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Everything posted by fasttrack

  1. Skinpack Deadline: 02/09/20 8pm Members who have previously raced this season without a skin will not be permitted to race any further meetings until a skin has been submitted. Please send the skins via the upload page on the website or on this thread, any skins that are sent via Discord will not be accepted for any skinpacks. - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - If a replica skin is being used then the real drivers name and number (if different) must be replaced with your UKDirt number at least. - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis once on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Skins Received:
  2. dont know what your on about
  3. Well done to skint 145 for winning meeting final and CB 167 for top scoring. Well done to all race winners and thanks for assistance DanSkin Results: Whites & Yellows 1: 80 90 557 847 940 474 712 272 132 494 190 927 Whites & Yellows 2: 121 325 355 464 20 293 108 961 780 101 602 208 Heat 1: 927 847 20 229 783 355 961 557 112 100 238 145 293 780 547 8 494 101 208 464 Heat 2: 325 121 143 484 468 167 108 527 691 80 889 132 90 712 190 474 602 272 940 Heat 3: 121 229 238 145 961 484 783 325 464 468 80 112 167 547 132 272 494 Heat 4: 557 90 143 20 889 780 691 847 527 474 8 293 355 190 100 108 940 101 927 208 Heat 5: 143 238 927 80 464 90 484 355 20 272 780 961 229 145 847 547 468 100 190 Heat 6: 167 121 557 293 889 101 112 527 108 691 8 783 940 474 494 602 325 132 B-Final: 691 272 108 8 112 780 100 494 132 602 190 474 101 940 547 A-Final: 145 464 167 484 889 143 468 847 325 229 238 783 90 121 293 20 557 961 80 927 355 527 GN 1: 167 484 780 527 238 889 961 90 474 121 355 108 927 190 100 602 464 GN 2: 847 143 229 468 691 20 783 325 293 101 557 145 494 132 547 272 8 Points: 75 pts 167 CB 69 pts 143 Cammy 69 pts 484 Jack Ward 57 pts 145 Skint 53 pts 464 LukeD (Upgraded to yellow) 52 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 47 pts 847 Castell 41 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 37 pts 229 Tsjalle 30 pts 121 Tom_Armstrong 29 pts 325 samhitme 29 pts 238 Kane_M 29 pts 691 Jakeeey 27 pts 20 MilanSonnemans 26 pts 780 TREBLE C 22 pts 527 fast track 21 pts 557 Boderz 20 pts 90 LiamB 18 pts 927 Louis Kingwell 18 pts 961 sparky 18 pts 783 d_dickson 14 pts 108 NobbyClarke 12 pts 112 TomD 11 pts 293 Badeend 10 pts 272 Eavesy 8 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 8 pts 355 Agrindey 7 pts 101 Elz 7 pts 8 Tosh 5 pts 474 BeesFanDanny 5 pts 100 Tomdavison 3 pts 494 RohanK 2 pts 132 Huntertwotwoo 1 pts 602 Bowl 0 pts 190 WayneP 0 pts 208 Evz 0 pts 547 Greg Mckenzie 0 pts 940 LukeB 0 pts 712 ErinnM Messers 492 mastermealing 614 Sam Critchley The replays are here!
  4. Tonights format will be 2 whites & yellows, 3 sets of heats, 2 finals and 2 GN. Please make sure you are in 3 heats and everyone to discord for 8:15pm. Start Time: 8:20pm Whites & Yellows 1: 132, 190, 557, 927, 940, 80, 90, 272, 474, 492, 494, 614, 712, 847 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 236 ) Go Now Please Whites & Yellows 2: 208, 325, 464, 547, 602, 20, 101, 108, 121, 293, 355, 780, 961 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 527 ) Go Now Please Heat 1: 208, 464, 547, 557, 927, 20, 101, 293, 355, 492, 494, 780, 847, 961, 145, 8, 100, 112, 783, 229, 238 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 236 ) Go Now Please Heat 2: 132, 190, 325, 602, 940, 80, 90, 108, 121, 272, 474, 614, 712, 143, 167, 468, 484, 527, 691, 889 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 527 ) Go Now Please Heat 3: 132, 325, 464, 547, 602, 80, 121, 272, 492, 494, 712, 847, 961, 145, 167, 112, 468, 484, 783, 229, 238 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 236 ) Go Now Please Heat 4: 190, 208, 557, 927, 940, 20, 90, 101, 108, 293, 355, 474, 614, 780, 143, 8, 100, 527, 691, 889 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 527 ) Go Now Please Heat 5: 190, 464, 547, 927, 940, 20, 80, 90, 272, 355, 712, 780, 961, 143, 145, 100, 468, 484, 229, 238 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 236 ) Go Now Please Heat 6: 132, 208, 325, 557, 602, 101, 108, 121, 293, 474, 492, 494, 614, 847, 167, 8, 112, 527, 783, 691, 889 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 527 ) Go Now Please A-Final: B-Final: GN's
  5. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Bookings will only be accepted from the driver wishing to book in, no third party bookings will be accepted. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:  Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
  6. World Championship Semi-Finals: Tsjalle #229 top scored in the World Championship Qualifying Points and has chosen the Sheffield World Championship Semi-Final. Final winners from the qualifying rounds include Tsjalle 229 (2), Prodriftersx #68, CharlieGuinchard #183 (4), Sworder #5, DanSkin #236, SKint #145, Mastermealing #492, FastTrack #527, ASHNFFC #125, Cammy #143, Davros #210 The two Semi-Finals grid up as follows... Semi 1 - Skegess (30/07/20) 691 - 236 889 - 777 100 - 143 39 - 145 121 - 20 293 - 167 454 - 492 434 - 780 589 - 847 5 - 108 210 - 48 Semi 2 - Sheffield (06/08/20) 229 - 238 183 - 468 484 - 8 527 - 112 107 - 783 57 - 346 621 - 125 472 - 37 355 - 51 90 - 606 494 - 211 Reserves (in order): 627 68 998 204 467 299 414 291 497 80 822 141 43 415 217 272 133 438 215 614 674 101 131 910 653 598 474 712 582 147 895 504 181 281 325 260 33 381 228 251 961 144 69 287 180 420 23 445 78 630 800 160 711 278 696 982 501 120 337 394 602 348 478 503 193 259 146 84 4 173 603 60 666 324 122 190 132 896 208 59 6 366 422 389 911 419 114 880 169 113 989 83 130 927 713 549 529 300 320 477 404 410 556 280 225 640 628 261 265 Notes: Semi Final #1: 691 236 889 777 100 143 39 145 121 20 293 167 454 492 434 780 589 847 5 108 210 48 Did not start: 39 589 5 210 48 Reserves used: - 414 497 272 101 910 Result: 889 691 236 847 777 143 145 121 100 910 // 780 108 272 414 293 454 20 167 497 434 101 492 Semi Final #2: 229 238 183 468 484 8 527 112 107 783 57 346 621 125 472 37 355 51 90 606 494 (211) Did not start: 183 346 621 125 211 Reserves used: - 653 474 712 325 602 Result: 229 484 238 112 468 8 527 783 57 712 // 472 37 355 107 325 474 90 606 494 653 602 51 Consolation Semi Final: First priority, non qualifiers from Semi Finals (will start closed grades + points order) group: 474 101 602//90 492 606 472 355 454 780 108 653 434 272 414 494 51 497 325//107 293 20 37//167 Second priority group, did not start a Semi Final (will start at back in points order): 183 39 346 621 125 589 5 210 48 211 Grid: 474 602 90 454 780 108 434 414 494 107 293 20 167// 621 Result: 780 90 621 474 // 167 434 20 293 107 494 108 414 602 454 World Championship reserves (in order): 167 434 20 293 107 494 108 414 602 454 ** The coin toss was done online http://cgi.cs.duke.edu/~des/vct/vct.cgi. The date was 03/09/20 and the time was set at 15.02. Tsjalle called Heads and picked the inside grid slot. World Championship Final: World Final - Kings Lynn (17/09/20) 229 - 889 691 - 484 238 - 236 847 - 112 468 - 777 143 - 8 527 - 145 121 - 783 57 - 100 910 - 712 780 - 90 621 - 474 Rules: Semi Finals: Where a driver cannot race, a gap will be left on the grid and a reserve added at the back. Semi Finals are 22 car races, 20 laps, run before the meeting, with the top 10 qualifying for the World Final. Semi Final points: 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5. Consolation Semi Final: First priority to all members who did not qualify through the Semi Final. Second priority to the remaining members in qualifying points order. Not open to defending World Champion. Consolation Semi Final is 22 car race, 16 laps, run before the meeting, with the top 4 qualifying for the World Final. Consolation Semi Final is not point scoring. World Final: Grid order is Semi Finalists, followed by Consolation Semi Finalists and then defending champion (if seeded onto rear). Pole is decided by a coin toss between the Semi-Final winners (and then the grid alternatives inside/outside behind them). World Final is 24 (or 25) car race, 25 laps, run before the meeting. World Final points: 200, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5. The winner has the option to retire from the meeting, or take only 50 points and continue racing the meeting. The 2020 World Champion is entitled to the gold roof until the 2021 World Final. Good luck to all, please let us know if you will be unable to race your semi final.
  7. Skinpack Deadline: 22/07/20 8pm Members who have previously raced this season without a skin will not be permitted to race any further meetings until a skin has been submitted. Please send the skins via the upload page on the website or on this thread, any skins that are sent via Discord will not be accepted for any skinpacks. - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - If a replica skin is being used then the real drivers name and number (if different) must be replaced with your UKDirt number at least. - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis once on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Skins Received:
  8. Congratulations to Neil Mcferran 910 for becoming the 2020 European champion and well done to Tsjalle 229 for top scoring tonight's meeting. Also well done to all race winners and thanks for the steward assistance Leek and Kane. Results: Heat 1: 325 90 780 121 910 112 691 100 145 445 527 627 5 414 494 355 132 602 Heat 2: 20 229 468 238 183 167 961 474 484 108 598 621 472 300 245 492 272 713 Heat 3: 293 847 454 125 777 143 889 80 653 547 204 464 210 39 497 57 721 193 Heat 4: 143 484 414 889 464 145 121 527 20 183 780 300 445 454 474 602 Heat 5: 90 472 204 229 167 238 112 468 272 5 598 653 57 492 847 210 132 325 713 193 Heat 6: 80 125 777 910 39 100 497 691 245 355 108 961 621 494 293 627 547 721 Heat 7: 472 204 229 464 910 445 20 167 527 293 57 484 245 474 492 210 132 Heat 8: 598 80 691 183 238 143 454 621 121 468 653 961 108 325 474 547 494 193 Heat 9: 125 780 112 5 889 497 777 100 627 145 39 847 355 90 602 8 300 721 713 Heat 10: 454 143 910 468 167 445 108 484 527 691 598 293 125 300 961 414 464 132 193 Heat 11: 229 847 80 355 238 112 100 145 272 653 204 325 492 474 713 497 Heat 12: 121 777 90 39 183 5 20 547 8 472 245 210 889 780 602 494 627 721 Heat 13: 472 910 121 691 145 889 777 527 547 847 961 602 300 210 713 497 Heat 14: 355 112 238 780 293 143 468 414 5 108 8 100 494 90 627 132 272 Heat 15: 229 484 183 598 80 245 167 464 454 474 492 39 125 20 445 653 325 721 193 B-Final: 325 464 547 5 272 492 293 145 108 598 961 474 300 414 445 A-Final: 910 229 889 484 80 238 691 468 777 143 355 780 112 847 90 472 454 20 121 125 183 167 (F1 admins have decided that their is no further actions needed regarding current place finishes) Points: 89 pts 229 Tsjalle 86 pts 910 McFerran 66 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 62 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 58 pts 484 Jack Ward 57 pts 238 Kane_M 43 pts 691 Jakeeey 41 pts 777 HGR 39 pts 143 Cammy 38 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 31 pts 121 Tom_Armstrong 31 pts 112 TomD 30 pts 472 MarkF 28 pts 183 CharlieGuinchard 27 pts 90 LiamB 26 pts 125 ASHNFFC 25 pts 464 LukeD 24 pts 454 Frans 24 pts 780 TREBLE C 24 pts 167 CB 22 pts 5 Sworder 21 pts 293 Badeend 20 pts 325 samhitme 20 pts 20 MilanSonnemans 20 pts 145 SKint 19 pts 847 Castell 18 pts 355 Agrindey 18 pts 598 Green man 17 pts 204 Minitom 15 pts 100 Tomdavison 14 pts 547 Greg Mckenzie 13 pts 39 LeeK 11 pts 414 Winter 11 pts 445 SamWilt 10 pts 272 Eavesy 10 pts 527 fast track 9 pts 497 martinj 8 pts 108 NobbyClarke 7 pts 245 JensonBrickley 5 pts 492 mastermealing 4 pts 474 BeesFanDanny 4 pts 961 sparky 3 pts 621 jouke heddema 3 pts 653 Simpson 2 pts 627 Teuncommandeur 2 pts 8 Tosh 0 pts 132 Huntertwotwoo 0 pts 193 Howie 0 pts 602 Bowl 0 pts 713 Hulley 0 pts 721 Ryan wilson 0 pts 210 Davros 0 pts 494 RohanK 0 pts 300 Mattyaspin 0 pts 57 LittleTheo The replays are here! Messers 59 BC 606 Stannie 614 Sam Critchley
  9. Tonight's format will consist of 5 sets of heats, Euro Final, B-Final and no grand nationals. Please make sure you are in 5 heats and everyone to discord at 8:15pm. Start Time: 8:30pm Heat 1: 59, 132, 325, 602, 90, 121, 355, 414, 445, 494, 627, 780, 5, 145, 606, 100, 112, 527, 910, 691 - server 1 - Steward 527 Heat 2: 190, 245, 713, 721, 20, 108, 272, 472, 474, 492, 598, 961, 167, 300, 621, 183, 468, 484, 229, 238 - server 2 - Steward 238 Heat 3: 193, 464, 547, 80, 125, 204, 210, 293, 454, 497, 614, 847, 143, 653, 8, 39, 57, 777, 889 - server 3 - Steward 39 Heat 4: 59, 190, 464, 602, 20, 121, 414, 445, 454, 474, 614, 780, 143, 145, 300, 8, 183, 484, 527, 889 - server 1 - Steward 527 Heat 5: 132, 193, 325, 713, 90, 204, 210, 272, 472, 492, 598, 847, 5, 167, 653, 57, 112, 468, 229, 238 - server 2 - Steward 238 Heat 6: 245, 547, 721, 80, 108, 125, 293, 355, 494, 497, 627, 961, 606, 621, 39, 100, 777, 910, 691 - server 3 - Steward 39 Heat 7: 132, 245, 464, 20, 204, 210, 293, 445, 472, 474, 492, 614, 167, 606, 57, 484, 527, 910, 229 - server 1 - Steward 527 Heat 8: 59, 193, 325, 547, 80, 108, 121, 272, 454, 494, 598, 961, 143, 621, 653, 100, 183, 468, 238, 691 - server 2 - Steward 238 Heat 9: 190, 602, 713, 721, 90, 125, 355, 414, 497, 627, 780, 847, 5, 145, 300, 8, 39, 112, 777, 889 - server 3 - Steward 39 Heat 10: 132, 193, 464, 721, 108, 125, 293, 414, 445, 454, 598, 961, 143, 167, 300, 468, 484, 527, 910, 691 - server 1 - Steward 527 Heat 11: 59, 190, 325, 713, 80, 204, 272, 355, 474, 492, 497, 847, 145, 606, 653, 57, 100, 112, 229, 238 - server 2 - Steward 238 Heat 12: 245, 547, 602, 20, 90, 121, 210, 472, 494, 614, 627, 780, 5, 621, 8, 39, 183, 777, 889 - server 3 - Steward 39 Heat 13: 59, 547, 602, 713, 121, 210, 272, 472, 497, 614, 847, 961, 143, 145, 300, 527, 777, 910, 691, 889 - server 1 - Steward 527 Heat 14: 132, 190, 245, 90, 108, 204, 293, 355, 414, 494, 627, 780, 5, 606, 8, 100, 112, 468, 238 - server 2 - Steward 238 Heat 15: 193, 325, 464, 721, 20, 80, 125, 445, 454, 474, 492, 598, 167, 621, 653, 39, 57, 183, 484, 229 - server 3 - Steward 39 European Championship Final: B-Final:
  10. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Bookings will only be accepted from the driver wishing to book in, no third party bookings will be accepted. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:  Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
  11. Skinpack Deadline: 15/07/20 8pm Members who have previously raced this season without a skin will not be permitted to race any further meetings until a skin has been submitted. Please send the skins via the upload page on the website or on this thread, any skins that are sent via Discord will not be accepted for any skinpacks. - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - If a replica skin is being used then the real drivers name and number (if different) must be replaced with your UKDirt number at least. - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis once on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Skins Received:
  12. Well done to Cameron 143 winning the meeting final and well done to Teucommandeur 627 for top scoring. Also well done to all race winners and thanks for steward assistance leek & Kane Results: Whites & Yellows 1: 472 80 147 20 121 210 299 598 355 434 847 272 494 Whites & Yellows 2: 627 293 780 108 90 101 474 125 961 325 414 614 492 132 Heat 1: 80 847 434 355 183 229 167 653 527 8 145 293 325 492 614 251 272 Heat 2: 472 691 468 143 147 777 90 39 598 20 494 101 780 998 132 190 Heat 3: 627 783 210 238 121 414 100 108 299 606 474 484 961 125 300 Heat 4: 627 847 492 8 691 145 20 527 100 414 998 614 325 293 108 Heat 5: 121 780 229 147 653 210 434 468 783 39 472 272 606 101 300 132 Heat 6: 494 777 183 355 238 484 80 143 167 299 251 961 125 474 598 Heat 7: 627 229 527 143 606 293 783 121 998 494 125 183 961 108 492 210 Heat 8: 80 100 691 147 484 434 167 39 145 355 474 299 132 101 Heat 9: 238 777 468 653 847 272 20 8 472 780 325 414 251 598 300 614 B-Final: 293 484 606 145 20 272 39 167 998 780 474 414 108 251 961 325 598 300 101 A-Final: 143 627 494 777 8 229 472 691 468 238 147 847 434 527 183 653 121 783 80 210 100 355 GN 1: 627 468 229 527 145 293 355 183 472 20 783 847 100 143 598 300 474 210 132 251 GN 2: 121 494 434 653 39 272 101 238 691 167 780 777 108 414 8 961 325 606 484 Points: 95 pts 627 Teuncommandeur (Upgraded to yellow) 69 pts 494 RohanK (Upgraded to yellow) 67 pts 143 Cammy 63 pts 229 Tsjalle 58 pts 777 HGR 47 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 42 pts 691 Jakeeey 41 pts 8 Tosh 39 pts 121 Tom_Armstrong 36 pts 472 MarkF 34 pts 238 Kane_M 33 pts 434 JordyG 30 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 27 pts 527 fast track 26 pts 145 SKint 25 pts 293 Badeend 24 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 24 pts 847 Castell 23 pts 355 Agrindey 23 pts 39 LeeK 20 pts 147 EddieC 20 pts 272 Eavesy 20 pts 183 CharlieGuinchard 20 pts 484 Jack Ward 17 pts 20 MilanSonnemans 15 pts 167 CB 15 pts 606 Stannie 15 pts 100 Tomdavison 15 pts 783 d_dickson 13 pts 210 Davros 11 pts 780 TREBLE C 8 pts 101 Elz 8 pts 492 mastermealing 6 pts 414 Winter 4 pts 90 LiamB 4 pts 998 Ryanmorgan 3 pts 108 NobbyClarke 3 pts 299 Burnsy 2 pts 598 Green man 0 pts 132 Huntertwotwoo 0 pts 190 WayneP 0 pts 251 Rik_P 0 pts 325 samhitme 0 pts 125 ASHNFFC 0 pts 474 BeesFanDanny 0 pts 614 Sam Critchley 0 pts 961 sparky 0 pts 300 Mattyaspin The replays are here! Messers 4 BigDan 621 jouke heddema 711 JoshWels
  13. Please make sure you are in 3 heats each and everyone to discord at 8:15pm. Start Time: 8:20pm Whites & Yellow 1: 147, 190, 210, 434, 494, 20, 80, 90, 121, 272, 299, 355, 472, 598, 614, 847 server 1 - Steward 527 Whites & Yellow 2: 132, 251, 325, 627, 711, 4, 101, 108, 125, 293, 414, 474, 492, 780, 961 server 2 - Steward 39 Heat 1: 251, 325, 434, 80, 272, 293, 355, 492, 614, 847, 145, 167, 653, 8, 183, 527, 229 - server 1 - Steward 527 Heat 2: 132, 147, 190, 494, 4, 20, 90, 101, 472, 598, 780, 143, 621, 998, 39, 468, 777, 691 - server 2 - Steward 39 Heat 3: 210, 627, 711, 108, 121, 125, 299, 414, 474, 961, 300, 606, 100, 484, 783, 238 - server 3 - Steward 238 Heat 4: 190, 325, 627, 20, 108, 293, 414, 492, 614, 847, 145, 621, 998, 8, 100, 527, 691 - server 1 - Steward 527 Heat 5: 132, 147, 210, 434, 90, 101, 121, 125, 272, 472, 780, 300, 606, 653, 39, 468, 783, 229 - server 2 - Steward 39 Heat 6: 251, 494, 711, 4, 80, 299, 355, 474, 598, 961, 143, 167, 183, 484, 777, 238 - server 3 - Steward 238 Heat 7: 210, 494, 627, 711, 108, 121, 125, 272, 293, 492, 961, 143, 606, 998, 183, 527, 783, 229 - server 1 - Steward 527 Heat 8: 132, 147, 434, 4, 80, 90, 101, 299, 355, 474, 145, 167, 621, 39, 100, 484, 691 - server 2 - Steward 39 Heat 9: 190, 251, 325, 20, 414, 472, 598, 614, 780, 847, 300, 653, 8, 468, 777, 238 - server 3 - Steward 238 Final's: GN's:
  14. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Bookings will only be accepted from the driver wishing to book in, no third party bookings will be accepted. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:  Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
  15. Skinpack Deadline: 01/07/20 8pm Members who have previously raced this season without a skin will not be permitted to race any further meetings until a skin has been submitted. Please send the skins via the upload page on the website or on this thread, any skins that are sent via Discord will not be accepted for any skinpacks. - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - If a replica skin is being used then the real drivers name and number (if different) must be replaced with your UKDirt number at least. - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis once on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Skins Received:
  16. Congratulations to Jake 691 for becoming the 2020 F1 British Champion and top scoring tonights meeting. Also well done to all the race winners and thanks for the steward assistance Leek, Danskin and TomD Results: Heat 1: 420 217 272 229 125 621 889 468 293 777 598 121 527 145 653 606 173 614 51 193 Heat 2: 472 346 691 90 101 39 238 5 8 414 59 204 108 133 107 454 355 208 Heat 3: 236 299 112 100 492 445 494 183 589 167 438 847 324 998 20 190 474 80 497 Heat 4: 492 691 621 133 293 183 889 777 454 121 527 101 606 90 420 324 438 414 614 173 Heat 5: 299 598 167 497 217 107 108 39 5 8 472 20 653 238 355 193 208 Heat 6: 229 236 346 125 589 847 468 445 112 100 204 51 145 272 474 59 190 80 494 Heat 7: 299 472 238 497 621 889 90 51 107 108 100 527 589 59 193 121 598 208 606 998 Heat 8: 691 125 346 229 8 777 454 204 39 445 112 847 20 494 414 217 80 614 173 Heat 9: 236 293 101 5 145 474 653 468 355 183 420 438 167 492 133 324 272 190 Heat 10: 125 8 355 527 468 497 145 889 847 474 51 133 420 414 100 80 Heat 11: 293 101 454 5 238 107 777 229 39 217 167 492 653 20 494 438 193 190 208 445 Heat 12: 472 112 236 691 272 183 204 299 90 998 59 346 121 606 614 598 108 324 Heat 13: 8 598 183 100 101 777 438 474 691 527 494 454 445 847 190 51 145 193 Heat 14: 229 5 293 125 889 80 39 107 346 299 133 90 121 20 355 59 414 Heat 15: 472 589 238 468 497 236 112 217 324 653 167 420 204 492 272 606 108 208 A-Final: 691 299 183 236 472 238 468 777 100 39 8 492 346 889 217 598 229 293 589 101 497 125 112 B-Final: 145 445 107 355 420 272 847 474 167 438 108 454 494 653 90 Points: 86 pts 691 Jakeeey 78 pts 299 Burnsy 77 pts 236 DanSkin 69 pts 472 MarkF 62 pts 183 CharlieGuinchard 51 pts 238 Kane_M 43 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 39 pts 125 ASHNFFC 37 pts 229 Tsjalle 35 pts 293 Badeend 33 pts 777 HGR 29 pts 101 Elz 28 pts 5 Sworder 28 pts 8 Tosh 27 pts 346 CrashleyEngland 25 pts 497 martinj 25 pts 100 Tomdavison 23 pts 107 Evnos 23 pts 112 TomD 22 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 21 pts 39 LeeK 20 pts 145 SKint 19 pts 217 noud colbers 19 pts 272 Eavesy 19 pts 621 Jouke 18 pts 445 SamWilt 18 pts 598 Green man 17 pts 355 Agrindey 17 pts 589 Stijneman 16 pts 420 liamgilbank 16 pts 492 mastermealing 14 pts 454 Frans 13 pts 90 LiamB 12 pts 474 BeesFanDanny 11 pts 167 CB 11 pts 847 Castell 8 pts 527 fast track 7 pts 133 N.Burhenne 7 pts 204 minitom 5 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 5 pts 108 NobbyClarke 5 pts 438 N.Damstra 5 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 4 pts 494 RohanK 3 pts 51 Peet Gommans 2 pts 324 thacks 1 pts 414 Winter 1 pts 998 Ryanmorgan 1 pts 121 Tom_Armstrong 0 pts 59 BC 0 pts 173 NINJAVENOM 0 pts 190 WayneP 0 pts 193 Howie 0 pts 208 Evz 0 pts 614 Sam Critchley 0 pts 20 MilanSonnemans 0 pts 606 Stannie The results are here! Messer 896 Nige
  17. Tonights meeting format will be 5 sets of heats and 2 finals with no grand nationals. Please make sure you are in 5 heats. Everyone to discord for 8:20pm Start Time: 8:30pm Heat 1: 125, 173, 193, 614, 51, 217, 272, 293, 420, 598, 90, 121, 145, 527, 653, 468, 777, 229, 889 - server 1 - Steward 527 Heat 2: 59, 101, 208, 896, 108, 133, 355, 414, 454, 472, 5, 8, 204, 346, 606, 39, 107, 238, 691 - server 2 - Steward 39 Heat 3: 190, 324, 474, 497, 80, 299, 445, 492, 494, 998, 20, 167, 438, 589, 847, 100, 112, 183, 236 - server 3 - Steward 236 Heat 4: 101, 173, 324, 614, 133, 293, 414, 420, 454, 492, 90, 121, 438, 527, 606, 183, 777 691, 889 - server 1 - Steward 527 Heat 5: 193, 208, 497, 896, 108, 217, 299, 355, 472, 598, 5, 8, 20, 167, 653, 39, 107, 238 - server 2 - Steward 39 Heat 6: 59, 125, 190, 474, 51, 80, 272, 445, 494, 998, 145, 204, 346, 589, 847, 100, 112, 468, 229, 236 - server 3 - Steward 236 Heat 7: 59, 193, 208, 497, 51, 108, 299, 472, 598, 998, 90, 121, 527, 589, 606, 100, 107, 238, 889 - server 1 - Steward 527 Heat 8: 125, 173, 614, 896, 80, 217, 414, 445, 454, 494, 8, 20, 204, 346, 847, 39, 112, 777, 229, 691 - server 2 - Steward 39 Heat 9: 101, 190, 324, 474, 133, 272, 293, 355, 420, 492, 5, 145, 167, 438, 653, 183, 468, 236 - server 3 - Steward 236 Heat 10: 125, 474, 497, 51, 80, 133, 355, 414, 420, 8, 145, 527, 589, 847, 100, 468, 889 - server 1 - Steward 527 Heat 11: 101, 190, 193, 208, 217, 293, 445, 454, 492, 494, 5, 20, 167, 438, 653, 39, 107, 777, 229, 238 - server 2 - Steward 39 Heat 12: 59, 173, 324, 614, 896, 108, 272, 299, 472, 598, 998, 90, 121, 204, 346, 606, 112, 183, 236, 691 - server 3 - Steward 236 Heat 13: 173, 190, 193, 474, 51, 445, 454, 494, 598, 998, 8, 145, 438, 527, 847, 100, 183, 777, 691 - server 1 - Steward 527 Heat 14: 59, 125, 614, 896, 80, 133, 293, 299, 355, 414, 5, 20, 90, 121, 346, 39, 107, 229, 889 - server 2 - Steward 39 Heat 15: 101, 208, 324, 497, 108, 217, 272, 420, 472, 492, 167, 204, 589, 606, 653, 112, 468, 236, 238 - server 3 - Steward 236 British Championship Final: B-Final: No Grand Nationals
  18. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Bookings will only be accepted from the driver wishing to book in, no third party bookings will be accepted. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:  Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
  19. Skinpack Deadline: 10/06/20 8pm Members who have previously raced this season without a skin will not be permitted to race any further meetings until a skin has been submitted. Please send the skins via the upload page on the website or on this thread, any skins that are sent via Discord will not be accepted for any skinpacks. - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - If a replica skin is being used then the real drivers name and number (if different) must be replaced with your UKDirt number at least. - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis once on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Skins Received: 37 Trez (Shale Only) 100 Tomdavison (Tarmac Only) 193 Howie 445 SamWilt 484 Jack Ward 494 RohanK (Tarmac Only) 598 Green man (Shale Only) 606 Stannie (Tarmac Only) 614 Sam Critchley (Tarmac Only)
  20. Congratulations to 236 DanSkin for winning the 2020 UK Open and top scoring. Also well done to all race winners and thanks for the steward assistance Leek, DanSkin and TomD. Results: Heat 1: 183 236 589 484 215 494 468 420 167 100 780 121 474 982 961 454 59 173 Heat 2: 5 57 847 229 346 822 37 238 501 39 606 20 293 217 90 445 614 190 Heat 3: 438 889 125 777 8 472 691 414 101 998 145 527 504 355 896 434 210 598 272 Heat 4: 589 236 468 438 145 293 501 272 847 961 420 20 125 822 606 208 504 445 Heat 5: 414 598 691 494 229 108 57 346 8 889 472 780 167 474 39 454 215 896 614 210 Heat 6: 5 484 183 238 777 355 90 100 121 982 217 527 434 998 37 59 190 173 Heat 7: 236 5 614 108 889 982 101 293 145 822 121 780 606 215 961 210 100 190 Heat 8: 454 414 484 468 39 57 691 8 777 472 438 217 501 20 37 59 173 504 598 Heat 9: 420 847 272 346 355 589 229 183 90 238 998 167 125 474 494 434 896 445 527 Heat 10: 236 90 125 346 215 822 598 454 501 37 606 145 494 57 982 210 173 589 Heat 11: 847 8 229 691 293 484 20 39 183 420 504 445 434 414 961 614 896 474 272 167 Heat 12: 101 100 5 238 527 468 889 121 998 777 438 59 780 355 472 217 190 108 Heat 13: 484 100 438 272 889 454 167 236 414 468 293 215 125 494 998 504 896 190 Heat 14: 589 121 420 238 777 445 57 39 346 8 217 90 961 474 108 472 173 101 59 210 Heat 15: 37 847 691 183 822 527 5 229 780 145 434 355 20 501 982 UK Open Final: 236 5 229 238 889 691 589 8 438 777 100 414 822 847 420 346 454 484 272 183 468 B-Final: 20 527 121 982 90 37 614 167 108 494 125 145 101 780 355 293 215 606 472 Points: 91 pts 236 DanSkin 86 pts 5 Sworder 68 pts 229 Tsjalle 60 pts 238 Kane_M 56 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 56 pts 691 Jakeeey 53 pts 589 Stijneman 39 pts 484 Jack Ward 38 pts 847 Castell 36 pts 8 Tosh 35 pts 438 N.Damstra 30 pts 183 CharlieGuinchard 27 pts 777 HGR 25 pts 346 CrashleyEngland 25 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 24 pts 414 Winter 22 pts 420 liamgilbank 22 pts 121 Tom_Armstrong 22 pts 57 LittleTheo 22 pts 100 Tomdavison 21 pts 90 LiamB 20 pts 37 Trez 20 pts 527 fast track 18 pts 272 Eavesy 18 pts 454 Frans 17 pts 822 Roelof 16 pts 101 Elz 16 pts 125 ASHNFFC 14 pts 108 NobbyClarke 14 pts 293 Badeend 14 pts 20 MilanSonnemans 13 pts 494 RohanK 13 pts 598 Green man 13 pts 982 Sploof 13 pts 39 LeeK 12 pts 614 Sam Critchley 12 pts 215 hitman scooby 11 pts 355 Agrindey 9 pts 145 SKint 9 pts 167 CB 8 pts 501 kenneth 6 pts 472 MarkF 5 pts 445 SamWilt 3 pts 998 Ryanmorgan 2 pts 780 TREBLE C 1 pts 961 sparky 0 pts 59 BC 0 pts 173 NINJAVENOM 0 pts 190 WayneP 0 pts 208 Evz 0 pts 896 Nige 0 pts 210 Davros 0 pts 217 noud colbers 0 pts 434 JordyG 0 pts 474 BeesFanDanny 0 pts 504 Charlie Boast 0 pts 606 Stannie The replays are here!
  21. Start Time: 8:30pm Heat 1: 59, 108, 173, 420, 494, 982, 121, 215, 454, 474, 589, 780, 100, 167, 484, 961, 183, 468, 236 - server 1 - Steward 236 Heat 2: 133, 190, 208, 501, 614, 847, 5, 37, 293, 445, 20, 57, 346, 606, 39, 90, 229, 238 - server 2 - Steward 39 Heat 3: 101, 272, 414, 598, 896, 125, 210, 355, 434, 438, 504, 8, 145, 472, 527, 998, 889, 691, 777 - server 3 - Steward 527 Heat 4: 133, 208, 272, 420, 501, 847, 125, 293, 438, 445, 504, 589, 20, 145, 606, 961, 468, 889, 236 - server 1 - Steward 236 Heat 5: 108, 414, 494, 598, 614, 896, 210, 215, 454, 474, 780, 8, 57, 167, 346, 472, 39, 229, 691 - server 2 - Steward 39 Heat 6: 59, 101, 173, 190, 982, 5, 37, 121, 355, 434, 100, 484, 527, 998, 90, 183, 238, 777 - server 3 - Steward 527 Heat 7: 101, 108, 133, 190, 614, 982, 5, 121, 210, 215, 293, 780, 100, 145, 606, 961, 468, 889, 236 - server 1 - Steward 236 Heat 8: 59, 173, 208, 414, 501, 598, 37, 438, 454, 504, 8, 20, 57, 472, 484, 39, 691, 777 - server 2 - Steward 39 Heat 9: 272, 420, 494, 847, 896, 125, 355, 434, 445, 474, 589, 167, 346, 527, 998, 90, 183, 229, 238 - server 3 - Steward 527 Heat 10: 173, 208, 494, 501, 598, 982, 37, 125, 210, 215, 454, 589, 57, 145, 346, 606, 90, 183, 236 - server 1 - Steward 236 Heat 11: 272, 414, 420, 614, 847, 896, 293, 434, 445, 474, 504, 8, 20, 167, 484, 961, 39, 229, 691 - server 2 - Steward 39 Heat 12: 59, 101, 108, 133, 190, 5, 121, 355, 438, 780, 100, 472, 527, 998, 468, 889, 238, 777 - server 3 - Steward 527 Heat 13: 190, 272, 414, 494, 598, 896, 125, 215, 293, 438, 454, 504, 100, 167, 484, 998, 468, 889, 236 - server 1 - Steward 236 Heat 14: 59, 101, 108, 133, 173, 420, 121, 210, 445, 474, 589, 8, 57, 346, 472, 961, 39, 238, 777 - server 2 - Steward 39 Heat 15: 208, 501, 614, 847, 982, 5, 37, 355, 434, 780, 20, 145, 527, 606, 90, 183, 229, 691 - server 3 - Steward 527 UK Open Final: B-Final: No Grand nationals
  22. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Bookings will only be accepted from the driver wishing to book in, no third party bookings will be accepted. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:  Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
  23. Skinpack Deadline: 20/05/20 8pm Members who have previously raced this season without a skin will not be permitted to race any further meetings until a skin has been submitted. Please send the skins via the upload page on the website or on this thread, any skins that are sent via Discord will not be accepted for any skinpacks. - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - If a replica skin is being used then the real drivers name and number (if different) must be replaced with your UKDirt number at least. - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis once on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Skins Received: 8 Tosh (Tarmac Only) 37 Trez (Shale Only) 57 LittleTheo (Tarmac Only) 59 (White Roof) 107 Evnos (Tarmac Only) 125 ASHNFFC (Tarmac Only) 130 Crazy Craig 160 DurkTerp (Shale Only) 190 WayneP 195 Daniel Peacock 238 Kane (Tarmac Only) 239 L.Smith 277 southy 346 CrashleyEngland 389 Ricoshay 438 N.Damstra 504 Charlie Boast 527 fast track (Shale Only) 598 Green man 614 Sam Critchley 628 Stwarm (Tarmac Only) 847 Castell
  24. Well Done to 183 CharlieGuinchard for winning the meeting final and top scoring with 121 Tom_Armstrong. Well done to all race winners and thanks for steward assistance Wardieee, Leek, Grasser and Danskin. Results: Whites & Yellows 1: 847 299 108 37 780 51 504 494 355 278 982 50 173 Whites & Yellows 2: 598 147 125 5 217 121 414 434 474 272 160 215 293 896 59 210 Heat 1: 484 238 121 293 183 180 454 167 108 847 59 278 145 287 982 215 355 527 989 Heat 2: 229 8 39 691 346 889 37 780 504 51 434 101 160 474 896 100 173 208 Heat 3: 5 57 147 414 998 236 777 90 468 20 299 217 125 494 50 210 614 272 107 Heat 4: 847 691 780 183 468 167 20 180 37 107 108 57 982 59 50 355 208 173 504 Heat 5: 278 527 287 299 90 777 494 145 51 160 8 484 474 125 238 210 989 272 Heat 6: 346 121 889 236 293 229 147 39 5 100 454 606 998 217 414 215 434 101 598 Heat 7: 847 293 183 504 691 90 160 414 57 998 8 147 167 494 180 125 989 896 299 272 Heat 8: 287 215 229 527 37 145 777 20 217 51 474 598 346 278 208 107 173 Heat 9: 121 236 238 484 39 889 101 468 780 100 355 434 5 454 606 982 108 50 210 59 B-Final: 215 100 108 101 8 414 51 468 606 494 20 160 998 504 180 145 37 217 454 434 355 167 A-Final: 183 236 121 5 889 484 229 293 346 147 57 90 691 847 39 777 287 238 780 527 278 GN 1: 121 236 484 355 889 108 468 57 238 147 100 160 217 998 780 896 GN 2: 5 598 183 414 691 167 90 37 494 145 454 180 474 59 989 527 210 215 GN 3: 847 51 229 346 20 39 777 982 293 434 8 101 504 50 208 278 Points: 87 pts 121 Tom_Armstrong - Upgraded to Yellow 87 pts 183 CharlieGuinchard 84 pts 236 DanSkin 67 pts 5 Sworder 60 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 59 pts 229 Tsjalle 58 pts 484 Jack Ward 41 pts 847 Castell 41 pts 293 Badeend 40 pts 346 CrashleyEngland 34 pts 691 Jakeeey 29 pts 414 Winter 27 pts 39 LeeK 26 pts 51 Peet Gommans 22 pts 90 LiamB 22 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 21 pts 238 Kane_M 21 pts 777 HGR 20 pts 108 NobbyClarke 20 pts 20 MilanSonnemans 19 pts 147 EddieC 19 pts 215 hitman scooby 18 pts 287 L Beeson 18 pts 598 Green man 18 pts 37 Trez 18 pts 167 CB 17 pts 57 LittleTheo 16 pts 527 fast track 15 pts 8 Tosh 14 pts 355 Agrindey 13 pts 780 TREBLE C 11 pts 101 Elz 11 pts 100 Tomdavison 10 pts 278 SennaClaes 10 pts 145 SKint 9 pts 494 RohanK 9 pts 504 Charlie Boast 8 pts 180 Wardieee 7 pts 299 Burnsy 7 pts 998 Ryanmorgan 6 pts 982 Sploof 5 pts 160 DurkTerp 4 pts 454 Frans 2 pts 217 noud colbers 2 pts 434 JordyG 2 pts 606 Stannie 1 pts 107 Evnos 0 pts 50 WayneP 0 pts 59 BC 0 pts 173 NINJAVENOM 0 pts 208 Evz 0 pts 272 Eavesy 0 pts 614 Sam Critchley 0 pts 896 Nige 0 pts 989 Fishstick 0 pts 125 ASHNFFC 0 pts 210 Davros 0 pts 438 N.Damstra 0 pts 474 BeesFanDanny The replays are here! Messers 415 EgbertDHL 621 jouke heddema
  25. Whites & Yellows 1: 50, 101, 108, 173, 208, 278, 287, 494, 614, 847, 982, 37, 51, 299, 355, 415, 454, 504, 780 server 1 - Steward 527 Whites & Yellows 2: 59, 121, 147, 160, 272, 414, 598, 896, 989, 5, 125, 210, 215, 217, 293, 434, 438, 474 server 2 - Steward 39 Heat 1: 59, 108, 121, 278, 287, 847, 982, 989, 215, 293, 355, 438, 454, 145, 167, 484, 527, 183, 621, 180, 238 - server 1 - Steward 180 Heat 2: 101, 160, 173, 208, 598, 896, 37, 51, 434, 474, 504, 780, 8, 100, 346, 606, 39, 889, 229, 691 - server 2 - Steward 39 Heat 3: 50, 147, 272, 414, 494, 614, 5, 125, 210, 217, 299, 415, 20, 57, 998, 90, 107, 468, 236, 777 - server 3 - Steward 236 Heat 4: 50, 59, 108, 173, 208, 494, 847, 37, 210, 355, 438, 504, 780, 20, 57, 167, 107, 183, 468, 180, 691 - server 1 - Steward 180 Heat 5: 160, 272, 278, 287, 614, 982, 989, 51, 125, 299, 415, 474, 8, 145, 484, 527, 90, 621, 238, 777 - server 2 - Steward 527 Heat 6: 101, 121, 147, 414, 598, 896, 5, 215, 217, 293, 434, 454, 100, 346, 606, 998, 39, 889, 229, 236 - server 3 - Steward 39 Heat 7: 147, 160, 272, 414, 494, 847, 896, 989, 125, 293, 299, 415, 504, 8, 57, 167, 998, 90, 183, 180, 691 - server 1 - Steward 180 Heat 8: 173, 208, 278, 287, 598, 614, 37, 51, 215, 217, 438, 474, 20, 145, 346, 527, 107, 621, 229, 777 - server 2 - Steward 527 Heat 9: 50, 59, 101, 108, 121, 982, 5, 210, 355, 434, 454, 780, 100, 484, 606, 39, 468, 889, 236, 238 - server 3 - Steward 236 A-Final: B-Final: GN 1: GN 2: GN 3:
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