 1 151 249 341 122 255 277 517 227 520 Heat 2: 236 115 291 221 184 8 87 16 527 33 391 172 330 518 Heat 3: 285 341 527 391 184 600 1 262 122 16 237 305 291 518 227 Heat 4: 236 221 115 517 277 8 330 33 87 249 255 238 151 172 Heat 5: 237 600 87 151 184 238 527 1 341 518 255 227 277 221 Heat 6: 291 115 305 236 517 262 249 122 33 8 16 391 172 285 330 B-Final: 16 122 172 518 227 255 330 A-Final: 115 600 1 184 33 277 249 8 391 262 305 291 527 238 221 87 517 236 237 341 151 285 GN 1: 291 115 277 305 238 1 391 237 184 255 262 8 517 172 GN 2: 236 249 600 285 87 122 221 527 151 16 33 518 227 Points: 55 pts 115 michael green 46 pts 600 lithgow 33 pts 236 DanSkin 31 pts 184 Chevykiller 30 pts 1 Mike 26 pts 291 Marten 25 pts 277 southy 24 pts 285 Mav_Jnr 24 pts 249 stoxjack 19 pts 305 jakiejnr 17 pts 33 jakie 17 pts 221 Spike 16 pts 237 rickyljames 16 pts 87 Robin 16 pts 391 Corny 15 pts 8 Tosh 14 pts 262 Harmen 13 pts 527 fast track 12 pts 122 craigcharles 10 pts 151 dode 10 pts 238 Kane_M 9 pts 341 Ricko 9 pts 517 azata 8 pts 16 JK 3 pts 255 Stumpy 2 pts 172 spikejnr 2 pts 330 Menae 2 pts 518 MartynR 1 pts 227 Stavo 0 pts 520 dougieford No Show 218 DannyGrady No Show 450 Stox Signs No Show 456 Combes No Show 48 Tinman Well Done to Lith600, Southy277, Mav Jnr285, Jakie Jnr305, Jakie33 and Spike221 for qualifying to the European Championship Final.
  6. Please make sure your in 3 heats each. Heat 1: 227, 237, 255, 285, 341, 450, 517, 520, 122, 277, 3, 305, 600, 151, 238, 249, 1, 262, server .48 ( steward – Hooty256) Heat 2: 33, 172, 218, 330, 456, 518, 221, 291, 48, 115, 527, 8, 16, 87, 184, 391, 112, 236, server .45 ( steward – DanSkin236) Heat 3: 218, 227, 237, 255, 285, 341, 456, 518, 122, 291, 305, 527, 600, 16, 184, 391, 1, 262, server .48 ( steward – Hooty256) Heat 4: 33, 172, 330, 450, 517, 520, 221, 277, 3, 48, 115, 8, 87, 151, 238, 249, 112, 236, server .45 ( steward – DanSkin236) Heat 5: 227, 237, 255, 341, 456, 518, 520, 221, 277, 48, 527, 600, 87, 151, 184, 238, 1, 236, server .48 ( steward – Hooty256) Heat 6: 33, 172, 218, 285, 330, 450, 517, 122, 291, 3, 115, 305, 8, 16, 249, 391, 112, 262, server .45 ( steward – Tom112) Final A: Final B: (Point Scoring) Gn's Cheers FT
  7. Added: Menae 330 and Late Bookings Closed Cheers FT
  8. Late Bookings or cancellations here Bookings close at 7 30pm Cheers FT
  9. Thought ill bring my old tarmac car back and thanks to dave for sorting it out for me FT
  10. Fast Track527 blue
  11. Well done to Bailey on winning the final, well done to JanHarm with top point scorer and well done to all race winners. Results: Whites and Yellows: 107 525 291 341 255 21 515 172 Heat 1: 3 98 112 39 137 151 291 249 391 237 255 525 21 172 Heat 2: 115 3 560 249 291 515 137 527 525 341 254 238 172 Heat 3: 98 291 107 151 115 600 560 262 391 254 237 172 21 Heat 4: 107 98 238 600 341 527 39 249 112 262 560 525 254 255 237 391 Heat 5: 107 115 39 151 3 600 527 112 137 515 21 262 341 255 238 A-Final: 98 112 291 560 3 107 341 115 39 391 525 262 527 600 249 237 151 238 21 255 515 137 GN 1: 107 291 237 137 112 527 262 341 391 249 3 98* 238 515 151 560 525 600 255 21 115 39 Points: 50 pts 107 JanHarm 47 pts 98 Bailey 44 pts 291 Marten 38 pts 112 Tom D 33 pts 3 Johno 27 pts 115 michael green 24 pts 560 Dodge 22 pts 341 Ricko 19 pts 39 LeeK 18 pts 137 Mor 15 pts 527 fast track 13 pts 237 rickyljames 13 pts 151 Dode 12 pts 249 stoxjack 12 pts 391 Corny 11 pts 600 lithgow 10 pts 262 Harmen 6 pts 238 Kane_M 4 pts 515 Big Al 1 pts 525 Mav 1 pts 254 Samwit 0 pts 172 Spikejnr 0 pts 255 Stumpy 0 pts 21 skegTomp No Show 419 F.Burhenne No Show 16 JK See you all next week at Belle Vue for the last round of the WCQR
  12. Make sure you are in 3 heats each. Whites and Yellows: 107, 172, 237, 255, 341, 419, 515, 21, 277, 291, 525, server .45 ( steward - Fast track527) Heat 1: 172, 237, 255, 419, 21, 291, 525, 3, 39, 98, 16, 137, 151, 249, 391, 112, server .45 ( steward - MadMatt450) Heat 2: 172, 341, 419, 515, 277, 291, 525, 3, 115, 527, 16, 137, 238, 249, 560, 236, server .45 ( steward - MadMatt450) Heat 3: 107, 172, 237, 515, 21, 277, 291, 98, 115, 600, 16, 151, 391, 560, 236, 262, server .45 ( steward - MadMatt450) Heat 4: 107, 237, 255, 341, 277, 525, 39, 98, 527, 600, 238, 249, 391, 560, 112, 262, server .45 ( steward - MadMatt450) Heat 5: 107, 255, 341, 419, 515, 21, 3, 39, 115, 527, 600, 137, 151, 238, 112, 236, 262, server .45 ( steward - MadMatt450) A-Final: B-Final: (Non-Point Scoring) GN1: GN2:
  13. Bookings are now closed
  14. Added: 151 48 137 172 (Prov) Cancelled 1
  15. Late bookings here: Bookings close at 7pm Cheers FT
  16. Well done to tom on winning the Scottish Championship 4 times on the trout and also top points scoring. Whites & Yellows: 291 517 107 437 221 237 525 Results: Heat 1: 112 3 236 249 527 238 107 48 517 237 137 Heat 2: 151 560 184 262 600 291 292 1 39 221 188 277 Heat 3: 3 262 112 1 527 238 277 48 39 237 221 107 Heat 4: 151 184 188 560 137 600 236 292 517 249 291 Heat 5: 600 236 249 560 3 517 112 151 188 184 262 292 238 237 437 Heat 6: 112 3 137 600 184 48 527 262 292 1 277 Heat 7: 291 560 151 48 112 527 249 188 292 137 237 Heat 8: 3 238 236 527 1 560 188 237 277 291 517 184 137 Heat 9: 151 291 236 1 249 600 238 48 262 517 277 A-Final: 112 236 188 1 249 262 238 527 48 560 184 151 137 237 291 517 600 3 277 Points: 53 pts 112 Tom D 47 pts 236 DanSkin 34 pts 3 Johno 32 pts 249 stoxjack 32 pts 1 Mike 31 pts 560 Dodge 31 pts 151 dode 28 pts 188 Aub 26 pts 527 fast track 26 pts 262 Harmen 25 pts 238 Kane_M 23 pts 600 lithgow 19 pts 291 Marten 18 pts 184 Chevykiller 17 pts 48 Tinman 11 pts 137 MoR 6 pts 517 aza 5 pts 292 Marco 3 pts 237 rickyljames 3 pts 277 southy 2 pts 107 JanHarm 2 pts 39 LeeK 1 pts 221 Spike 0 pts 437 Stocky 0 pts 450 Stox Signs We will be racing at Kings lynn next week for the WCQR#9 so hope to see you all there. Cheers FT
  17. Please make sure you are in 5 heats each Whites and Yellows: 221, 237, 437, 450, 107, 291, 525 Heat 1: 237, 450, 517, 107, 3, 249, 527, 48, 137, 238, 112, 236, server .48 ( steward – DanSkin236) Heat 2: 221, 437, 291, 277, 292, 560, 600, 39, 151, 184, 1, 188, 262, server .45 ( steward – Mike1) Heat 3: 221, 237, 450, 107, 3, 277, 527, 39, 48, 238, 1, 112, 262, server .48 ( steward – Tom112) Heat 4: 437, 517, 291, 249, 292, 560, 600, 137, 151, 184, 188, 236, server .45 ( steward – DanSkin236) Heat 5: 237, 450, 517, 107, 249, 277, 600, 39, 151, 184, 1, 236, 262, server .48 ( steward – Mike1) Heat 6: 221, 437, 291, 3, 292, 527, 560, 48, 137, 238, 112, 188, server .45 ( steward – Tom112) Heat 7: 221, 437, 450, 107, 249, 560, 600, 39, 48, 137, 112, 236, 262, server .48 ( steward – DanSkin236) Heat 8: 237, 517, 291, 3, 277, 292, 527, 151, 184, 238, 1, 188, server .45 ( steward – Mike1) Heat 9: 221, 450, 517, 291, 249, 277, 560, 48, 184, 238, 236, 188, 262, server .48 ( steward – DanSkin236) Heat 10: 237, 437, 107, 3, 292, 527, 600, 39, 137, 151, 112, 1, server .45 ( steward – Tom112) A-Final B-Final No Grand National’s Cheers FT
  18. Dodge added And booking is now closed
  19. Mav added to whites and yellows only Tinman added
  20. Post late bookings and cancellations here please. Late bookings should close at 7pm.
  21. Fast Track527 book in Please
  22. Thank you everyone for racing and well done to harmen for winning the meeting final and also top point scoring . Results: Whites & Yellows: 254 292 221 300 172 122 515 65 262 488 516 517 33 419 152 Heat 1: 516 112 151 39 249 292 184 527 515 115 92 122 33 172 517 Heat 2: 254 221 262 233 300 238 1 236 137 291 48 277 525 65 419 488 Heat 3: 262 112 249 184 277 525 151 92 300 115 65 419 33 517 122 Heat 4: 516 236 233 48 1 291 137 254 238 527 39 515 292 172 221 488 Heat 5: 292 172 277 254 1 516 65 92 184 238 115 517 525 300 Heat 6: 262 39 112 236 151 137 221 249 48 515 291 527 122 419 22 488 B-Final: 515 527 92 419 33 517 A-Final: 262 112 1 151 238 39 236 137 48 291 277 292 300 254 184 249 172 525 516 65 221 233 GN 1: 516 39 151 249 1 137 527 277 184 525 65 33 221 517 GN 2: 292 112 236 300 238 48 262 291 419 254 515 488 233 Points: 57 pts 262 Harmen 50 pts 112 Tom D 37 pts 151 dode 35 pts 1 Mike 34 pts 39 LeeK 32 pts 236 DanSkin 31 pts 516 IanStep 26 pts 238 Kane_M 23 pts 292 Marco 20 pts 137 Mor 19 pts 249 stoxjack 18 pts 48 Tinman 16 pts 254 Samwit 14 pts 277 southy 13 pts 300 Mattyaspin 12 pts 291 Marten 11 pts 233 Grasser 11 pts 184 Chevykiller 9 pts 221 Spike 7 pts 172 spikejnr 7 pts 527 fast track 5 pts 525 Mav 3 pts 419 F.Burhenne 2 pts 65 ALi P 2 pts 515 Big Al 2 pts 115 michael green 2 pts 92 Hoggy 0 pts 33 jakie 0 pts 517 azata 0 pts 122 craigcharles 0 pts 152 Parkles Next week we will be racing at Nutts Corner for the Irish Championship . Cheers FT
  23. Make sure that your in 3 heats 8:20 Start Whites & Yellows: 33, 65, 172, 254, 419, 515, 517, 107, 122, 152, 221, 262, 292, 300, 488, 516, Sever .48 ( steward - Fast Track527) 8:30 Start Heat 1: 33, 172, 515, 517, 122, 152, 292, 516, 39, 115, 249, 92, 151, 527, 112, 184, server .48 ( steward - Tom 112) Heat 2: 65, 254, 419, 221, 262, 300, 488, 233, 291, 525, 48, 137, 238, 277, 1, 236, server .45 ( steward - Mike 1) Heat 3: 33, 65, 419, 517, 122, 152, 262, 300, 115, 249, 525, 92, 151, 277, 112, 184, server .48 ( steward - Tom 112) Heat 4: 172, 254, 515, 221, 292, 488, 516, 39, 233, 291, 48, 137, 238, 527, 1, 236, server .45 ( steward - DanSkin236) Heat 5: 65, 172, 254, 517, 152, 292, 300, 516, 115, 233, 525, 92, 238, 277, 1, 184, server .48 ( steward - Mike 1) Heat 6: 33, 419, 515, 122, 221, 262, 488, 39, 249, 291, 48, 137, 151, 527, 112, 236, server .45 ( steward - DanSkin236) Final: (top 22) B-Final: (final non-qualifiers) Grand National 1: ... server .48 ( steward ) Grand National 2: ... server .45 ( steward ) Cheers FT
  24. Booking closed 488 Dave 137 Mor 92 hoggy all added
  25. Post late bookings and cancellations here please. Bookings will close at 7PM. FT
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