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Everything posted by fasttrack

  1. Heat 1: 83, 128, 417, 628, 341, 359, 783, 976, 48, 381, 500, 601, 888, 211, 244, 527, 145 server 1 34297(steward 527 ) Heat 2: 127, 200, 366, 622, 79, 212, 468, 504, 20, 131, 221, 8, 57, 777, 691, 39 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 39 ) Heat 3: 83, 127, 366, 417, 622, 79, 212, 976, 20, 48, 221, 500, 57, 244, 527, 145 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 527 ) Heat 4: 128, 200, 628, 341, 359, 468, 504, 783, 131, 381, 601, 888, 8, 211, 777, 691, 39server 2-34298(steward 39 ) Heat 5: 127, 128, 622, 628, 212, 381, 468, 504, 783, 20, 48, 500, 888, 8, 57, 527, 145 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 527 ) Heat 6: 83, 200, 366, 417, 79, 341, 359, 976, 131, 221, 601, 211, 244, 691, 777, 39 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 39 ) Heat 7: 83, 127, 200, 366, 622, 359, 504, 783, 976, 20, 48, 131, 221, 8, 57, 527, 145 server 1- 34297 ( steward 527 ) Heat 8: 128, 417, 628, 79, 212, 341, 468, 381, 500, 601, 888, 211, 244, 777, 691, 39 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 39 ) Heat 9: 127, 128, 200, 366, 628, 212, 468, 976, 20, 48, 221, 888, 211, 244, 527, 145 server 1- 34297 ( steward 527 ) Heat 10: 83, 417, 622, 79, 341, 359, 504, 783, 131, 381, 500, 601, 8, 57, 777, 691, 39 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 39 ) Dutch Championship Final:
  2. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:  Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
  3. Skinpack Deadline: 24/04/19 7pm Please send the skins via the upload page on the website or on this thread. - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis once on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Just a reminder. F1 skins are available by request on the link below. Skins Received: 20 MilanSonnemans 500 Allstar
  4. Skinpack Deadline: 03/04/19 7pm Please send the skins via the upload page on the website or on this thread. - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis once on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Skins Received: 20 MilanSonnemans 145 SKint 468 BraderzzCooper
  5. Results: Heat 1: 221 100 39 691 131 911 888 244 599 228 20 147 381 15 83 454 Heat 2: 48 910 229 696 57 777 666 472 8 211 527 145 468 976 341 Heat 3: 599 381 691 8 910 211 39 777 911 100 472 417 228 221 468 666 15 Heat 4: 145 229 48 621 57 888 527 131 244 696 976 454 83 341 20 Heat 5: 48 599 910 39 8 131 417 221 100 244 976 454 666 472 341 Heat 6: 911 691 696 381 145 20 229 777 15 211 57 621 527 228 468 83 888 B-Final: 15 472 454 228 417 976 341 468 666 83 A-Final: 696 381 910 221 599 691 229 8 211 911 39 777 48 131 244 527 57 621 145 100 20 888 GN 1: 599 691 417 777 228 100 976 211 39 48 145 341 454 221 GN 2: 910 381 229 20 244 696 911 472 131 527 888 8 666 57 468 Points: 86 pts 696 Kloosterman 83 pts 910 McFerran 79 pts 381 kevharbord 71 pts 599 Harold 67 pts 691 Jakeeey 57 pts 229 Tsjalle 48 pts 221 Spike 30 pts 911 ColeMcfall 30 pts 8 Tosh 30 pts 48 Tinman 26 pts 417 Klaasydelourens 25 pts 777 HGR 23 pts 211 EmielDeJong 23 pts 39 LeeK 22 pts 100 Tomdavison 20 pts 228 Sierd 19 pts 20 MilanSonnemans 18 pts 472 MarkF 18 pts 131 rutger 18 pts 244 Toff 16 pts 145 SKint 13 pts 976 rik 12 pts 15 Fruitshoot 12 pts 57 LittleTheo 9 pts 888 Ellis_Rogers 8 pts 454 frans 7 pts 621 jouke heddema 6 pts 666 JohnH 6 pts 527 fast track 4 pts 341 BryanLee 3 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 1 pts 83 BenS The replays are here! Messers 144 Jack Bunyan 549 Austinnnnn 79 weeryan
  6. Please make sure you are in 3 heats each and everyone to discord at 8:20pm Heat 1: 15, 83, 381, 417, 20, 79, 221, 599, 911, 100, 228, 621, 888, 131, 244, 454, 691, 39 server 1 -34297(steward 39) Heat 2: 144, 549, 666, 145, 341, 468, 696, 976, 8, 48, 57, 472, 211, 229, 777, 910, 527 server 2 -34298 (steward 527) Heat 3: 15, 381, 417, 666, 79, 221, 468, 599, 911, 8, 100, 228, 472, 211, 691, 777, 910, 39 server 1 -34297 (steward 39 ) Heat 4: 83, 144, 549, 20, 145, 341, 696, 976, 48, 57, 621, 888, 131, 229, 244, 454, 527 server 2 - 34298 (steward 527) Heat 5: 144, 417, 549, 666, 79, 221, 341, 599, 976, 8, 48, 100, 472, 131, 244, 454, 910, 39 server 1 - 34297 (steward 39) Heat 6: 15, 83, 381, 20, 145, 468, 696, 911, 57, 228, 621, 888, 211, 229, 691, 777, 527 server 2 - 34298 (steward 527) Final GN
  7. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:  Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
  8. Thank you for everyone racing tonight and to Leek & Toff for their stewarding assistance Well done to 145 Skint for winning the 2019 Brisca F1 Irish championship and to Mcferran for top point scoring. Also well done to all race winners Results: Heat 1: 51 783 381 910 211 131 527 151 48 8 341 976 79 911 83 Heat 2: 601 145 57 691 472 39 244 696 454 621 504 599 221 468 6 666 784 Heat 3: 51 48 691 79 211 527 601 221 472 976 468 381 454 622 Heat 4: 57 621 145 910 8 599 911 696 244 783 151 144 39 504 6 341 83 131 666 Heat 5: 910 51 691 57 244 527 601 151 472 145 666 341 911 504 221 83 6 Heat 6: 79 48 39 8 211 783 131 599 454 696 976 621 381 144 622 468 Heat 7: 145 48 691 8 244 472 151 6 341 622 381 221 601 666 454 976 79 527 Heat 8: 910 211 621 131 39 696 51 57 599 468 504 144 83 783 911 Heat 9: 910 691 527 601 8 911 621 696 381 221 51 6 504 83 468 131 Heat 10: 599 783 151 145 211 48 244 39 57 472 454 341 622 79 144 666 B-Final: 468 341 51 666 6 622 504 83 601 144 A-Final: 145 910 599 39 211 244 527 8 691 48 79 131 911 783 696 57 454 381 621 472 151 221 Points 89 pts 910 McFerran 85 pts 145 SKint 63 pts 211 EmielDeJong 60 pts 599 Harold 57 pts 39 LeeK 50 pts 691 Jakeeey 47 pts 244 Toff 42 pts 8 Tosh 42 pts 527 fast track 41 pts 51 Peet Gommans 39 pts 48 Tinman 30 pts 57 LittleTheo 27 pts 601 devon usher 24 pts 783 d_dickson 22 pts 621 jouke heddema 18 pts 151 Dode 17 pts 79 weeryan 16 pts 472 MarkF 16 pts 131 rutger 15 pts 696 Kloosterman 11 pts 341 BryanLee 11 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 10 pts 381 kevharbord 9 pts 6 THoyes 9 pts 911 ColeMcfall 7 pts 666 JohnH 6 pts 622 Johandehaan 4 pts 221 Spike 4 pts 504 Charlie Boast 4 pts 454 Frans 3 pts 83 BenS 1 pts 144 Jack Bunyan 1 pts 976 rik 0 pts 784 the blacksmith The replays are here! Messers 228 Sierd 882 phil
  9. Please make sure you are in 5 heats each and everyone to discord at 8:20pm Heat 1: 51, 83, 381, 622, 882, 79, 341, 783, 911, 976, 8, 48, 228, 131, 151, 211, 910, 527 server 1 - (steward 527) Heat 2: 6, 10, 666, 784, 145, 221, 468, 504, 599, 696, 57, 472, 621, 244, 454, 691, 39 server 2 - (steward 39) Heat 3: 51, 381, 622, 784, 882, 79, 221, 468, 911, 976, 48, 228, 472, 211, 454, 691, 527 server 1 - (steward 527) Heat 4: 6, 10, 83, 666, 145, 341, 504, 599, 696, 783, 8, 57, 621, 131, 151, 244, 910, 39 server 2 - (steward 39) Heat 5: 6, 51, 83, 666, 882, 145, 221, 341, 504, 911, 57, 228, 472, 151, 244, 691, 910, 527 server 1- (steward 527) Heat 6: 10, 381, 622, 784, 79, 468, 599, 696, 783, 976, 8, 48, 621, 131, 211, 454, 39 server 2 - (steward 39) Heat 7: 6, 381, 622, 666, 784, 79, 145, 221, 341, 976, 8, 48, 472, 151, 244, 454, 691, 527 server 1 - (steward 527) Heat 8: 10, 51, 83, 882, 468, 504, 599, 696, 783, 911, 57, 228, 621, 131, 211, 910, 39 server 2 - (steward 39) Heat 9: 6, 51, 83, 381, 882, 221, 468, 504, 696, 911, 8, 228, 621, 131, 691, 910, 527 server 1 - (steward 527) Heat 10: 10, 622, 666, 784, 79, 145, 341, 599, 783, 976, 48, 57, 472, 151, 211, 244, 454, 39 server 2 - (steward 39 ) Final:
  10. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade: Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
  11. Skinpack Deadline: 13/03/19 7pm Please send the skins via the upload page on the website or on this thread. - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis once on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Skins Received: 10 BrianB 33 Grasser (Shale Only) 56 Camiel Bouwman 83 BenS 151 Dode 228 Sierd 288 ironmac 321 HaaDee 622 Johandehaan 696 Kloosterman 760 Ryano 777 HGR (Shale Only) 910 McFerran 976 rik (Shale Only)
  12. Before you download 2019 Skinpacks please make sure you have deleted 2018 skins. Tarmac location C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor\GameData\Vehicles\F1Stockcar\TarmacOL Shale location C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor\GameData\Vehicles\F1Stockcar\ShaleOL Skinpack 1
  13. Thank you all for racing tonight and well done to emiel de jong for winning the meeting final and rutger for top scoring. See you all next week at Birmingham for the first meeting of the 2019 season Results: Heat 1: 211 131 696 976 910 39 57 100 911 454 784 341 6 220 Heat 2: 228 777 599 291 48 381 527 244 145 79 666 621 261 Heat 3: 211 48 777 39 381 244 100 261 976 666 291 784 599 Heat 4: 131 228 229 910 696 145 527 57 911 454 79 6 341 Heat 5: 211 976 228 229 381 39 291 244 911 341 57 79 666 6 Heat 6: 131 48 777 100 910 454 527 261 784 599 A-Final: 211 229 131 291 228 527 57 696 777 100 244 910 48 454 976 911 784 341 6 261 79 666 381 GN 1: 131 976 696 777 527 291 229 910 57 911 79 100 244 381 454 341 6 211 261 599 666 Points: 89pts 131 Rutger 80pts 211 EmielDeJong 68pts 229 Tsjalle 57pts 228 Sierd 56pts 291 Marten 49pts 777 HGR 49pts 527 fast track 45pts 696 Eibert 36pts 976 Rik 31pts 57 Little Theo 25pts 910 McFerran 24pts 48 Tinman 19pts 100 TomDavison 17pts 381 Harbord 17pts 39 Leek 11pts 244 Toff 9pts 599 Harold 8pts 911 Cole Mcfall 7pts 145 SKint 7pts 454 Frans 6pts 261 AlexJacko 2pts 784 The Blacksmith 1pts 666 JohnH 1pts 79 weeryan 1pts 341 BryanLee 0pts 6 THoyes 0pts 621 Jouke Heddema The replays are here! MESSERS 224 Ric O Shay 181 Mark Veenstra 882 philgillie 43 pinken
  14. Please make sure you are in 3 heats each please Heat 1: 6, 131, 211, 220, 224, 696, 784, 882, 288, 341, 976, 57, 100, 911, 454, 777, 39 server.122:34297 (steward 255 ) Heat 2: 181, 228, 261, 381, 599, 601, 666, 79, 145, 783, 48, 291, 621, 43, 229, 244, 527 server.122:34298 (steward 527 ) Heat 3: 181, 211, 224, 261, 599, 666, 784, 882, 288, 783, 976, 100, 291, 621, 43, 777, 39 server.122:34297 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 6, 131, 220, 228, 381, 601, 696, 79, 145, 341, 48, 57, 911, 229, 244, 454, 527 server.122:34298 ( steward 527 ) Heat 5: 6, 181, 211, 228, 381, 601, 666, 882, 79, 341, 976, 57, 291, 911, 229, 244, 39 server.122:34297 ( steward 255 ) Heat 6: 131, 220, 224, 261, 599, 696, 784, 145, 288, 783, 48, 100, 621, 43, 454, 777, 527 server.122:34298 ( steward 527 ) Final GN1/2 everyone to discord at 8:20pm please
  15. Updated Skinpack deadline
  16. Everything sorted
  17. Skinpack Deadline: 02/03/19 7pm Please send the skins via the upload page on the website or on this thread. - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis once on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Skins Received: 6 THoyes 8 Tosh 10 BrainB 13 UKLucky 39 Leek 48 Tinman 55 Kbarker 57 LittleTheo 67 FreeW 79 weeryan 100 Tomdavison 112 TomD 127 TheTrainBanger 131 rutger 141 RichardFalkena 145 SKint 181 markveenstra 211 EmielDeJong 221 Spike 224 Ricoshay 228 Sierd 229 Tsjalle 236 DanSkin 238 Kane 244 Toff 246 Stox 255 Stumpy 256 Hooty 260 SamJacklin 261 AlexJacko 267 PeteC (Shale Only) 291 Marten 341 BryanLee 381 Kevharbord 451 jamieGwin 454 Frans 472 MarkF 488 Dave 504 Charlie Boast 514 Mcintosh 515 Big Al 527 Fast Track 582 Ginger 599 Harold 621 Jouke heddema 666 JohnH 691 Jakeeey 777 HGR 780 TREBLE C 783 d_dickson 784 the blacksmith 888 Ellis_Rogers 911 ColeMcfall 976 rik
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